英语 (一年级起点) 四年级下册 Unit 1-2.pdf
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ENGLISH义务教育教科书四年级下册y��6��0�6 � �4�A�V0�4�C�&�V�(一年级起点)英语全国价格举报电话:12315定价:4.90元

[中 国] 河 北 教 育 出 版 社[加拿大] DC加拿大国际交流中心合作编写ENGLISH义务教育教科书英语(一年级起点)四年级下册

亲爱的同学们,新学期开始啦!这学期,我们将学习如何表述日期和月份、季节和天气,以及如何介绍自己,还会学到我们的祖国及一些英语国家的人文地理知识。同学们,你们喜欢什么节日?你们知道用英语怎么说这些节日吗?你们肯定都喜欢交朋友,你们想向自己的朋友做更多自我介绍吗?你们对我们的祖国了解多少呢?知道哪些说英语的国家呢?想知道他们的首都及名胜吗?那就开始我们这学期的学习吧!在学习中,你们要注意在词语与相应事物之间建立联想,多运用。这样,你们会说和会写的东西就会更多!这套教材每个单元中有一篇故事,都非常有趣。你们要认真读哟!同学们,在英语学习中,你们一定要多参与,遇到问题主动向老师或同学请教,对所学内容及时复习和归纳。相信你们一定能出色地完成学习任务!致 同 学

CONTENTSUnit 1 Days and Months ···············1Unit 2 Seasons ····························17Unit 3 More About Me ···················33Unit 4 Countries We Know ·········49Word List ·········································65Vocabulary ·······································69

1UNIT 1Lessons 1~6Days and Months

21Numbers 1 one  rst 2 two second 3 three third 4 four fourth 5  ve  fth 6 six sixth 7 seven seventh 8 eight eighth 9 nine ninth10 ten tenth11 eleven eleventh12 twelve twelfthLesson 1 First, Second, ThirdLet’s read together.

33Let’s do it!BLet’s sing!2Who is the  rst?Li Ming is the  rst. The girl is the second. The boy in red shorts is the third.This is a race.Read and match.

41Days of the weekWhat day is it?Monday is the fi rst day of the week.Tuesday is the second.Wednesday is the third.Thursday is the fourth.Friday is the fi fth.Saturday is the sixth.Sunday is the seventh.Lesson 2 Days of the WeekLet’s say the daysof the week.It’s Wednesday.What day is it today?2

5BLet’s sing!3Let’s sing!4Let’s play!Spin the wheel.What day is it?4567123It’s Tuesday. It’s the second day of the week.Monday is the  rst day of the week. Then comes Tuesday. Let’s take a peek. Wednesday, then Thursday. I like those days. But Friday is great in so many ways. Saturday is fun. We like to play. Sunday is a time to rest. What do you say?Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,Friday, Saturday, Sunday!

6SeptemberSeptemberSeptember1Months of the yearJanuary FebruaryMarch AprilMay JuneJuly AugustSeptember OctoberNovember December12Lesson 3 Months of the YearLet’s learn the months of the year!Can you say this month in English?Yes. February is the second month of the year.February.What about this month?It’s September.February

7January February2What’s the date?3Let’s chant!January, February, The days are cold. March and April, Warm days come.May and June, We like these months a lot. July and August, Hot, hot, hot! September, October, Cooler days are here. November, December, Twelve months in one year!What’s the date?It’s December 12. It’s March 5.

81NumbersLesson 4 When Is Your Birthday?Let’s read together.13thirteenthirteenth14fourteenfourteenth15 fteen fteenth16sixteensixteenth17seventeenseventeenth18eighteeneighteenth19nineteennineteenth20twentytwentieth21twenty-onetwenty- rst30thirtythirtieth31thirty-onethirty- rst

9Lesson 4 When Is Your Birthday?2When is your birthday?It’s August 19. It’s August 19. It’s August 19. When is your birthday, Li Ming?It’s October 10.Ask and answer.When is your birthday?12When is your birthday?December 17.3Let’s do it!March 31.September 21.When is your father’s birthday?When is your mother’s birthday?

101When is New Year’s Day?January 1 is New Year’s Day.International Workers’ Day is May 1.Teachers’ Day is September 10.When is the Spring Festival?It is in January or February.This is Children’s Day.It is June 1.When is National Day?It is October 1.123456Lesson 5 When Is It?

