(冀教版)五年级英语上册 Unit 1 Lesson 5 What Do They Like to Do 教案.doc
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冀教版五年级英语上册教案Lesson5:What Do They Like to Do ? 本课通过有关游戏、活动短语的再现,引导学生通过运用句型I like to .和He/Shelikes to .谈论自己及他人的爱好,并能运用所学词汇same、different进行比较。 学情分析: 通过三、四年级英语学习的语言积累,学生们对于本课内容并不是太生疏,在原有知识的基础上进行学习与大量的练习进行巩固,应该能达到灵活运用的效果。 教学目标: 知识目标: (1)把握newspaper这一新词 (2)把握下列句式: I like to . He/She likes to . 能力目标: 学生能够运用所学句式谈论自己及他人的爱好爱好。 情感目标: 培养学生广泛的爱好爱好及大胆使用英语表达的勇气和信心,使其对英语布满浓厚的学习爱好。 教学重难点: 在巩固各种游戏、活动短语的基础上,对句式He/She likes to 动词单三的理解和在具体语言环境中的正确运用。 教学用具:大词卡、调查表、话筒、图片等 教学过程: Step One:Class Opening and Review 1、Greetings: T:Class begins!Hello,boys and girls. S:Hello, Miss Xia ! T:Everybody,please stand up!Let’s sing the greeting song together ,OK? S:OK (设计意图:通过一首轻松愉悦的问候歌将学生引入英语课堂,不仅拉近了师生关系,更为下面的英语学习营造了氛围) 2、Revision (play a game:guess the action) Ask one student to act out the action that the teacher wrote on the cards第 1 页

视觉刺激加大,引起他们的充分留意) 3)Free Talk Station T:I think everyone here have a happy family. What do they like to do inyour family? You can choose any family members you like. You can say :Mymother likes to My uncle likes to ……第 2 页
in advance,the other students try to guess. (The prepared actions are:go for a walk、read books、sing asong、watch TV、play ping—pong、fly a kite、play/work on the computer) After the game,the teacher let the students complete the funny activitiesas many as possible. (设计意图:通过有趣的猜词游戏,使学生们的热情进一步高涨,在加上游戏后的短语补充环节,既实现了相关知识的全面再现,又培养了学生们的发散思维,并为下面的学习做好了充分的知识储备,提供了丰富的语言信息) Step Two:Presentation 1)T:There are so many interesting things to do. I like to watch TV. I liketo fly a kite and I like to read the newspaper.( Teacher does the action) Class,look! What’s this? It’s “newspaper”. Follow me, please! S:“newspaper” T:Now I’m a reporter. What do you like to do? S1 S2 S3 ……分别回答 (设计意图:根据学生认知特点,在适时的语言环境中进行句型的学习和操练,并学会新词“newspaper”。老师以记者的身份出现,学生们很新奇都愿意大胆的运用英语和教师交谈,增强孩子们用英语表达的欲望。) 2)The teacher continues to interview: T:What is your name? S:My name is XXX T:What do you like to do ? S:I like to T:oh,I know. XXX likes to . He/She likes to .Follow me, please! (教师适时板书,将“s”用红粉笔标出) S:He/She likes to . 教师多做几组此类的句型转换,使学生加强对第三人称单数动词变化的理解 (设计意图:红色粉笔对学生的

李明家庭成员的爱好做好了充分预备) T:Now,look at my family. This is my grandfather. He likes to playcheckers. I like to play checkers, too. We are the same. Follow me “same”(教师将其
贴在黑板上) S:
”same” T:This is my mother. She likes to read the newspaper. But I like to watchTV. We are different. Say it please! S:different (设计意图:将单词
放到具体句子中去理解比孤立的学习更有效) Step Three:Practice (investigation) The students try to finish filling the chart in 5 minutes by asking theirfriends “What do you like to do?
” Students can go to find their friends andwrite the answers in the chart. After the activity, they will talk about theircharts. names likes to do something They are . ( the same 、 different ) (设计意图:这是一
口头、笔头及语言表达的能力) Step Four:Textbook We have learnt Li Ming has a big family. Now do you want to know what dothey like to do in Li Ming’s family? OK, let’s learn lesson5: What Do They Liketo Do? Listen to the text carefully, then try to fill in the blanks in your groups. 1) Li Ming’s grandfather likes to 2) Li Ming 、his mother and father like to in the evening. 3)His aunt likes to 第 3 页
S1 S2 S3 ……分别做出回答 (设计意图:学是为了用,学了

带动对这一环节有困难的学生) Step Five:Consolidation and Extension Now we know what they like to do in Li Ming’s family. I want you to be areporter, ask your family members or your friends “what do you like to do?”Make a survey by yourselves. The teacher first gives an example names likes to do something My mother likes to read the newspaper Interview as many as possible , but at least 5 persons. You can finish it athome and talk about with your friends. Next class I will choose the bestreporter who interviewed the most and give a gift. Do you want to get it? OK,try hard! (设计意图:为学生
竞争的意识) Step Six:Class Closing T:I’m sorry to say time is up! Goodbye , my friends!第 4 页
4) Li Ming likes to read .But his cousin likes to watch . They are ( thesame \different ) 5) Li Ming likes to eat . His cousin likes to eat . They are (the same \different) While finishing, the teacher check up the answers. (设计意图:

S:Goodbye,Miss Xia! T:Wish you have a happy time!第 5 页