Unit11 I can Lesson 5 Have a try 北师大版(三起)三年级下册教案.doc
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Unit 11 I canLesson 5 Have a try教学目标1.能够指认和说出动作的名称:read,run,climb,jump,walk, speak;2.能够运用句型Can you...? I can...询问别人或说明自己能做什么;3.能够在图片的帮助下理解故事,能朗读故事中人物的对话。学情分析三年级的学生,由于年龄小,又加上生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、竞赛、画画特别感兴趣。由于三年级学生刚学习句型,有的学生可能说的不好,有的还不敢说,老师针对学生现状,在课堂上尽量以鼓励表扬为主,注重培养学习英语的兴趣,营造英语氛围,鼓励学生开口说英语、特别是给差生创造机会,让他们尝试成功的喜悦。 重点难点教学重点:1.了解故事的主要内容;2.动词read,run,climb,jump,walk, speak。教学难点:1.在情境中理解警示语的意思;2.询问或说明个人能力的句型Can you...? I can...教学过程活动1【导入】:Listen and sing.Step 1:Listen and sing.Listen to the tape and sing together.活动2【讲授】教学过程Step 2:Look and say.1.Look at the pictures, listen to me and ask:What can he do?T:He can run. (show run)Let students repeat run.2.Use the same way to teach:climb,jump,walk, speak.

Step 3:Fill in the blanks.Look at the picture and fill in the blanks. Let students put up hands.Ask who can try?Step 4:Look and read.Look the pictures, and read the sentences after teacher:Can you...? Yes,I can./No,I can’t.Step 5:Work in groups.Let students play the game in groups: one give order and the othersdo action. Then let students act out in class.Step 6:Practice.1. Ask students: Can you...? Students answer: Yes,I can./No,I can’t.2. Students ask and answer in line.3. Students ask and answer in pairs.Step 7: Read the story.1.Students read the story, and fill in the blanks.2.Students read the story after the teacher.3.Students read and act out the story.Step 8:Consolidation.1.根据图片说句子。Let students say the right sentences.2.眼看、脑思、手动。3.精挑细选Homework:Act the story with your partner after class.活动3【活动】Read the storyRead the story.1.Students read the story, and fill in the blanks.2.Students read the story after the teacher.3.Students read and act out the story.活动4【练习】Practice

Practice.1. Ask students: Can you...? Students answer: Yes,I can./No,I can’t.2. Students ask and answer in line.3. Students ask and answer in pairs.活动5【测试】ConsolidationConsolidation.1.根据图片说句子。Let students say the right sentences.2.眼看、脑思、手动。3.精挑细选活动6【作业】Homework:Homework:Act the story with your partner after class.教学反思:不足之处: 1、 对学生的关注不够到位,活动的效果没有顾及全体。上课时关注学生的点不够到位,哪些学生还不会说,不会说哪些,哪些需要再巩固巩固,正因为没有抓到这些点,导致后面的表演环节没有达成教学目标。 2、 课堂灵活性不够,活动的开展按部就班。每堂课由于教授对象的不同都不会有不同的课堂生成和教学效果,根据不同的课堂生成和教学效果,教师应灵活调整教学活动,甚至变换教学流程。在本课中,由于学生基础较弱,在表演环节出现输出困难,对于旧知如:come on, come here, brother, sure等出现认读困难,针对这种情况,我就不应该视而不见地继续进行下一个环节,而应增加一次录音跟读,并就学生掌握不好的词句进行教读,从而帮助学生突