Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday 教案-2021-2022学年仁爱版英语八年级上册.docx
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Ⅰ Section A的主要教学活动为1a和3。本节课主要是通过Maria和Jane打电话的图片,引导学生复习电话用语和现在进行时,从而引出本课的语法点过去进行时。在现在进行时的基础之上学习过去进行时,可以为学生的学习打下良好的基础。本节课所要呈现的内容有关学生的日常生活如:吃饭、睡觉、看书、学习等。老师们可以根据教学内容,设计模拟真实的情景,让学生在真实情景中习得语言。但是要熟练、正确地使用过去进行时,并能在实际生活中学会用过去进行时谈论所做的事情还是有一定的难度,要求老师们不断创新,尽量将自己的课堂融入到生活之中。. Teaching aims
ⅡKnowledge aims: 1. 能够根据音标正确拼读answer, shower, serve, news, museum等。2. 能根据音标书写以下单词:answer, shower, serve, news, museum和一些有关日常行为的短语如:chat with friends, listen to等。3. 能正确熟练地运用be + doing, 初步学习was/were + doing的用法。 4. 能运用本课所学语言,就过去或现在正在做的事情进行正确的描述。Skill aims:1. 能听懂有关谈论过去和现在所做的事情,听懂电话用语。2. 能正确地使用电话用语,并能在生活中自由谈论自己和他人过去某一时间正在做的事情。3. 能正确朗读课本的文本材料,读懂介绍某个时段在做什么的文章。4. 能用过去进行时正确描绘、书写自己某一天所做的事情。Emotional aims: 培养学生养成尽量多地使用英语表达自己的意思的习惯,将精力和注意力主要放在意思的表达上,明白语言的交际功能。. The key points and difficult points
Ⅲ Key points: 1. 熟练使用电话用语。 2. 学习过去进行时。 3. 学习有关活动的短语。如:chat on line, visit a museum, listen to the news Difficult points: 学习有关活动的短语如,chat on line, visit a museum, listen tothe news并能够将这些短语正确应用于过去进行时之中。 . Learning strategies
Ⅳ1. 上课之前多预习跟活动有关的短语能帮助你熟练was/were+doing的结构。 2. 读文章之前先看看图片提示能让你更好的了解文章的内容。. Teaching aids
Ⅴ Computer multimedia projector, tickets of concert, some cards of famous stars. Teaching procedures
ⅥStep 1 Introduction1. Check students’ homework. Invite one group to show their poster and present it on the platform.2. Give the group a smiling face. Then ask students “What are they doing now?”3. “What are you doing now?” (review present continuous tense)4. Ask students to look at the picture and answer “What are Maria and Jane doing?” Step 2 Presentation1. Finish 1b. Play 1a.Show a question “What was Jane doing at this time yesterday?”Write down the question under the last question.
Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday?Section A. Material analysis

ⅠSection B的主要教学活动为1a和2a。本节课主要通过Jane和Michael之间的对话配合相应的图片,引出过去进行时和表达同意、不同意的句子。was/were + doing
2. Show the picture of 1a again on the screen, and ask students to guess: “What’s the meaning of ‘take a shower’ according to the picture?”3. Teach the new words and phrases “take a shower, answer, hold the line, call sb todo sth”. 4. Play 1a sentence by sentence.5. Ask students to read the passage and underline the structure “was/were + doing”.6. Play 1a the last time.7. Role play. Girls play Maria, boys play Jane while teacher can play Jane’s mother.8. Finish 1c. Show pictures of 1c to students. Ask students to write down the phrases first.9. Provide 3 minutes for students to practice. Step 3 Consolidation1. Ask several pairs to share their conversations.2.Ask students to discuss the structure in groups.3.Finish 2.Teacher emphasizes the structure.4. Show part 2 to students. 5. Play 2.Teach the students that when we listen for the first time, we should get the main ideaand try to remember the answer. 6. Play 2.7. Play 2 for the third time.8. Check the answers together and ask students to underline the form “was/were + doing”.9. Ask students to share their general questions on the blackboard.Step 4 Practice1. Write down “chat, news, museum, roast duck” on the blackboard.2. Check the answers. Make sure students know the meaning of each word.3. Teach the pronunciation by giving the phonetic symbols.4. Ask students to read the example of 3 carefully. And make up a conversation like theexample.5. Invite some volunteers to practice.6. Make sure almost all the students can change the example. Then give a question,“What were you doing at this time yesterday?”7. Give students several minutes to practice.Step 5 Production1. Do a competition.Make a survey. Who is the fastest? Ask students to interview their classmates about “What were you doing at this time yesterday?”2. Evaluate students and give them smiling faces.3. Teacher shows important language points on the computer screen as a summary.(1) Words List: Students have to read and spell the words correctly. (2) Grammar 4. Homework: Prepare Section B after class. Make a conversation about “what were you doing last Sunday?” like 1a. Section B. Material analysis

