Unit 3 Body and Feelings单元分课时随堂练习(冀教版七上).doc
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Unit 3 Body and FeelingsLesson 17巩固练习壱.完成下列单词(每空填一个字母)1. f __ __ l 2. ha __ __ y 3. h __ __ d 4. f __ __ t 5. b __ __ y二. 请用英语标出身体各部位的名称三. 连词组句1.feel, happy, you, do _______________? 2. feel, how you, do _______________? 3. feel, yes, happy, I _______________. 4. have, hands, two, I _______________. 5. am, I, sad, too _____________.四.用下列英语句子组成一组对话 1. Yes! I feel happy, too. 2. I’m fine. Thanks. How are you? 3. I feel happy. Do you feel happy? 4. I’m fine,too. How do you feel? 5. Hi, Mary. How are you today?

Lesson 18巩固练习壱.用英语标出下面身体部位的名称弐.找出每组单词中与其它不同类的单词 1. A. cool B. warm C. hot D. tired 2. A. sad B. eye C. mouth D. nose 3. A. hand B. happy C. leg D. head4. A. arm B. foot C. ear D. cool 5. A. happy B. feel C. tired D. sad参.根据下面的图画回答问题 1. How do you feel? 2. Do you feel happy? ______________. ______________. 3. Are you hot? 4. Do you feel tired? ______________. _____________. 5. Are you cold?______________.

Lesson 19巩固练习壱.翻译下列词组 1. 左眼 ___________ 2. 右手 ___________ 3. 左腿 ________ 4. 右臂 ________ 5. 左脚 ________ 6. 右耳 ________弐.连词组句 1. right, in, hand, put, your ___________________. 2. your, hand, right, take, out ____________________. 3. the, pokey, hokey, do ___________________. 4. your, left, foot, in, put ___________________. 5. left, foot, out, take, your ___________________.参.给出下列单词和短语的反义词 1. in ___________ 2. left __________ 3. cold _________ 4. warm ________ 5. put in ________四.在B栏里找出A栏英语句子的正确答语 (A) (B)1. How do you feel? A. Yes, I do.2. Do you feel happy? B. I’m sad, too.3. Are you hot? C. It’s a mouth.4. I’m sad. How do you feel? D. I feel tired.5. What’s this? E. Yes. I’m very hot. Lesson 20巩固练习壱.找出每一组错误的单词,并改正 1. A. toe B. knee C. nose D. shouder 2. A. head B. finger C. stomak D. mouth 3. A. ear B. elbou C. hand D. foot 4. A. eye B. ame C. nose D. finger 5. A. heed B. knees C. shoulder D. mouth弐.用英语标出所指的身体部位

三. 给出下列单词的复数形式 1. head ________ 2. shoulder _____ 3. knee ________ 4. toe _________ 5. finger _______ 6. eye _________ 7. ear _________ 8. mouth _______ 9. nose ________10. elbow ______ 四. 回答下列问题 1. How many eyes do you have? _______________________. 2. How many fingers do you have? _______________________. 3. How many toes do you have? _______________________. 4. How many legs do you have? _______________________. 5. How many hands do you have? ________________________. Lesson 21巩固练习 壱.写出下列单词的反义词1. long _______ 2. big ________ 3. right _______ 4. happy ______5. hot ________ 6. in _________ 7. tall ________ 8. warm ______弐.句型转换例:My hair is long.→I have long hair.1.My hair is short. _____________.2.My eyes are green. _____________.

3.My ears are big. _____________.4.My feet are little _____________.5.My arms are long. _____________.参.根据汉语提示完成下列句子1. His hair is _____(金色的). 2. Her hair is _____(棕色的).3. Jack’s legs are ______(短的). 4. Mary’s eyes are _____(大的).5. Alice’s hat is _______(黄色的).四. 根据所给图画回答下列问题1.Are these shoes small? ____________________. 2. Is ear A big? A. B. ___________________.3. Is eye B small? A. B. ___________________.4. Is hand A big? A. B. ___________________.5. Is arm A short? A. B. ____________________.

Lesson 22巩固练习一. 完成下列单词(每空填一个字母) 1. br __ __ n 2. fr __ __ nd 3. l __ __ k 4. di __ __ erent 5. sh __ __ t二. 用am, is, are填空 1. I ________ a teacher. 2. He ______ sad. 3. She ______happy.4. My eyes ____ black. 5. Your hair ____ shot.三. 句型转换 例:His eyes are brown. → He has brown eyes. 1. Her hair is red. ___________. 2. His eyes are green. ______________. 3. Jack’s legs are short. ________________. 4. Jenny’s arms are long. ________________. 5. Danny’s feet are big. ________________.四. 按照英语描述,找出相应的人物1.John is a boy. He has short, brown hair. A His eyes are blue. 2.David is boy. He has three hairs. B He is green.

