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Unit4 Position Lesson 1 The Magic Show 教学设计学情与教材分析该课使用的教材是《北师大版英语》。该课程为五年级上册《Unit4 Position Lesson 1 The Magic Show》。该教材突出的特点就是基于故事教学,通过有趣生动的故事来呈现一个单元学习的主要语言内容。本节课的故事是通过魔术师的魔术表演消失的小兔子,通过Mocky, Ann 和Ken 寻找兔子,观察的过程,学习“Where is the …? It’s on/ in /under/ behind/ in front of….”等句型。在教授过程中,让学生运用已经学的知识和技能主观的观察、思考、推理和判断并理解故事的内容,让学生在教学活动中感受故事内容,从而使学生在相对真实的语言环境中接触,体验和理解语言,积累语言知识,并尝试运用。教学目标(1)学生能够理解故事的情节和内容.(2)学生能够初步体会 “Where is the …? It’s on/ in /under/ behind/ in front of….”在故事情景中表达的意义,认读故事。(3)通过学习,学生能简单的模仿和朗读故事。教学重难点1.读懂故事主要内容,利用插图理解故事主要情节。2.模仿人物对话正确朗读故事。3. 能结合插图理解方位介词的意义。4.能在故事中理解询问和说明物品位置的句型。课时教学目标(1)学生能够理解故事的情节和内容.(2)学生能够初步体会 “Where is the …? It’s on/ in /under/ behind/ in front of….”在故事情景中表达的意义,认读故事。(3)通过学习,学生能简单的模仿和朗读故事。学时重点1.读懂故事主要内容,利用插图理解故事主要情节。2.模仿人物对话正确朗读故事。3. 能结合插图理解方位介词的意义。4.能在故事中理解询问和说明物品位置的句型。学时难点1.在故事中理解询问和说明物品位置的句型和方位词教学活动【导入】Step 1 Warming upLead in and presentation: Greeting with students.T: How are you? Glad to meet you here!Today I bring something here, look , what are they ?

S: Hat, box.T: Where is the box?S: It’s on/in /under/ in front of / behind the hat.【导入】Step 2 Pre-reading魔术表演Guessing game :T: Can you guess? 猜测魔术盒里的物品S: What is in the box?T: An eraser.S: Be-Bo-Lee, Ba-Boo-Lee-Boo.T: What happened? Where is the eraser?S. The eraser is gone. Can you get it back?[设计意图]:教师营造魔术氛围,激发兴趣,渗透魔术师的咒语,为故事学习做好语言、情感和话题上的准备。【讲授】Step 2 While-reading1.借助故事人物进入情境任务一:呈现故事第一副图,听故事。T: Look ,Who is the man ? Who will come to the magic show? Who is Jack partner?S: Jack . / Ann, Ken and Mocky ./ A rabbit.T: Today, Jack will give us a magic show? What happened in the story? Is the rabbit still on the table?S: Watch the story.[设计意图]:该环节预设了问题,让学生对故事有个整体的初步的印象。任务二:解决关键词 “gone/ get it back”T: What happened?S: The rabbit is gone. .T: Can Jack get it back?S: No.T: Where is the rabbit?.[设计意图]:解决关键词“gone/ get it back”并让学生在情景中体会词语的意思。抓住线索展开故事T: Watch the story again, and think about the question “Where is the rabbit? / What do they guess?”S: Watch the story again, and find out answers.[设计意图]:课通过预测问题,让学生整体感知故事。同时根据老师的提问,思考故事中人物的猜测,细化故事的理解。T: What’s Mocky’s guessing?S: It’s in the hat. / It’s under the table.T: What is Ann’s guessing?S: It’s behind the table.T: Can they find rabbit? Who is worried? Why? Where is doing? Where is he looking for the rabbit? Can he find the rabbit? Where is the rabbit ?S: No. The rabbit is under the umbrella with Mocky.[设计意图]:让学生对故事的情节和内容有了深入的了解,并方位介词的运用有了整体的感知。分层次理解故事信息,让学生真正理解故事内容。任务三:学生自主阅读 ,完成相应的正误判断,选择正确回答的练习

顾故事主要情节和内容。1. Retell the story with Ss according to the story map.T: Let review the story together.S: Students review the story with teacher.2. Retell the story.T: Who can come to the front to retell the story?S: Retell the story by story map.[设计意图]:学生回
顾故事主要情景,达到了语言输出的目的。任务三: 表演故事T: Let’s show the story , perform the story in group then show the story.S: Practice in group. [设计意图]:激发学生兴趣,在情景中学生运用语言。【
作业】Step4. Homework1.Retell the story to your friends.2.Show the story after the class
T: Read the story and finish the paper workTrue or falseChoose the right answer. [设计意图]:故事的情况的真伪判断,通过True or False的练习,检测学生对故事内容的理解。【活动】Step3. After-reading任务一 :听音模仿,跟读故事, 完成阅读练习。1. Listen and imitate the story2. Finish the paper work.T: Listen and followS: Follow the story and finish the paper work.[设计意图]:让学生有感情的模仿语音语调,进一步理解故事,培养语感。帮助学生提炼和处理故事中的核心词汇和句型,为学生大量输入后的适量输出提供更多的空间任务二:回