ⅡKnowledge aims:1. 能根据音标,正确朗读出单词表中的单词:agree, so-so, pleasant, brave,useful。 2. 能在老师的引导下,不断体会易混音的发音差异/l/,/n/,//。读出重音、弱读、 连读和不完全爆破,并了解到不同的读法可以表达不同的意思。 3. 能正确拼读并运用单词表中的单词, 如:agree, so-so, pleasant, brave, useful。 4. 能正确使用过去进行时, was/were +doing以agree, disagree的用法。 5. 能够用was/were 谈论过去某个时段正在发生的事情,能够用不同的方式表示同意或不同意。Skill aims:1. 能听懂就过去某个时段正在发生的事情的阐述以及他人对某个观点的态度。2. 能正确地表达过去某个时段自己或朋友在做什么,以及正确地表达自己的观点。 3. 能正确朗读课本的文本材料,能模仿录音读清楚重音、弱读及连读和不完全爆破。 4. 能用书面形式阐述自己过去某个时段所做的事情,并能够书面表达自己的观点。Emotional aims:通过Harry Potter 的电影,学生能够积极主动地
目,养成从生活中学习英语的习惯。. The key points and difficult points
Ⅲ Key points: 1. 继续
学习was/were + doing的结构。 2. 能够用I agree with you. Just so-so.等表达自己的观点。 3. 复习/l/,/n/,//之间的发音
区别。 Difficult points: 1. 能够用不同的方式表达自己的观点。2. 能够
准确地使用was/were + doing。3. 能
分清易混音的发音差异/l/,/n/,//,并能够正确地读出含有这些音的单词。. Learning strategies
Ⅳ 1. 在
记忆单词的时候,将单词归类整理会大大提高记忆速度如: agree, so-so都是用于表达自己的观点的,pleasant, brave 都属
物。 2. 课
后看看英文电影可以提高词汇量,还能培养语感。 . Teaching aids
Ⅴ Computer multimedia projector, famous star photos. Teaching procedures
ⅥStep 1 Introduction1. Get students ready for learning.2. Check students’ homework. Ask students to perform the conversations about “Whatwere you doing last Sunday?”.3. Ask students to look at the picture and predict “What is the conversation talking
Section B的内容是对Section A的延伸,谈论的内容也从上个话题主要谈论过去某个时间在做什么,扩展到通过学生们熟悉的电影引出表示同意或者不同意的句子。谈论电影、电视剧的话题是学生们最感兴趣的话题之一。但是要学会正确使用不同的方式来表达自己的观点还是有一定的难度,所以在设计这堂课的时候,老师应该紧抓学生的兴趣点,通过采访、问答、编对话、视频、声音等不同形式练习表达情感的句型。. Teaching aims

about?”.4. Ask students to listen to 1a and check whether it’s about Harry Potter.5. The answer is “Yes”. Show a short fragment of “Harry Potter” to praise them.6. Play 1a.Step 2 Presentation1. Encourage students to write the new words and the sentences they can’t understandon the blackboard.2. Ask a volunteer to read and try to translate the new words.3. Praise students and emphasize some points that students didn’t do well. 4. Finish 1b. Play 1a.5. Play 1a sentence by sentence.6. Give students 2 minutes to read 1a by themselves.7. Give students 2 minutes to make a conversation like 1a. Show a calligraphy to make the conversation simple. Step 3 Consolidation1. Invite volunteers to perform the conversation.2. Teacher hides the calligraphy. Leave the answers that the students filled just now. Infact, the answers are the expressions to show agreement and disagreement.3. Show 2a to students. Encourage students to fill in the blanks according to theirmemories.4. Show some statement to students: I think Harry Potter is brave. I think thebackground music of Harry Potter is very beautiful...5. Finish 2b.Show the first picture in 2b. 6. Show the other three pictures to students. Make a competition.Step 4 Practice1. Let students observe the words and sentences in 3a and 3b carefully and try to read themcorrectly. Teacher offers 2 or 3 minutes for the students to pronounce all the words andsentences. 2. Ask volunteers to sum up the rules. Tell students your idea and emphasize thepronunciation. Ask students to consider the following aspects: tongue, teeth, mouth...3. Play 3a and 3b.Emphasize the rules.4. Teacher needs several volunteers to read all the words and sentences bravely.5. Teacher analyzes the structures of the words in a short moment and emphasizes “stress,liaison, weak form and incomplete plosion” are important to help yo