11When is National Day?It is October 1.2Let’s do it!Ask and answer.Letters and sounds3It’s June 1.When is Children’s Day? where when what why aywhday may play way Sunday yesterday birthday1. May will play when swimming in the bay. 2. Who knows what, where, when and why?Try to readTongue Twisters

12A long time ago, Mr. Moon did not have a birthday. He wanted to find a month for his birthday.“No!” said March. “It is warm and sunny in March.” “I bring spring rain. I help plants grow,” April said.“I come first. I am the best month,” said January. Then February said, “Choose me! The Spring Festival is often in February!” “I bring International Workers’ Day,” said May, the fifth month. “Well, I bring Children’s Day,” said June.1324Lesson 6 Mr. Moon’s BirthdayStory time

13“We are always hot andsunny,” July and August said together. “Choose one of us!”“We are the cold months. We bring snow. It’s fun to play in the snow on your birthday!” said November and December.Then September said, “I make the weather nice and cool. Choose me, please!” “Wait! I change the colours of the leaves,” said October.“Hmm… I know what to do! I will have a birthday every month! Once a month, I will become big and round. Everyone will know it’s my birthday.”5768What month does Mr. Moon choose for his birthday? Act out the story. Think and Actchoose 选择 bring 带来 change 改变 leaves 树叶

142Match and sayUnit 1 Review1Listen and tick12JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecembersixthfirstsecondninthfourththirdeleventhseventheighthtwelfthtenthfifth

154Look and write1. When is your birthday? My birthday is ________ ________.2. ________ ________ is Teachers’ Day.3. August is the ________ month of the year.4. Children’s Day is _______ _______.5. ________ ________ is New Year’s Day.6. The boy in red shorts is the ________.3Read and number1. What day is it today? It’s Saturday.2. Today is May 1. It’s International Workers’ Day.3. The Spring Festival is in January or February.4. When is Children’s Day? June 1.5. This is National Day. It is October 1.Saturday

16SpeakingReadingWritingListeningAt schoolAt homeTotal starsI am...A10 ~12B7~ 9C1~ 616How am I doing?Words: first second third fifth eighth ninth twelfth today March April May June July August month say whenSentences:What day is it today? It’s Wednesday.What’s the date? It’s December 12.When is your birthday? It’s August 19.When is National Day? It is October 1.Key words and sentences5

17UNIT 2Lessons 7~12Seasons

181SeasonswintersummerspringautumnIt’s warm in spring.It’s cool in autumn.It’s hot in summer.It’s cold in winter.Lesson 7 Seasons of the Year

192Seasons in my cityHi. My name is Zheng Hui. I’m from China. In my city, summer is from June to August. It’s very hot in summer. Winter is from November to January. It’s very cold.In our city, summer is from…In our city, spring is from… It’s warm.Talk about the four seasons in your city.3Let’s do it!Hi. I’m Sarah. I’m from Australia. In my city, summer is from November to January. And winter is from June to August. It is different from China.

201What is it?Lesson 8 Sun and RainThis is the sun.The sun is hot.Look! This is a strong wind.This is a cloud and rain. It is a heavy rain.This is snow. It is cold and white.

21BLet’s sing!2Let’s sing!Find and write.What words can you find?3Let’s play!O K W I N D I AL A H O T A N LG T H E D S U NC I S U R G R ED J A S N O W SJ R F I M K G MU R L C S I V NF W W I N T E RJanuary, February, one and two. I like to play in the snow with you. March, April, three and four. Clouds and rain. Close the door! May, June, ve and six. Flowers bloom for us to look.July, August, seven and eight. Here’s the beach. The sun is great! September, October, nine and ten. Leaves and wind, school and friends. November, December, the year is done! Let’s sing again from number one!123456

221Sunny and rainyThis is a snowy day.It’s cloudy.It’s rainy.It’s windy.This is a sunny day.13245Do you likerainy days?Yes, I like rainy days.Lesson 9 How’s the Weather?44

23Let’s play!2How’s the weather today?1324KunmingLhasaSanyaHarbinBeijingCityWeatherHow’s the weather in Beijing?It’s…What’s the date today, Li Ming?How’s the weather in Hong Kong?How’s the weather in Changchun?How’s the weather today?It’s warm and windy.It’s March 12.It’s cold and snowy.It’s hot and sunny.3Let’s do it!Look and talk.

241What do we do in the four seasons?In summer, it’s sunny and hot. We put on our shorts and T-shirts. We swim in the sea. In spring, it’s nice and warm. We take off our winter coats.We plant trees. Lesson 10 Seasons and WeatherIt’s snowy and cold in winter. We wear our winter coats. We play in the snow. It’s windy and cool in autumn.We wear our sweaters. We fly kites in the park.

252What season do you like?3Let’s do it!What season do you like, Jenny?What do you do in summer?I go swimming.play in the snowswimplant trees  y a kite I like summer.Look, write and talk.I _________________ in summe