Unit 3 Our Hobbies Topic 2 What sweet music 教案-2021-2022学年仁爱版英语八年级上册.docx
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Ⅰ Section A的主要教学活动为1a和2。本节课主要是通过Jack和Sally的对话,引出本课的语法点:感叹句。这也是本话题的语法点。在本课中学生可以通过Jack 和Sally的对话初步感知感叹句,复习 be going to do 的结构。学会如何向朋友提出邀请。本课涉及到音乐、乐器和明星,同学们会非常感兴趣。教师可以根据教学内容,充分利用学生喜欢探索新鲜事物这一心理特点进行教学。但是要正确使用感叹句,并能在实际生活中熟练应用还是一个难点。这就要求老师们不断创新,利用各种学生们可能感兴趣的方式,如:带一些学生喜欢的明星的旧演唱会门票、明星的海报等完美演绎自己的课堂。. Teaching aims
ⅡKnowledge aims: 1. 能根据音标正确拼读有关乐器的词汇,如violin, drum等和单词表中本课的黑体词如concert,lend等。2. 能正确地拼写violin, drum, concert, hmm, lend, what a pity等。3. 能初步感知感叹句的用法及复习be going to do sth.的用法。 4. 能运用本课所学语言,用感叹句就某个事物表示看法。Skill aims:1. 能在声音或图片的提示下听懂有关乐器的词汇、话题;能听懂别人的邀请。2. 能正确地表述自己的感叹,根据实际情况委婉拒绝或接受朋友的邀请。3. 能正确朗读课本的文本材料,读懂英文海报。4. 能正确地制作一份简单的英文海报,并能将海报的内容用书面的形式进行介绍。Emotional aims: 培养学生爱音乐生活、善于发现生活中的美的能力。. The key points and difficult points
Ⅲ Key points: 1. 复习be going to do 的句型。 2. 初步感知感叹句的用法。 3. 学习有关乐器的词汇。 Difficult points: 掌握感叹句的用法。. Learning strategies
Ⅳ1. 无论课堂内外,听音乐并试着写歌词都能对英语学习带来很大的帮助。 2. 声音和图片都能帮助理解生词和句子。. Teaching aids
Ⅴ Computer multimedia projector. Teaching procedures
ⅥStep 1 Introduction1. Play a song My heart will go on. Encourage students to write down at least onelyric. Tell students “Write down the lyrics is a good way in English learning.”2. Ask students to put their lyrics together.3. Invite a volunteer to sing this song according to their lyrics.4. Ask students who the original singer of this song is. In other words, “Who sings thesong ?”5. Teach the word “singer” and teach the word-formation: sing-singer.6. Introduce something about Celine Dion. Celine Dion is going to give a concert onSunday. But I am very busy on that day. What a pity! Luckily, my friends are going
Topic 2 What sweet music!Section A. Material analysis

ⅠSection B的主要教学活动为1a, 2和3。本节课主要通过Jane和Li Ming之间的对话配合相应的图片,引出跟音乐有关的单词和表达喜好及各自观点的句子。Section B的内容是对Section A的延伸,谈论的内容也从上个话题谈论歌手
there. They can lend the CDs to me. How exciting!Step 2 Presentation1. Finish 1b. After students know the meanings of new words, teacher plays 1a.2. Check the answers. Give smiling faces.3. Play 1a again. Ask students to find out: How to do the answer?4. Play 1a sentence by sentence.5. Read 1a by themselves. Walk around to help someone who can’t read very well.6. Play 1a for the last time.7. Finish 1c. Ask students to read 1a silently and find the expressions which showJack’s and Sally’s feelings. 8. Draw a smiling face for a good feeling and a crying face for a bad feeling.Step 3 Consolidation1. Check the answer by asking “What does Sally think of My heart will go on?”2. Play a sound of piano. Ask students, “What do you think of this music?”3. Play a piece of guitar. And say “ How sweet!”4. Play a sound of violin. Ask students “Where is the sound from?”5. Teach the words “violin, drum”. Ask students to pay attention to “play the erhu”.6. Finish the first part of 2. Show pictures of different musical instruments. Ask students towrite the name of instruments under the pictures.7. Ask students to look at the pictures carefully. And guess the meaning of “instrument”.8. Finish the listening task in 2. Play the conversation. At this time, teach students thatmusic is very beautiful. And musical instruments can bring us joy. Like music , likeour lives.Step 4 Practice1. Tell students “What sweet sound! And how interesting the life is!” Show the posteron page 64 to students. Encourage them to make a conversation similar to 1a.Teacher can say like this, “Here are two posters. You may choose one and yourpartner chooses the other one. Before doing this, I think you should read 1a againand remember that the wh-questions can help you a lot. ”2. Ask students to perform their conversations on the platform. Remind students to payattention to the gestures and intonation.3. Ask students to evaluate each group’s performance. Step 5 Production1. Create a situation to students, “If you are an employee of an ad, company, how doyou make a poster to help your boss earn more money? Make a poster according to1a. If your poster is good enough, you can get something special.”2. Teacher shows important language points on the computer screen as a summary.(1) Words List: Students have to read and spell the words correctly. (2) Grammar Focus:Review: be going to do sth How exciting! What a pity! It sounds beautiful!3. Homework: (1) Prepare Section B after class. (2) Search some information about Celine Dion or other singers on the Internet.Section B. Material analysis

