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新外研版必修一 Unit 1 A new start教学设计 & 教学学案基本信息学科英语年级高一版本及章节新外研版 高中英语必修一学习领域Unit 1 A new start单元学习主题高中生活1.教学依据《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)》明确规定:普通高中英语课程作为一门学习及运用英语语言的课程,与义务教育阶段的课程相衔接,旨在为学生继续学习英语和终身发展打下良好基础。普通高中英语课程强调对学生语言能力、文化意识、思维品质和学习能力的综合培养。也就是说,发展学科核心素养是高中阶段英语学习的方向和目标。2.教学原则整个教学活动遵循“为学而用,在用中学,在学中用,学而能用”的原则,为学生提供语言地道、优美的阅读文章和灵活多样的学习活动,力图使学生逐步获得独立学习和自主学习的能力。3.单元教学内容本单元包含如下教学内容:(1) 背景激活 (Starting out)该板块旨在激活学生们已有的背景知识和语言知识。在本板块,教师把观看视频活动,也就是“看” (viewing) 的活动作为预热和导入,通过视频、文字、图片、问卷调查等多模态语篇,引导学生们积极发表自己的看法和建议,帮助学生们更好地了解本单元主题,即高中生活。(2) 主题理解 (Understanding ideas)该板块通过语篇和阅读活动聚焦核心语言、结构,帮助大家在达成主题理解、实现语言形式与意义深度加工的同时培养文化意识和思维品质。本单元的阅读语篇是一篇日记(My First Day at Senior High),该日记记录了作者高中生活第一天的经历和见闻。(3) 功能运用 (Using language)该板块是对语言技能的综合学习和运用。通过大量的语言实践活动,发展大家的语言技能,为真实生活中的语言交际做好铺垫。• 语法部分采用发现式教学法,用与主题相关的语段呈现语法的语用功能,帮助大家观察、归纳和内化语言应用的规则。本单元的语法重点是复习英语基本

练习和使用展开的,目的在于巩固学深化和生对英语基本句型的理解和掌握。• 词汇
,并使学生能够在真实语境中掌握词汇的语用。• 听
境下的交际能力。(4) 思维
拓) (Developing ideas展该板块为学生提供新的阅读语篇(一篇
学生们前述学习活动的成果r(5) 观点表达 (P。esenting ideas)该板块主
彼此合作,展示个性,充分表达自己对主题思想的理解和认识。(6) 自
我反fl (Re思ection)该板块
反思自己的学习成果,进而认识到自己的进与步不足自主学习的能力。逐步培养,(7) 项
目实践 (Project)该板块提供真实的语
取信息、相互合作、学以致nts4.单元教学目标(1)Enable stude用的能力。 to talk about school clubs(2)Encourage students to exchange ideas with each other(3)Enable students to learn to write a journal entry(4)Enable students to describe their school experiences withproper expressions(5)Enable students to build self-confidence5.单元教学重点与

安排第1课时:Starting Out & Understanding ideas第2课时:Starting Out & Understanding ideas第3课时:Using language (Grammar&Vocabulary)第4课时:Using language (Listening and speaking)第5课时:Developing ideas (Reading)第6课时:Developing ideas (Writing) & Presenting ideas7.学生
评价表(学生可以通过以下几个方面进行自我学习评价 undefined talk about school clubsundefined exchange ideasundefined write a journal entryundefined describe my school)experiencesundefined build self-confidenceTeaching proceduresStep 1: 背景激活Starting OutTeacher’s activity 1 (lead in)First, T introduces the topic by asking thestudents to watch a video. After watching thevideo, T asks the students to answer somequestions about the video and compare theirown school life with the school life showed inthe video.Second, T asks the students to complete thequestionnaire on Page 1 in the textbook, andthen share their answers with the class.Teacher’s activities 2 (learn the new words inthis part)NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS:senior, senior high, curious, impression,Students’ activity1First, Ss watch thevideo and answersome questionsabout the video.Second, Ss finishthe questionnaireon Page 1 in thetextbook andshare theiranswers with theclass.Students’activities 2

新词汇pStep 2 主题理解Understanding ideasTeacher’s activity 1 (Before reading) (lead in)First, T introduces this 的学习和表达。art by asking thestudents to tick what they want to include intheir diary about their first day at senior high(Page 2). Then T asks the students to exchangetheir ideas with the class.Teacher’s activity 2 (While reading) (word study& text analysis)First, T leads the students to learn the newwords and expressions.Second, T analyses the reading passage (MyFirst Day at Senior High).Students’ activity1 (talk anddiscuss)Ss tick what theywant to include intheir diary abouttheir first day atsenior high andexchange theirideas with theclass.Students’ activity2Ss learn the newwords andexpressions andtry to understandthe readingpassage by textanalysis(presented by theteacher) .Students’ activity3Ss finish theexercises on Page4.
campus, tradition, facility, impressiveSs learn the newwords andexpressions in thispart.Intentions:These activities aim at introducing the topic of this unit, arousing Ss’interest in class and helping Ss get to know different kinds of schoollife.活动意图说明:教师通过引入视频观看课,导入本课

结构,从而实现对语篇主题的整体TStep 3: 功能运用Using languageTeacher’s activity1: Grammar(Review: basicsentencestructures)(1)T asks thestudents to doExercise 1 on Page5.(2)理解。 asks thestudents to lookfor moresentences withthese structures inthe readingpassage.(3)T asks thestudents tocomplete Exercise2 on Page 5.Teacher’s activity2: Vocabulary(School clubs)(1)T can introducethe topic of schoolclubs by providingthe students withsome news orStudents’ activity 1: Grammar (Review: basicsentence structures)(1)Students do Exercise 1 on Page 5 and makea summary of the basic sentence structures.(2)Students complete Exercise 2 on Page 5(This can be designed as a writing activity or aspeaking activity).Students’ activity 2: Vocabulary (School clubs)(1)Students learn the words concerning schoolclubs in this unit.(2)Students do Exercise 3 on Page 6.(3)Students do Exercise 4 (a speaking activity)on Page 6.Students’ activity 3: Listening and speaking(Making a plan)(1)Students listen to the conversation and findout the main idea of it(Exercise 5 on Page 7).(2)Students listen to the conversation againand try to grasp the details of it (Exercise 6 onPage 7).(3)Students work in pairs or groups and discussmanaging their time ( a speaking activity).(4)Students work in pairs or groups and try to
Teacher’s activity 3 (After reading) (summary)T asks the students to finish the exercises onPage 5. In this way, the students can have aclear understanding of the reading passage.Intentions:These activities inUnderstanding ideasaim to help Ss grasp thedetails and understand the main idea of the reading passage.活动意图说明:通过语篇和阅读活动,教师能够引导学生在学习过程中,聚焦核心语言和结构。学生

posters of somefamous seniorhighs about schoolclubs. Then T canlead the studentsto learn the wordsconcerning schoolclubs in this unit.(2)T asks thestudents to doExercise 3 on Page6.(3)T asks thestudents to doExercise 4 on Page6.(4)If there isenough time,T canask the studentsdo design a posterof their favoriteschool club.(This isan optionalactivity.)Teacher’s activity3: Listening andspeaking (Makinga plan)(1)T asks thestudents to listento a conversation.(2)T teaches thestudents someskills about how totake notes whilelistening.(3)T asks thestudents to discussand share theirways in timemanagement ( aspeaking activity).(4)T can find somespeeches aboutmake a future plan (For example, a weekendstudy plan, a holiday plan, a short-term plan...)( This can be a speaking activity or a writingactivity).

词汇学同时,。生在第三个环a(M节king a plan),既进行