六年级下册英语教案Unit 3 We are going to travel 第三、四课时_人教(精通).doc
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第三课时一、教学内容:Part A Let’s read. Let’s play. Part C Pronunciation二、教学目标与要求1、能听、说、认读Let’s read部分的内容,并完成相应活动。2、能够了解双元音音标/ /、/ /、/ /的音与形,能够读出例词并选择音标与单词和配图正确连线。三、教学重点1)理解短文内容,学会描述自己或询问他人的周末生活。2)was, busy, It was …’s birthday.四、教学难点1)理解短文内容,学会描述自己或询问他人的周末生活。2)was, busy, It was …’s birthday.五、课前准备1、教师准备一幅本课时的教学挂图。2、教师准备一台录音机和相关录音带。3、学生准备本课时的单词卡片。六、教学过程1、Warm-up(1)Let’s sing: The days of the week.(2)Ask and answer: What did you do last weekend? What did you do yesterday?I ( did) …last weekend/ yesterday.2、Preview结合单词卡片复习所学的四会单词,可让学生进行快看快拼的比赛。3、Presentation(1)Let’s learn.第 1 页

从上面的问答中,老师总结并板书呈现:busy, … was busy last weekend.①根据学生的回答,教师可提出更细节性的问题:T: What did you do last Saturday morning/ last Sunday evening…?A: I (did)…last Saturday morning/ last Sunday evening…T 根据学生A的回答,再向其他学生提问:T: What did A do last Saturday morning/ last Sunday evening…?引导学生将第一人称改为相应的第三人称进行回答,并将学生的回答(选择一个)以短语形式填入课前准备好的表格中。见附录。②完成表格后,T 再次重复:A was busy last weekend.③ 根据板书及表格,引导其他学生以:××× was busy last weekend.为开头转述其他同学上周周末的活动。(2)Presentation of the sentences① T: A was busy last weekend. B was busy last weekend. And Wu Yifan was busy last weekend, too.(可用课件展示)② Now, let’s listen to the short passage and answer some questions.( T 可根据段落内容顺序设计问题)A:What did Wu Yifan do Saturday morning?B: Whom did he visit? Why?C: What did they do together?D: What did they do in the evening?E: What did Wu Yifan do Sunday morning? With whom?F: What did Wu Yifan do in the afternoon?③ 听完两遍录音,学生可以同桌讨论并回答问题。如果有不同答案,大家一起讨论,寻求最佳答案。④ 听音跟读,再齐读。第 2 页

⑤ 要求学生独立完成课本中“Finish the sentences”. 再进行组内讨论并校对答案。 1) Let’s playT: Look at the calendar. Today is ( date ).Yesterday was (date).What did you do yesterday?A: I (did) yesterday.2) Activity 1 :滚雪球 Pronunciation(1)听音模仿. 教师要以夸张的口型带学生跟读。(2)认读双元音音标。/ / , / /, / /.说明音标与字母的区别和联系。(3) 拼读单词。老师请学生自己拼读并读给大家听。(4) 读单词,连线。(5) Activity 2: Play basketball4、Consolidation and extension(1)用词组或短句来描述自己爸爸或妈妈上周末的活动情况。(2)完成活动手册相关内容。七、板书设计:Busy… was busy last weekend.八、教后小结:第四课时一、教学内容:Part B Let’s learn Let’s play. Part C Task time Let’s check二、教学目标与要求1、掌握四会词组:went to a park, went swimming, read a book, went fishing, went hiking.第 3 页

2、学会用句型What did you/ (name) do last weekend/ yesterday?I(name) (did) last weekend/ yesterday. Did you….? Yes, I did. 来进行问答并完成Task time的表格。三、教学重点掌握四会词组,并用所学词组和句型进行调查四、教学难点掌握四会词组,并用所学词组和句型进行调查五、课前准备1、教师准备本课时所需的五张词卡及A部分所学单词。2、教师准备录音机和的录音带。六、教学过程1、Warm-up1) Free-talk: T: What day is today? A: Today is… T: What day was yesterday? (强调 yesterday) B: Yesterday/ It was… T: What did you do yesterday? C: I (did)…yesterday. ( 用前几课时已经学的词组)2) Chain-drill:C: I (did)…yesterday. What did you do yesterday?D: I (did)…yesterday. What did you do yesterday?E, F…( ask the teacher)T: I went to a park yesterday.2、Presentation and practicelet’s learn (1)继续Chain-drill,由T 引出并出示新授词组:went hiking.(2)学生已经了解了go 的过去式后, T 边用I went ( 这个动词用动作表示)yesterday.表达自己昨天去做什么了,边做动作.让学生帮老师说出: went swimming, went fishing.第 4 页

搭档Activity 2 我是侦察兵Activity 3 记忆
大挑战3、Task-time1) Pair workA: What did you do last weekend? / Did you …?B: I (did)…/ Yes, I did.2) 在
问答过程中完成书中所示的表格.3) 邀
请几组同学到前面汇报调查结果4、Let’s check1) Ask Ss to describe each picture with the sentence structures of: I (did) yesterday/ last weekend.2) Listen and circle.3) Check the answers.5、 consolidation and extension(1)完成活动手册相应内容。(2)课后继续
交流同桌的周末或前天的活动信息.第 5 页
(3)Ask and answer: A: T ask and Ss answer. B: S1 ask and S2 answer. C: S3 ask and T answer.由此,T 引出新授词组: read a book.(4)自编chant. Chant together.(5)Listen to the tape and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation of: went, read.(6) Reading in 2 parts: T say the phrase loudly, Ss say it lowly; T say the phrase lowly, Ss say it loudly.Practice: 通过各种游戏,操练所学词组Activity 1 找

七、板书设计:went to a park—go to a parkwent hiking—go hikingwent swimming—go swimmingwent fishing—go fishingread a book--read a book八、教后小结:第 6 页