二年级上英语教案- unit1 My age _深港朗文版.doc
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单元教学设计第一课时一 教学内容 Unit 1 A Look and say 二 教学目标1) 语言知识目标: a. 能学会理解单词: can young old help playb. 扩展单词:Eleven, twelve, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred c. 句型:Can I help you? I’m old. You’re young. Let’s play.(2) 语言技能目标: a. 能根据实际情况和需要,运用句型进行简单的交流和运用。 b. 通过扩展听读儿歌,故事,培养学生的实际语言运用能力 c. 培养学生自主学习技能,掌握合作学习的方法。 d. 利用网络拓展课程资源,培养多元智能和语言综合运用能力(3) 思想情感目标:a)通过本课学习,进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣及参与课堂学习的积极性, 并能进一步提高听说及口语表达的能力。b)通过本课对年龄的认识学习,教育学生养成尊老爱幼的好品德.三 教学策略选择与设计本课学生通过游戏、角色扮演、自主学习、协作学习等各种策略,教师提供英语学习环境和适当的资源,引导并指导学生自主学习,学生能通过多次运用、体验、反思,巩固单词句子的意思,结合学生过去学过的英语知识综合运用,发挥学生的观察力,想象力和创造性,引导学生较熟练地运用单词、句子,编对话等口头表达练习,培养学生的英语听、说能力,使语言真正用于交际。 七 教学过程A. Free talk1Hello, nice to meet you.2How are you? / How are you this morning ?3Are you happy today?第 1 页

young boy? (出示小男孩的图片,加重语气强调新单词young,并解释该词的中文释义.利用单词卡片教新单词) Yes, he is. He is a
young boy.3 Is this a
young girl? (出示小男孩的图片,启发学生回答) Yes, she is. She is a
young girl.4 T: Is this an
old man?( 出示老人的图片,加重语气强调新单词old, 带读,并解释以元音发音开头的单词前须用an,不能用a) Yes, he is. He is an
old man.5 Is this an
old woman?(出示老妇人的图片,启发学生回答) Yes, she is. She is an
old woman.C Practice:1 老师示范自我介绍: Hello! I’m Miss Xu. I’m a reacher.I’m a young women. I’m not olod. I can sing and dance… 鼓励学生轮流介绍自己.2, 老师展示自己的家人照片: This is my mother. She is old. She can walk.This is my father. He is very old. He can’t play.(教授新单词play, 学生跟读) Pair work. 学生利用家庭照片互相介绍家庭成员.3 用PPT展示更多的学生熟悉的人物, 例如:巴金,姚明,赵薇等,.让学生谈论他们的年龄.大小.. This is _________. She is young , She’s pretty. This is _________-. He is old. He is a _______ D Read the text.1 听录音,跟读.2 分角色朗读.E Act the dialogue.[来源:学+科+网]分发头饰,创设情景,让学生扮演不同的角色表演课文对话。Boy: Can I help you?Old man: Yes. I’m old. You are young. Thank you.Old woman: Can I help you?Girl: Yes, please.Boy: Let’s play!Old man: No. I’m old.对学生的表演给予点评, 做出鼓励性评价。.F Homework1 听录音,朗读并背诵A部
分对话。2 根据课文内容自编小对话,下节
课表演.。第 2 页
4Welcome back to school.5Good morning, Glad to meet you. 6Talk about numbers.B Presentation:1 Boys and girls, I have many pictures here. Would you like to have a look?出示人物图片:,并根据图片复习单词:boy, girl, man, woman.2 T: Is this a

确的听说读写词汇 How old…, year, come, OK, all right, come in…2 能正
确的听说读写句型: Hoe old are you? I’m…能灵活地迁移运用: How old ishe/she? He/She is …3 通过对年龄地理解体会时
间飞逝,让学生珍惜现在, 把握未来。四
教学难点: How are you?/How old are you?两
教具准备:FLASH课件,挂图,录音机,人物图片,调查表等七 教学过程A Sing a song: What are you going to be?学习歌
曲中地句型:What are you going to be? I shall be a …B Review1 各小
组到讲台上表演自编对话。老师和学生共同点评。2 复习单词地
拼写:young, old, play, eleven, twelve, twenty, thirty, forty, …c Presentation: FLASH课
件引入:How old are you? I’m one/two/three year(s) old. 学生跟读新单词和句型: How old are you? I’m one/two/three year(s) old. (网络班
的学生可以自主听读学习,时间3分钟)c Practise:1.学生
之间互相询问年龄: A Hi, how are you? B I’m fine, thank you.A Hoe old are you? B I’m seven.(加强How are you?/How old are you 两
一个猜的游戏:出示人物图片,图片背面是他们的年龄,请学生猜How old is he/she? 启发学生用Is he/she six years old? 句型来
猜。猜对的,老师强调: Yes, he/she is. 老师给小
红花奖励,猜错的,老师惋惜的说:No, he/she isn’t . 游戏
继续。板书句型:Is he/she six years old? Yes, he/sheis. No, he/she isn’t D Learn dialogue :出示B部
补充完整第三,四幅图对话。分角色表演对话: E Home work:第 3 页How old are you? How old are you?I’m seven. I’m eight.Ok, come in. All right. Come in.
第二课时一 教学内容 Unit 1 B Say and act二 教学目标: 1能正

