unit3 Playing Together Lesson1 Pass the ball. 北师大版三起三年级上册教案.doc
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Unit3 Playing togetherLesson1 Pass the ball.教学目标 1. 能够理解故事,并模仿故事中人物的语音语调分角色朗读故事; 2. 能够指认、辨别词汇pass, catch, kick和throw,并且结合具体语言情境选用恰当词汇进行简单交流、描述; 3. 能够掌握初步的阅读策略,并且逐步形成良好学习习惯,如:仔细倾听、大胆表达、同伴互助、认真观察、指读等。 教学重点与难点 pass, catch, kick和throw的读音与意义。 教学准备 Word cards 教学流程 Step1. Warm-up 1. Practice greetings. 2. Review the structures This is …. Use the masks. Step 2. Presentation 猜谜游戏。 What’s this? Can you guess? It’s round. It’s black and white. Step 3. Learn the story 1.观察图片。 Look at this picture. Who are they? Can you see a football? Who has the football? Can you come here and point? 2.整体输入。 Let's enjoy a story and then please answer my question. Does Mocky want to play football? They are happy to play football. Can you say the sentence happily? 3.了解细节。

How do they play football? Let’s watch the story again. Look! You can use my ball to answer the question. 4. 逐图讲解。 (1) This is Picture 2. Mocky says, “Pass the ball!” What does Ken say? Can you read it? In the story, what does Mocky do? They pass the ball with feet. We can pass the ball with hands, too. We can pass the ball with hands and feet. Stand up, children. Let’s do it. (2) In this picture, Ann says, “Catch the ball, Mocky!” I’m Ann. Who can be Mocky and do the action? Can you work in pairs? (3) This is Picture 4, what does Mocky want to do? Ken says, “Come on, Mocky. Kick the ball!” With our feet, we can kick the ball. Stand up, children. You’re Mocky. I’m Ken. 5.默读理解。 It's time to read the story silently and think about one question. What will happen then? Can you think about it? 6.指读正音。 Let's listen and read. Please use your finger to point to the words. 7.模仿表演。 It’s time for us to read and show. Let’s do it in groups of 3. Choose a picture. You read the sentences. The others please act it out. 8.分角色朗读。 You know the story very well. Do you want to read it in roles? 9.评价反馈 You can listen and read the story very well. A happy face for you. Great! Step4. Learn to say 1.引入learn to say 教师播放视频前先让学生观察视频的第一面(图片),教师可以根据图片问学生问题,教师有意识地引导到踢球的动作指令中去。接着让学生观看视频,以

检查他们是否猜测正确,加深对动作指令句型的印象。接着教师出示Learn to say 的图片,让学生跟读录音,教师及时纠正学生的语音语调。 2.Make a chant. Step5. Listen and number 1.教师让学生看看下面的图片,都有些什么人物,他们在做什么呢? 2.教师读题目要求,放录音两遍。然后check the answers。 Step 6.Summary 1. 简单了解球类知识 basketball football ping-pong 2.如何说出简单的动作指令或者根据指令做动作。 Pass the ball. Kick the ball. Throw the ball. Catch the ball. Step7. Homework 1. Please read today's dialogue well. 2. Please write down the new phrases you learned today in your exercise books twice each.