英语 (一年级起点) 一年级下册 Unit 1-2.pdf
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ENGLISH义务教育教科书一年级下册y��6��0�6 �6�4�A�V0�4�C�&�V�(一年级起点)英语全国价格举报电话:12315定价:4.70元

[中 国] 河 北 教 育 出 版 社[加拿大] DC加拿大国际交流中心合作编写ENGLISH义务教育教科书英语一年级下册(一年级起点)

亲爱的同学们,新学期开始了!你们准备好了吗?上学期,我们了解了有关学校、教室、颜色等方面的知识,你们肯定发现自己已经学会了一些最常用的日常英语,还会唱一些英文歌曲,并能用英语说出生活中很多常见的东西,进行一些简单的对话。你一定感到兴奋和自豪吧!这学期我们跟着丹尼、詹妮和李明可以学到哪些新的英语知识,增长哪些英语能力呢?你们都迫不及待了吧?新学期,我们将学习有关自己、家庭成员及熟悉的一些场所等方面的内容。同学们只要积极参与到听听、说说、唱唱和做做的活动中,就一定会发现——学英语真是既容易又有趣!同学们,在英语学习中,你要主动地听,积极地参与,敢于开口,不怕挑战,遇到困难大胆求助。这样,你一定能学好英语! 致 同 学

CONTENTSUnit 1 About Me ·················································1Unit 2 My Family ··············································17Unit 3 My Home ···············································33Unit 4 Places to Go! ········································49Vocabulary ·························································65

1UNIT 1Lessons 1~6About Me

2This is me. My name is Li Ming. I am a boy. I am a student. I like to read. Lesson 1 This Is Me!1Listen and say!

3This is me. My name is Tian Tian.I am a girl. I am a student. I like to play.Make a card.boy girlI like:Name: Li Xiaoping2Let’s do it!

4Lesson 2 How Old Are You?I am ten years old.I am three.How old are you?I am six years old. 1Listen and say!How old are you?

5How old are you?How old are you?Not four, not ve, I am six! I am two.I am nine.How old are you?Let’s play the Card Game!3Let’s play!2Let’s sing!

6Lesson 3 Happy Birthday! Thank you.Today is my birthday. Are you happy?Yes! I am.Happy birthday, Li Ming!1Listen and say!

7Happy birthday to you.Happy birthday, dear Li Ming!Make a birthday card.2Let’s sing!3Let’s do it!Name:How Old: Happy or Sad:Li Ming6

8Lesson 4 In the MorningI go to school in the morning.It’ s eight o’ clock.Time for class.clockLook at the clock. What time is it?1Listen and say!

9In the morning, I go to school!I see my friends,And say, “Hello!”3Let’s chant!8:0010:001:002Let’s do it!What time is it?It’s one o’ clock.

10Lesson 5 In the AfternoonGood afternoon! What time is it?It’s two.1Listen and say!It’s four o’ clock.Time to go home. Yes, it’s time for class. Let’s learn English!

11In the afternoon, I go to school.I learn Chinese.Then I go home!It’s ten in the morning.Make a clock.It’s three in the afternoon.2Let’s chant!3Let’s do it!

12Lesson 6 Play with My Friends!It’s ve o’clock.Time to play!I play with my friends.We jump and run.runjump1Listen and say!

13Can You Guess?Here we go.We jump and run. We play in the park.And we have fun!3Let’s play!2Let’s sing!Jump!Jump!

14How old are you?I am six.What time is it?It’s nine o’clock. We learn English.Unit 1 Review12I can say:I can do:Make a birthday card.Make a clock.

15Card GameWhat Time Is It?Can You Guess?How Old Are You?Happy Birthday!In the Morning In the Afternoon Here We Go!3I can play:I can sing and chant:4

165I can listen and match:ALL DONE!It’s seven o’clock.I go to school in the morning.It’s ve o’clock.I play with my friends.It’s two o’clock.I learn English.It’s four o’clock.I go home.

17UNIT 2Lessons 7~12My Family

18Lesson 7 Danny’s FamilyAListen and say!This is my father.That is my mother.This is me!1Listen and say!

19This is a family. Let’s count and see. How many are there?One, two, three! Draw a family picture!2Let’s chant!3Let’s do it!My father, my mother, and ...

20Lesson 8 Jenny’s FamilyThis is my sister. Her name is Lynn.This is my brother.His name is Bob.This is my family.I love my family.1Listen and say!

21Talk about your family.I love my mother. I love my father.Yes, I do. Yes, I do.And they love me.Yes, they love me too.Let’s play!3Let’s sing!2Let’s do it!

