Unit 8 Music Lesson 1 Mochy's Show 北师大版(三起)(1)六年级下册教案.doc
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Unit8 MusicLesson1 Mocky’s show教学目标: 1.能结合插图和录音理解故事主要情节和内容; 2.能朗读故事对话部分,并尝试讲述故事的主要情节; 3.能在故事语境中理解用will来介绍最近的计划或打算的表达法。 教学重点: 理解故事的主要情节,读懂故事叙述文本的内容; 初步运用will来说明自己或比尔最近的计划和打算。 教学难点: 1. 结合连环画叙述文本讲述故事的主要情节; 2. 理解讲来时的概念。 教学内容:一、Get Ready 1.听音乐猜乐器 播放音乐,让学生猜猜是什么乐器? T: Listen ! What instrument is it? 学生回答钢琴,出示钢琴图片,接着问: T:Do you know how to call it in English? S:The piano 引导学生继续听其它音乐,猜乐器,关注the drums,the guitar,the flute等乐器名称。 3. 完成Look and Match部分,让学生把词汇写在相应的照片中。 4. 完成Talk about the picture,观察音乐会节目单,了解哪些人将要在音乐会上演奏、演奏什么乐器,练习对话,互问互答。 T: What will Nancy play in the concert? S: She will play the piano. 二、Enjoy the story 板书题目:Mocky’s show,让学生猜一猜故事内容: What do you want to know about Mocky's show?

出示自学指导(一)时间要求:5分钟 读一读P18故事内容,回答下列问题: 1.When will the concert be held? 2.Where will the concert be held? 3.Who will play at the concert on Children's Day ? 4.What will they play at the concert ? 5.What will Mocky play at the concert ? 解答疑惑: 1.When will the concert be held? — The concert will be held on June 1st. 2.Where will the concert be held? The concert will be held at the school hall. 3.Who will play at the concert on Children's Day ? Ann,Ken and David will play at the concert on Children's Day. 4.What will they play at the concert ? —Ann will play the piano,Ken will play the guitar,David will play the drums. 5.What will Mocky play at the concert? Mocky will play the drums. 出示自学指导(二)时间要求:5分钟 读一读P19故事内容,回答下列问题: 1.The concert will be held,where's David ? 2.What does Mocky want to play ? 3.Can David play tonight? 4.Who will play the drums ? 5.Why Mocky is very happy ? 解答疑惑: 1.The concert will be held,where's David ? —He's not well. 2.What does mocky want to play ?

—Mocky wants to play the drums. 3.Can David play tonight ? —No,he can't. 4.Who will play the drums ? —Mocky will play the drums. 5.Why Mocky is very happy ?—Because he can play the drums. 三、播放故事录音,完整听故事。 1. 跟读故事内容。 2. 模仿对话中人物的语言和神态。 3. 角色扮演,练习朗读对话。 四、根据提示讲述故事内容: Children's Day is coming…… Everybody is excited,Ann will play……Ken will play…… Ken's parents will…… The concert will begin soon,but Ann can't find…… Where is David?…… Can David play tonight?…… Who will play the drums?…… Mocky is very happy because…… 四、总结Will的用法 If I want to say: 我将要写作业。 I will do my homework. 我们会表现很棒! We will be great! 表演马上就要开始了。 The show will begin soon. 五、Show time 请学生上台分角色表演朗读对话。