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U6词组、知识点梳理一.词组1. keep our city clean保持我们的城市整洁2. Look at these pictures of our city 看看我们城市的图片3. Is our city clean ?我们的城市整洁吗?4. What makes our city dirty ? 什么使我们的城市变脏呢? make our city dirty 使我们的城市变脏5. smoke from cars 汽车尾气6. make the air dirty 使空气变脏7. black smoke from factories来自工厂的黑烟第 1 页

8. Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty 垃圾使街道脏而乱 9. The river is dirty 河流是脏的10. rubbish in the water水里的垃圾11. There’s rubbish in the water and the fish are dead. 有一些垃圾在水里导致鱼死了。12. What can we do to keep our city clean? 我们做些什么来保持我们的城市整洁呢?13. take the bus and the metro to school 乘公交和地铁上学14. walk to school 步行上学go to school on foot步行上学15. move some factories away from our city把一些工厂搬离我们的城市16. put rubbish in the bin把垃圾放进垃圾箱里17. plant more trees种更多的树第 2 页

18. help keep the air clean 帮助净化空气19. Your ideas are great.你们的主意真棒。20.Well done,class! 干得好,同学们!21.What makes the air dirty ? 什么使空气变脏呢? smoke makes the air dirty.烟雾使空气变脏22. What makes the streets messy and dirty ? 什么使街道脏而乱Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty 垃圾使街道脏而乱23.What can we do to keep our city clean? 我们做些什么来保持我们的城市整洁呢?第 3 页

We can take the bus and the metro to school 我们可以乘公交和地铁上学We can walk to school 我们可以步行上学We can move some factories away from our city我们可以把一些工厂搬离我们的城市We can put rubbish in the bin我们可以把垃圾放进垃圾箱里We can plant more trees我们可以种更多的树24.What can we do to keep our school clean? 我们做些什么来保持我们的校园整洁呢?25.put rubbish in the bin把垃圾放进垃圾箱里26. sweep the floor扫地27.clean the desks and chairs 擦课桌椅 第 4 页

pick up the waste paper 捡起废纸clean the classroom 打扫教室clean the blackboard 擦黑板clean the windows 擦窗户plant more trees 种更多的树28.throw rubbish on the floor把垃圾扔在地上29.put my rubbish in the bin 把我的垃圾放进垃圾箱里30. keep our city clean 保持我们的城市整洁31.put our rubbish in the bin 把我们的垃圾放进垃圾箱里32. two little blackbirds两只小画眉33. sit on the hill坐在山上第 5 页

34. fly away 飞走35. come back 回来 36. walk home步行回家 go home on foot步行回家37. after school放学后38. like living in the city 喜欢住在城市里39.many museums,shops and cinemas 许多博物馆,商店和电影院40. clean and beautiful 干净而美丽41. throw a banana skin on the ground 把香蕉皮扔在地上42. like eating bananas喜欢吃香蕉43. You shouldn’t do that !你不应该那么做第 6 页

44. pick it up 捡起它45. It makes the street messy它使街道变脏46. It is too late. 太迟了47. slip on the banana skin被香蕉皮滑倒48. go to hospital去医院49. You should put your rubbish in the bin. 你应该把垃圾放进垃圾箱里50. The clothes make the bed messy. 衣服使床上乱七八糟的51. The toys make the floor messy. 玩具使地板上乱七八糟的52. Rubbish makes the park dirty and messy .垃圾使公园脏而乱53. To keep the park clean ,we can put the rubbish in the bin.为了保持公园整洁,我们可以把垃圾放进垃圾箱里。第 7 页

54. The classroom is dirty and messy . 教室脏而乱55. To keep it clean ,we can sweep the floor. 为了保持教室整洁,我们可以打扫地板(扫地)。56. We can clean the desks and chairs. 我们可以擦课桌和椅子。57. To keep the air clean ,we can move some factories away from the city. 为了保持空气清新,我们可以把一些工厂搬离我们的城市第 8 页