五年级下册英语课件- UNIT EIGHT Revision LESSON 27|北京版 (共16张PPT).pptx
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Step 1. Lead in 1. What words have you learnt in unit4-7?2. What sentences have you learnt in unit4-7?

Step 2. Do you understand?Tick or cross.

Step 3. Can you talk?Use the sentences like the example.

Step 3. Can you talk?Use the sentences like the example.

Step 4. Can you write?Read and finish the exercises in this part:

Step 5. Can you do?What are the most popular jobs?

Step 6. Can you read and write?

Step 6. Can you read and write?

Step 6. Can you read and write?

Step 6. Can you read and write?Task 1 Tick or cross.

Step 6. Can you read and write?Task 2Choose the right answer for each question.

Step 6. Can you read and write?Task 3Write down the places you visited in your city, how you got there, and tell why you like them.

Step 7. SummaryWhat have you learnt today?

Step 8. HomeworkRevise the structures in the 3 units.

Thank you.