Unit 9 The Year 2050 Lesson1 Life in 2050. 北师大版(三起)六年级下册教案.doc
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Unit 9 The Year 2050Lesson1 Life in 2050.一、教学目标: 1、通过学习,让学生能够自己独立做练习。提高做题的能力。能够根据上下文 进行猜测,正确的填出所缺的单词。提高学生的记忆单词的能力水平。 2、在听力练习中学生能够根据上下文进行猜测、填空,培养学生听力的策略,提高学生的写作能力同时进行仿写练习。 3、Chant and sing带领学生进入英语学习环境,复习词组和本课的主要句型后,完成听力填空,并进行仿写练习。通过操练、应用等活动,引导学生有意识的将新旧知识结合,积极运用语言进行表达和交流。情感、策略、文化意识目标:通过阅读和作文的学习,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,让学生爱学英语。在学习的过程中培养学生认真审题,重点划批的意识。 二、教学重点: 通过学习让学生理解掌握听力材料的内容,从而根据内容自己进行仿写。 三、教学难点: 个别学生在单词的记忆上还需下功夫,在仿写作文上对一些学困生来说是个难点。重要的是教会学生如何做练习,掌握做练习的技巧。 四、教学用具: 录音机,课件、卡片 五、课时安排: 1课时 六、教学过程: Step 1 Warming-up Step 2 Preview Review the grammar and have the children do some exercise Cars –fly robot—cooking, cleaning driving cars.

Phone—screen TV---huge houses ---in space. Computer---teach Review the words about Unit 9 设计意图: 激发学生的学习兴趣。巩固重点句型,再现课文内容。 Step 3 Presentation Listen and fill in the blanks. 1) First play the tape and have the children try to listen to the Passage and think the words. 2) Play the tape again and have the children fill in the blanks. . 3)Have some students speak out their answers and have the children correct the answer. 4)Check the answer. Complete the sentences by choosing from A,B. or C. 5) Choose the right words and fill in the blanks . 设计意图: 出示课件进行练习,通过把重点的提示词在PPT上进行标注,帮助孩子掌握进一步理解课文内容。 Ask the children look at the form and fill in the form . pair work . 设计意图: 通过两人一组的合作学习提高学生运用语言进行交际的能力。 Step 4 Practice Ask the children write paragraph your own ideas. What will students be like in the year 2050? What will they study at school ? What will they do at home ? Then write about their imagination . Read the sentences about page 37. 设计意图: 在练习的过程中提高学生运用语言进行交际的能力。 Step 5 Homework Read the sentence for twice and remember it . Wri

te the composition for once time . 七、板书设计: Unit 9 Life in the year 2050 Go to the party I like …/ so do I . I don’t like … Neither do I Go swimming Go to the supermarket. Go to the movies. Read a book