分对话。[来源:] 2 朗读
抄写单词,准备默写单词和句型。3 补充
调查结果。第三课时一 教学内容 Unit 1 C Storytime二 教学目标: 1 能正
确的听说读写句型: Hoe old are you? I’m…能灵活地拓展运用: How old ishe/she? He/She is …2 学习更多的
关于生日及场所的词汇:Happy birthday, birthday, cinema, theater,film,museum, library…三 教学策略通过
在这个情景中上让学生扮演角色,生生对话。让学生综合运用所学的英语知识,真实的交际。四 教学重点: 理解课文故事,掌握更多生
日相关的英语词汇和句子。[来源:]五 教学
迁移。How old are you?-----How old is he/she? Are you six years old?------Is he/she six years old?[来源:Zxxk]六 教
图, 自制的单词卡片,录音机 教学课件等。七 教学过程A Sing a song: Happy birthdayB Review: 让学生用英文介绍自己的调
具: 挂
查结果,说说人物与自己的关系以及他们的年龄。C PresentationT: I have a friend. His name is Bobby. Today is his birthday. He is twelve years old .He will go to the zoo. Would you like to go to the zoo with him?S: Yes!T: OK! Let’s go together.出示
野生动物园的挂图, 播放动物园内各种动物的声音和耗子们的喧闹声,老师
穿上制服,组织同学轮流“进园”, 并依次询问年龄,八岁以上的孩子可以入园
。。T: Welcome to our zoo! How old are you?S: I’m seven.T: Sorry, no.T: How old are you?第 4 页
1 听录音,朗读并背诵B部

分对话内容。D Group work更多情景
穿上售票服。邀请一位同学展开对话, 同时在屏幕上展示谈话内容:Ticket seller: Hello. How old are you?Bobby: I’m twelve years old today.. Today is my birthday.Ticket seller: Oh, happy birthday to you. Here’s your ticket.Bobby: Here’s the money. Ticket seller: Have a good time!Bobby: Thank you. 用相同的方法教“在剧院”, “在博
物馆” ,“在图书馆”的对话1 同学们熟读对话内容,
然后以四人小组为单位,扮演角色,生生对话。2 邀请
不同的组上讲台表演,并请同学们点评他们的表演。E Part D Match and draw lines.Show the pupils that they should draw lines from the speech bubble to the person referred to. Complete one with the pupils as an example.H Homework1 Workbook P1 and P52 Read and recite Unit 1 Part C第
四课时一 教学内容 Unit 1 D Say the sound and the words G Listen, number and sing.二 教学重点: 歌
谣:How old are you? How old are you? I’m seven. I’m seven. Ican jump with, I can jump with, My friend Ken, My friend Ken. 儿歌:I can see/ Agreen lychee,/ Above me/ In the tree. 三 教学
难点: 启发学生找出更多含有ee字母组合,并含长元音[i:]的单词四 教学策略综合运用
信心。五 教学过程(壱) 歌
曲热身,复习旧知Song & Greetings :“I am Lily. I am a girl. I am seven. I like dolls.I am Peter. I am a boy. I am six. I like toys.”Ask and answer: How are you? / How old are you? / Are you a young girl/boy? /What are you going to be?…(二)、体验发音, 培养语感1Play the Pupil’s Book Cassette and ask the pupils to listen to the sounds and the words. Pointout the spelling of these sounds.第 5 页
S; I’m nine.T: OK. Come in.听录音,跟读C部

找出更多含有ee字母组合,并含长元音[i:]的单词, 洌:knee, bee, free, queen.(三)教唱
歌谣,激趣引情 。1、教学生
齐唱G部分的歌曲,"How old are you? How old are you? I’m seven. I’mseven. I can jump with, I can jump with, My friend Ken, My friend Ken."…调
节课堂气氛。板书新单词with, 释义并操练。2、看
图并回答提问:What can he/she/they do?。 He/She/They can sing/run/dance.教师通过投影展示图片,学生跟录音学
四) 数字游戏, 简单加法。老师
将数字卡粘在黑板上,组成一个简单的算式,洌:5+1=? 用英��