22Lesson 9 Li Ming’s FamilyThis is my father. He is tall.This is my mother. She is short.sonmotherfatherI am tall.I am short.1Listen and say!

23 See my family,See them all.Some are short, And some are tall.Let’s sing!32Let’s play!Tall or Short?She is tall.He is short.

24Lesson 10 Grandpa and Grandma This is my grandpa.He is old.This is my grandma.She is old too.I am young.1Listen and say!

25Lesson 10 Grandpa and Grandma Sing a song for my grandpa. Sing a song, sing a song.Let’s all sing along. Sing a song for my grandma.Sing a song, sing a song.Let’s all sing along.Let’s sing!3He is old. Old or young?2Let’s do it!

26Lesson 11 Aunt, Uncle, CousinWho is she?Who is he?She is my aunt.He is my uncle.1Listen and say!

27My father has a brother.He is my uncle.My mother has a brother.He is my uncle too.My father has a sister.She is my aunt.My aunt has a son.He is my cousin.This is my cousin.Let’s chant!2

28Lesson 12 I Love My Family!This is my family. I love my family. We are a big family.Who is that boy?He is my cousin. 1Listen and say!

29Some families are big.Some families are small.But I love my family, Best of all!Who is this girl?She is my cousin. They are a small family. 2Let’s chant!

30father motherbrothersistermemy familymy grandpamy grandmamy fathermy mothermy auntmy unclemy cousinUnit 2 Review1I can say:2I can draw:

31old short young tall Who is she?Who is he?Who is that boy?Who is this girl?3I can listen and match:4I can ask:

32This Is a FamilyI Love My MotherSee My FamilyA Song for GrandpaMy UnclesBig or Small?5I can sing and chant:ALL DONE!

65VocabularyAabout 关于 (1)along 一起 (10)aunt 姨妈;姑妈 (11)Bbathroom 卫生间 (13)bear 熊 (16)bed 床 (16)bedroom 卧室 (13)best 最好的 (12)big 大的 (12)bike自行车 (22)birthday 生日 (3)Bob 鲍勃(人名) (8)brother 兄;弟 (8)bump 磕碰 (16)bus 公共汽车 (20)but 但是 (12)Ccar 汽车 (20)card 卡片;贺卡 (1)Chinese 汉语;语文 (5)circle 圈出;圈住 (21)class 课 (4)clock 表,钟表 (4)cook 做饭 (17)cousin 堂(表)兄弟(姐妹) (11)Ddear 亲爱的 (3)does 做;干 (17)donut面包圈 (21)Eelephant 大象 (23)English 英语 (5)

66Ffall 掉落,落下 (16)family 家庭 (7)father 父亲,爸爸 (7)for 为;给 (4)Ggrandma奶奶;姥姥 (10)grandpa爷爷;姥爷 (10)great 极好的 (22)Hhas 有 (11)head 头 (16)help 帮助 (21)her 她的 (8)his 他的 (8)home 家 (5)Jjump 跳 (6)Kkitchen 厨房 (13)kite 风筝 (22)Llearn 学;学习 (5)library 图书馆 (19)living room 客厅 (13)love 爱;热爱 (8)Lynn 琳(人名) (8)Mmake 制作 (1)monkey 猴子 (23)mother 母亲,妈妈 (7)Oo’clock ……点钟 (4)off 从(某处)落下 (16)old ……岁的;老的 (2 )orange 橙子;柑橘 (21)Ppark 公园 (19)people 人们 (20)playground 操场;游乐场 (24)Rride 骑;乘 (22)

67role 角色 (21)round 围绕着 (20)run 跑 (6)Sshop 商店 (20)short 矮的;短的 (9)sister 姐;妹 (8)skip rope 跳绳 (24)sleep 睡 (17)slide 滑;滑滑梯 (24)small 小的 (12)some 一些 (9)son 儿子 (9)street 街 (20)sure 肯定;当然 (21)swing 荡秋千;摆动 (24)Ttalk 交谈 (8)tall 高的 (9)teddy bear 玩具熊 (16)them 他们;她们;它们 (9)there 那里;在那里 (19)these 这些 (16)through 通过 (20)tiger 老虎 (23)time 时间 (4)together 一起 (18)town 城镇;城市 (20)toy 玩具 (16)TV 电视 (15)Uuncle 叔叔;舅舅;伯伯 (11)W watch 看;观看 (17)welcome 欢迎 (13)wheel 轮子;车轮 (20)where 哪里;在哪里 (14)who 谁 (11)work 工作;干活 (18)Yyear 年;岁 (2)young 年轻的 (10)Zzoo 动物园 (23)