七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Let’s play sports(第2课时)教案 (新版)牛津版.doc
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Unit 2 Let’s play sports!Reading (I)I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. read the passage about Simon’s favourite football player fluently;2. find out some detail information about Li Hua by reading carefully;3. identify the main idea of each paragraph in the passage and sum up how tointroduce one’s favourite player;4. introduce their favourite players by cooperating with the partner.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: player, member, club, in one’s free time, enjoy,hope, dream, come true2. New structures: He is a new member of Huanghe Football Club.He comes from Guangdong.It makes him happy.Li Hua wants to play in the next World Cup.I hope his dream comes true.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty1. Read the passage in different ways;2. Sum up how to introduce one’s favourite player;3. Introduce their favourite players with the passage as a model.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-in1. Tell what the sports are.T: Today we’ll learn reading of Unit 2—My favourite football player. Boys andgirls, do you like doing sports? Here are some pictures of sports. Can you tellme what sports they are?2. Free talk. T: I like football best. What is your favourite sport? Who is your favouriteplayer? Do you know anything about him? Now, work in pairs to make adialogue with your classmate to talk about something about sports. Step 2 Presentation1. Fast reading.Read the passage quickly, and answer the questions.(1) Who is Simon’s favourite player?(2) Why does Simon like him best?2. Detail reading.(1) Read Paragraph 2 and find out the information about Li Hua.Age: _____________Club: ____________Looks: ___________Comes from: _________

Lives in: _________(2) Role-play.Read paragraph 2 again and finish the dialogue between Millie and Simon.Then read the dialogue between Mille and Simon with your partner.(3) Read Paragraph 3and 4 and answer the following questions.a. What does Li Hua do every day?b. What does he do in his free time?c. What is his dream?(4) Read the whole passage and help Millie complete Li Hua’s information.Li Hua is Simon’s ________ football star.Li Hua is a new ________ of Huanghe Football Club.Li Hua plays football ________.Li Hua ______ English in his free time.Li Hua also ______ listening to music. It makes him ______.Li Hua has a ______. He wants to play in the ______ World Cup.【设计意图:通过完成不同教学任务,训练学生的阅读方法和速度。在使学生熟悉课文的同时,也为下面让学生介绍自己最喜欢的运动员做好了文本输入。】Step 3 Revision and retell 1. Choose the main idea of each paragraph. (Part B1)T: Look at Part B1 on P21. There are the main ideas of different paragraphs.Can you write the correct paragraph numbers in the blanks? What isParagraph 1 about?2. Introduce Simon’s favourite player.(1) Review the passage by answering the questions.a. Who is Simon’s favourite football player?b. How old is Li Hua?c. Which club is he in? d. How does he look?e. Can he play football very well?f. What does he do in his free time?g. What is Li Hua’s dream?h. What is Simon’s hope?(2) Retell the passage to introduce Simon’s favourite football player in yourown words.【设计意图:展现文章四个段落的段落大意,以问问题的方式帮助学生回顾各个部分的重要内容,最后通过课文内容复述,让学生真正内化课堂内容。】Step 4 Writing 1. Sum up how to introduce one’s favourite player.T: After reading the passage, can you tell me how to introduce your favouriteplayer? What should we talk about in each paragraph?Para 1: Who is he? Why do you like him?Para 2: age; club; living place; looks …Para 3: hobby and interestPara 4: dream

2. Practice writing.T: Here are some sports players. Do you like them? It’s time for all of you tomake a speech to introduce your favourite player. You can work in pairs to getsome help from your partner. Try to use as many sentences as possible. Hereare some useful expressions for you. I would like to introduce my favourite player to you.He/She comes from … He/She looks … He/She plays … very well. He/She is a member of …In his/her free time, he/she …He/She also enjoys …He/She wants to … I hope his/her dream comes true.He/She is my hero.【设计意图:帮助学生回顾文章结构,既为接下来的写作做好结构上的输入,也锻炼了学生的总结能力。通过写作练习,将课本内容过渡至谈论身边的人物,发挥了语言的语用功能。】Step 5 Conclusion T: Boys and girls, as we know, doing sports can make us happy and healthy,so I hope you can enjoy doing sports. Remember sports bring us happinessand fitness! We should love sports, love our lives! 【设计意图:通过书本学习,延伸到学生的生活,对他们的生活态度进行正确引导。】V. Homework1. Write a passage to introduce your favourite player;2. Recite the passage on the textbook.【教学反思】