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小学四年级英语单元练习二Module 2 Activities学校:______________ 姓名:______________ 班别:_______________ 学号:___________听力部分:(40%)一、 根据听到的内容用大写字母编号写出图出现的顺序。(5%)( )( )( )( )( )二、根据听到的内容用“√”画出每个人正在做的事情。(6%)Nameworkingon thecomputerplayingtheguitardoinghouseworkwatchingTVpaintinga picturereading astory-bookBenYongxianSallyJiaminJanetXiaoling三、听读句子,根据句子写出图的英文大写字母编号。(9%)1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. ( )6. ( )四、听录音,将相应答句的大写字母编号写在题目前的括号内。(5%)( )1.A. Yes, I do.B. Yes, I am.C. Yes, I can.( )2.A. Beefsteak.B. No, I’m not.C. Swimming.( )3.A. He’s running.B. She’s singing.C. I’m cooking.( )4.A. He plays football.B. They’re playinggames.C. She swims.第 1 页

( )5.A. Yes, she is.B. They’re playinggames.C. Yes, he does.五、 听录音,看图,判断句子是否与图相符,如相符,请写“√”,否则写“X”。(9%)1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( ) 5. ( )6. ( )六、听短文,指出下面的句子与短文内容是否一致,如一致写“T”,否则写“F”。(5%)( )1.There are three children in Miss White’s family.( )2.David has a sister in the picture and she’s playing chess in thepicture.( )3.David is fourteen years old.( )4.Sally likes listening to the radio very much.( )5.Miss White is good at cooking.笔试部分:(60%)七、请写出动词的-ing形式。(12%)Model: go going1. go __________2. play __________3. listen_________4. write __________5. have__________6. get ___________7. sing __________8. sit ___________9. watch__________10. cook__________11. read___________12. wear__________八、写出下列词组。(9%)1. 打球赛 ____________________2. 假日照片 ____________________3. 做家务 ____________________4. 一张生日卡 ____________________5. 听收音机 ______________________6. 弹吉他 ____________________7. 一本故事书 _______________________8. 一架飞机模型 _____________________9. 在湖里游泳 _______________________九、根据图的内容和首字母的提示将句子补充完整。(10%)1. Tom is l_________ to music.2. The children are s________ in thes_______.第 2 页

3. Mary is c__________ the dinner.4. He is p__________ his g_________.5. Mr. Wang is g__________ now.6. Wendy is p___________ a picture.7. Jimmy is f_________ by the river.8. Carl is w__________ TV at home.十、选出与图相符的句子,把该句子的大写字母编号写在括号内。(8%)( ) 1.A. The girl is singing.B. The girl is dancing.C. The girl is listening to the music.( ) 2.A. The girl is having lunch.B. The girl is having dinner.C. The girl is eating watermelon.( ) 3. A. They’re watching TV.B. They’re playing computer games.C. They’re playing chess.( ) 4. A. The girl is reading a book.B. The girl is painting a picture.C. The girl is writing a letter.十一、选择正确的答案填空、。(10%)( ) 1.The children usually __________ football after school.A. playB. playingC. doing( ) 2.Jill is swimming __________ the lake.第 3 页

A. onB. atC. in( ) 3.What are the children doing ____________?A. there outB. out thereC. in there( ) 4. My sister likes listening _____________ music.A. toB. onC. in( ) 5.The boys are ___________ chess in their classroom.A. play B. playingC. doing( ) 6.How many __________ are there in the playground?A. manB. pupilsC. lady( ) 7.Lunch is not ready _____________.A. stillB. reallyC. yet( ) 8. A: _________ you having your breakfast, Lming?B: Yes, I ___________.A. Am, doB. Do, amC. Are, am( ) 9.My father often works _________ the computer from 8:00.A. toB. onC. in( ) 10.We enjoy ___________.A. fishB. fishingC. fishes十二、用方框内所给的词填空,每词只能用一次。(5%)working, still, dinner, coming, ready, let’s, listening, all, cooking, yetDaughter: Mum, I’m __________ back home. Is dinner __________?Mum: Sorry, not __________. Are you ___________ hungry?Daughter: Yes, I am. M…… it’s really nice. What are you __________ now?Mum: Fish, your favourite. Dear, are you __________ on the computer now?Daughter: No, I’m __________ to music now.Mum: Oh, we’re hungry. __________ have our __________.Daughter: __________ right.十三、阅读短文,判断问题与短文内容是否一致,一致的写“T”,不一致的写“F”。(6%)Today is Jessica’s birthday. There’re many people in her house. They arereally having fun. Look, her friends are playing party games in the garden. Herparents are making the birthday cake and the party food in the kitchen. Herlittle brother is painting a picture for her. Jessica is taking photos for themhappily(高兴地).( ) 1.Jessica’s friends are dating birthday cake in the garden.( ) 2.Jessica’s little brother is making the birthday cake.( ) 3. Jessica’s parents are not in the garden.( ) 4.Jessica is very happy.第 4 页