unit3 Playing Together Lesson3 Have fun.北师大版三起三年级上册教案.doc
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Unit3 Playing togetherLesson 3 Have fun教学目标:1. 在游戏、活动中能说指令或根据指令做动作。 2. 能了解who is , that is 的缩写形式who’s , that’s。3. 能在图片的提示下朗读表演故事。 教学重点:1.能在活动中运用动作的指令。 2.能分角色朗读或表演故事。 教学难点:运用所学句型表演故事。 教学准备:PPT,CAI,头饰,句子条,磁扣。 教学过程: Steps Teacher activities Ss activities Intentions Greeting and Warming-up 1. Greetings Good morning, nice to meet you. 2. Play CAI, have Ss sing the song together.(Who’s that?) Greetings Sing a song and do actions. 通过歌曲为课堂营造轻松愉快的氛围。 Presentation 1. Show some photos of the Ss and ask “Who’s that?” Look and answer “That’s…” 利用学生照片和人物面具提问引出句型2. Show the masks and ask “Who’s this?” 3. Show the listening exercise on P30, ask questions about the pictures “Who’s this? Who’s that?”

4. Play CAI twice, have the Ss listen and number. 5. Play the third time have Ss listen, repeat together and check the answers. Look and answer “This is…” Look at the pictures and answer.Listen and number. Listen , repeat together and check with teacher. “Who’s that ?””Who’s this?” 通过照片,面具让学生练习句型,更有趣味性 通过识图,听,标序号的练习,提升生的听力能力,引导生形成听得策略。完成练习检测学生的掌握情况。 Game time 1.Review action phrases through“I say you do”. 2. Play “Little gun” with students. 3. Play “Simon says” with the Ss then have Review action phrases. Play the game. 通过“I say you do”的活动复习四个关于球类运动的动作短语。 Show time 1. Play the CAI and let Ss read after it. 2. Let Ss look at the picture and choose A or B 3.Show the main sentences. 4. Act the story with Ss. 5 Help the Ss act in groups. 6 Ss show. Listen, watch and repeat. Look, choose and read. Read the main sentences. Watch and learn to act. Practice the in groups. Group show.复习故事,为表演作准备。 通过选择对话的形式让学生复习短语,或句型。 师生示范表演,为生的小组表演提供模板。小组内排演故事运用目标语言。 Homework

Read the story to your family. Play “Simon says” with your friends. 板书设计: Unit 3 Lesson 3 Have fun Who’s that? That’s Tommy. Girls Who’s this? This is Cathy. Boys Who’s =who is That’s = That is