三年级上册英语教案-Unit 5 This is my family 湘少版(三起).doc
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Unit 5 This is my family【课时安排】2课时【第一课时】【教学目标】1.熟练地介绍家庭成员.2.熟悉和掌握新单词.【教学重难点】较熟练地介绍家庭成员.【教学过程】I.Greeting.II.Revision.Revise the alphabet Aa— Pp.III.Presentation.1.Teach the alphabet “Qq Rr Ss Tt” and teach the new words.2.Let's learn.Look at the picture, then teach the words of family members: father, mother, sister, brother.Read and recite them.3.Let's listen and say.Listen to the tape and read after it.IV.Practice.Let's read the dialogue in pairs.V.Act.Let's act the dialogue out.【作业布置】Let's copy the new words five times.【第二课时】【教学目标】会读和听懂家庭成员的单词.

【教学重难点】会读和听懂家庭成员的单词.【教学过程】I.Greeting.II.Revision.Revise the alphabet Aa— Tt.III.Revision.Revise the new words.IV.Presentation.Part C: Let's act.Have the students bring some photos of their family members. Then introduce them to the otherstudents using: This is my…Part D: Let's read.Read after the tape. Then ask students to read more times by themselves or in pairs / groups.Ask several pairs or groups to act the dialogue out.Part E: Let's read and draw.Part F: Let's chant.Listen and chant loudly.Part G: Let's have fun.Put a box on the desk, and have the students put their photos of family members into it. Thenthe teacher can take any one of the photos from the box, and ask “Who's he / she?”, then the ownerof the photo answer “He / She is my…”【作业布置】Copy the new words and alphabet.