六年级下册英语教案Unit 3 We are going to travel 第五、六课时_人教(精通).doc
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第五课时一、教学内容:Let’s chant Main scene Let’s try Let’s find out二、教学目标与要求1、能理解并询问他人在过去时间里干了什么事情。2、掌握句型:Did you read books? Yes, I did./ No ,I didn’t.三、教学重点To master the following sentence structures:Did you read books? Yes, I did./ No ,I didn’t.四、教学难点:To master the following sentence structures:Did you read books? Yes, I did./ No ,I didn’t.五、课前准备1、教师准备图片。2、教师准备录音机与磁带。3、教师准备该课时的教学挂图。六、教学过程1、Warm-up(1) Hang-man game ( went to a park, went swimming ,went fishing, went hiking, readbooks)(2) 游戏Bingo(3) Let’s try听对话,选择图片2、Presentation and practiceA.chant (1)教师用课件呈现chant(在课件上出现几幅图片NIGHT PARK JUNE等,然后在YES的地方出现一个人)(2)学生二人小组说唱书本上的chant 第 1 页

(3)学生用手头的卡片自编一个chantB.Let’s talk (1) Listen and do(2) Look and answer(3)Listen and readC.practiceActivity 1.Let’s find out Activity 2 The story of ZoomActivity 3 Guessing4、Consolidation and extension1. 听录音,做活动手册。2. 根据情景编对话。七、板书设计:Did you read books?Yes, I did.\ No, I didn’t.八、教后小结:第六课时一、教学内容:Let’s read Let’s sing story time二、教学目标与要求1.能综合运用动词的过去时。2. 阅读理解故事三、教学重点1 动词过去时的读音及不规则动词的变化2 阅读部分的理解和有限度地再现四、教学难点1 动词过去时的读音及不规则动词的变化2 阅读部分的理解和有限度地再现五、课前准备1、教师准备一幅本课时的教学挂图。第 2 页

at the zoo 2、PresentationA: Activity 1 Memory testing What did you do last weekend? I went shopping. I went shopping and visited grandparents I went shopping and visited grandparents………B: Activity 2 比一比,谁说得最快。(见表格1) 请两个学生上来,背向黑板,教师说出表格中任意一个词组,学生就说出与之对应的词组,败者换其他人,再与胜者比赛,看看全班谁说得最快。C: Text A. 看图跟读课文。B. 教师提示总结:was / walked / studied / read /went /saw / jumped / swam / returnedD: Activity 3 无字的故事书E: Exercises (1)Finish the sentences(2)Number the sentences3 、 Comprehensive activitystory time 1. Two students a group and discuss the story.2. Ask the questions:(1)What did Zoom do on Saturday?(2) What did Zoom do on Sunday?3. Listen and read the story4、Consolidation and extensionMini role-play第 3 页
2、教师准备一台录音机和相关录音带。3、学生准备本课时的单词卡片。六、教学过程1、Warm-upSing the song:

Prepare and act out their stories in roles.七、板书设计:八、教后小结第 4 页