ⅡKnowledge aims:1. 能根据音标,正确朗读出单词表中的单词:folk, rock, classical, jazz等。 2. 能在老师的引导下,读出重音、弱读及连读,并了解不同的读法可以表达不同的含义及情绪。 3. 能正确拼读并运用单词表中的单词, 如:folk, rock, classical, jazz, type,quickly等。 4. 能掌握what, how引导的感叹句。 5. 能谈论就某个观点表示同意或者不同意的话题。Skill aims:1. 能听懂有关表达喜好和谈论音乐的简单对话和陈述。2. 能用感叹句正确地
口头表达自己的情感。 3. 能正确朗读课本的文本材料,能通过弱读或重音表达同一句子的不同意
思。 4. 能用感叹句正确地运用书面表达写出自己和
他人的情感。Emotional aims:通过对Section B的学习,学生能感受到音乐带
满阳光和欢乐的,用积极的态度对待每一件事。. The key points and difficult points
Ⅲ Key points: 1. 学习本课生词、了解不同的音乐类型。 2. 通过本课学习能
够用感叹句表达自己的情感。 3. 复习表示过
去喜好的短语used to do sth.,和表示现在喜欢的单词及短语。 4. /e/ /I/ /2/ 的读音及
区分。 Difficult points: 1. 能
够正确使用感叹句表达自己的情感。2. 表示喜欢和不喜欢的
功能句的表达。. Learning strategies:
Ⅳ1. 通过句子的重音,
突出自己所要表达的意思,可以帮助你说一口地道的英语。2. 课
你了解不同的文化。 . Teaching aids
Ⅴ Computer multimedia projector, famous star photos . Teaching procedures
ⅥStep 1 Introduction1. Get students ready for learning.2. Play a game. Find out who is the person with foresee ability. Ask students to look atthe picture carefully. And predict “What are Jane and Li Ming talking about?”3. Play 1a. Ask students to check whether their prediction is right.4.Combining the picture with the passage, ask students to guess the meanings of “folk”and “jazz”.Step 2 Presentation1. Teacher shows 1a on the screen but there’s no new words.2. Check the answers. And teach new words by classifying them.3. Play 1a again. Ask students to read the title carefully. Pay attention to the key words
Celine Dion的演唱会,扩展到介绍不同类型的音乐及各种音乐特点。音乐、明星的话题是学生们最感兴趣的话题之一。但是要学会用不同的方式表达喜欢不喜欢的话题也是有困难的,所以在设计这堂课的时候,老师应该紧抓学生的兴趣点,通过采访、问答、编对话、视频、声音等不同形式练习表达情感的句型。. Teaching aims

“hobby, used to, now, dislike”.4. Play 1a. Stop when coming up with the key information, and ask students to fill inthe blanks.5. Check the answers and ask students to read 1a together.6. Ask students to read 1a and underline the sentences which can express the feelings.7. Ask students to make a dialogue to express their own feelings about different kindsof music. Remind students to follow 1a and the table in 1c.Step 3 Consolidation1. Ask students to perform on the platform.2. Leave the last group of students on the platform. Ask others, “What kind of musicdoes A like?”3. Teacher asks students, “How many things do you know about pop/jazz/ classicalmusic?”4. Ask student to read Part 2.Try to get some information about different types of music.5. Give students 2 minutes to fill in the blanks. Emphasize the key point “be popularwith”.6. Check the answers. And ask students to find out the key words of each paragraph.7. Ask students to retell the passage according to the key words they underlined.Step 4 Practice1. Ask students to observe the words and sentences in 3a and 3b carefully and try to readthem correctly. Teacher offers 2 or 3 minutes for the students to read all the words andsentences. 2. Ask volunteers to sum up the rules. Teacher gives students some advice and emphasizesthe pronunciation. Ask students to consider the following aspects: tongue, teeth, mouth...3. Play 3a and 3b and emphasize the rules.4. Teacher needs several volunteers to read all the words and sentences bravely.5. Teacher analyzes the structure of the words in a short moment and emphasizes, “Stress