3.Anne is a girl. She has long, black hair. C Her eyes are brown. 4.Amy is a girl. She has short, blond hair. D Her eyes are blue. Lesson 23巩固练习壱.完成下列单词,首字母已经给出1. Mary is 1.6 m_____ tall. 2. What’s the m_______?3. I cut my f______. 4. have a h______. 5. My elbow h_____.弐.按照汉语提示完成下列句子1. My ear ______(痛). 2. How are you ______(今天)?3. I have a ________(肚子痛). 4. Stand on your _____(脚).5. She is a ______(护士).参.给出下列问题适当的答语1.Are you tall? ___________.2.How tall are you? ______________.3.How are you today? _________________.4.Are you okay? _________________.5.What’s the matter? _________________.四. 根据图画回答下列问题1. What’s the matter with her? __________________.

2. What the matter with him? _____________________.3. What’s the matter with him? _______________________.4. What’s the matter with him? ________________________. Lesson 24写作练习题目:用英语谈谈你自己的身体结构。解析:要谈论身体结构常常用到动词have,因此掌握动词have的用法很有必要。指路:动词have的用法:(1)动词have的肯定式。在肯定句里,主语是单数第一人称、第二人称和复数各个人称时,have不变。在主语是单数第三人称时,have变为has。例如:I have a book. 我有一本书。You have a book. 你有一本书。We have many books. 我们有很多书。You have many books. 你们有很多书。They have many books. 他们有很多书。Jack has a headache. 杰克头痛。Mary has a stomachache 玛丽肚子痛。. (2)动词have的否定式。在否定句里,主语是单数第一人称、第二人称和复数各个人称时,

have之后加not。Have not 可缩写为haven’t。在主语是单数第三人称时,has之后加not,hasnot 可缩写为hasn’t。例如:I haven’t a book. 我没有一本书。You haven’t a book. 你没有一本书。We haven’t many books. 我们没有很多书。You haven’t many books. 你们没有很多书。They haven’t many books. 他们没有很多书。Jack hasn’t a headache. 杰克不头痛。Mary hasn’t a stomachache 玛丽不肚子痛。. (3)动词have的疑问式及其回答。在动词have的疑问式里,主语是单数第一人称、第二人称和复数各个人称时,主语之前加助动词do, 其肯定回答是: Yes,主语+do。其否定回答是:No, 主语+don’t。在主语是单数第三人称时,一问式是在主语之前加助定词does。其肯定回答是:Yes, 主语+does。其否定回答是:No, 主语+doesn’t。例如: Does he/she have a book? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn’t.范文:I’m a boy. I’m 1.8 metres tall. I have two long arms and two long legs. My two hands andtwo feet are big. My eyes are blue and my nose and mouth are small. Look at my hair. My hairis short and brown. I feel very happy. 参考答案与解析Lesson 17一. 1. ee 2. pp 3. ea 4. oo 5. od二. 左边由上至下arm, leg, foot 右边由上至下head, hand三. 1. Do you feel happy? Do you feel happy? 意思是:“你感到愉快吗?”句中的feel一词是一个连系动词。连系动词本身有一定意义,但不能单独作为语,必须和后面的表语构成“系表结构”一起作谓语。例如:I’m fine. 我身体很好。He is a boy.他是一个男孩。Ifeel happy. 我感到愉快。2. How do you feel? How do you feel? 意思是“你感觉怎麽样?”这一个特殊疑问句。以疑问词开头的疑问句叫做特殊疑问句。例如:What is it? 这是什麽?What colour is it? 这是什麽颜色?What’s your favourite colour? 你最喜欢的颜色是什麽?

注意力t”4. Put your left foot in. 5. Take your left foo。 out.三. 1. out 2. right 3. hot 4. cool 5. take out 四. 1. D 2. A 3. E 4. B 5. CLesson 20一. 1. D shoulder→shoulder 2. C stomak→stomach 3. B elbou→elbow4. B ame→arm 5. A heed→head二. 左边由上至下shoulder, elbow, knee, toe, 右边由上至下stomach, finger三. 1. heads 2. shoulders 3. knees 4. toes 5. fingers 6. eyes 7. ears 8. mouths 9. noses 10. elbows 四. 1. I have two eyes. 2. I have ten fingers.
3. Yes, I feel happy. 4. I have two hands. 5. I am sad, too.四. 5---2---4---3---1Lesson 18一.左边由上至下nose, mouth,右边由上至下eye, ear二. 1.D 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.B三. 1. I’m sad. 2.Yes. I feel happy. 3.Yes. I’m very hot. Are you hot? 意思是“你热吗?”这是一个疑问句的结构?由be动词构成的疑问句,要把be动词提到主语之前。再如:Are you a teacher? 你是个教师吗? 4.Yes. I’m tired. 5.Yes. I’m cold. I’m very col