七年级英语 人教版下册Unit 3 How do you get to school学案.docx
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v. 骑 . 旅程dniverv. 开车live
v. 居住cross .v 横过;越过第 1 页
七年级英语 人教版下册Unit 3 How do you get to school?一、学习目标1. 学习如何到达某地,掌握句型:—How do you get to school?—I walk.—How does Mary get to school?—She takes the subway.2. 能谈论去某地的方式、距离、花费的时间。二、重点、难点重点:1. 单词:ride, hundred, drive, live, cross, many, villager, afraid, like, leave,dream2. 短语:take the subway, every day, think of, one 11-year-old boy,between… and…, come true3. 句型:1)How far is it from your home to school? 从你家到学校多远?2)How long does it take you to get to school? 到达学校花费你多长时间?3)Mary wants to know what he thinks of the trip. 玛丽想知道他对这次旅行的看法。4)For many students, it is easy to get to school. 对许多学生来说,到校很容易。5)There is a big river between their school and the village.在他们的学校和村庄之间有一条大河。难点:How引导的特殊疑问句。 一、单词领读ride

v. 离开dream . v做梦n. 梦想;睡梦many
dj. & pron. 许多afraidaadj. 害怕;畏惧hundred
rum. 百villagen n. 村民like
prep. 像;怎么样二、重点单词【单词学习】☆1. ride
v. 骑 e. 旅程【用法】作动词时,常构成短语:ridn a bike 骑自行车;ride a horse 骑马【例句】Can you ride a horse? 你会骑马吗?The bus ride is long. 公交车车程很长。【考题链接】He goes to school by bike.(同义句转换)He _____ _____ ______ to school. 答案:rides a bike☆☆2. hundred
num. 一百【用法】hundred前有基数词时,hundred不用复数形式,且后面也不用of。hundred前没有基数词时,hundred用复数形式,后面加of,构成hundreds of。【例句】Eight hundred workers are in the factory.八百名工人在这个工厂里。Hundreds of people lost their homes in the earthquake. 数百人在地震中失去了家园。【考题链接】There are ______of students in our school but only _____ of them are girls.第 2 页

v. 开车【用法】可以与介词短语by car转换。【例句】I can drive, but he can’t. 我会开车,但是他不会。He drives to school. = He goes to school by car. 他开车去上学。【考题链接】翻译:我们开车去广播电台吧。Let’s _____ ______ the radio station.答案:drive to☆☆4. live
v. 居住;生活【用法1】live
vi. 居住,是不及物动词,后接宾语时要借助于介词at或in。通常较小的地方用at;较大的地方用in。【例句】He lives at No. 5 Street, Shunzhi District. 他住在顺治区五号街。We live in Jinan. 我们住在济南。【注意】live后接here,there时,则不加介词at或in。【例句】第 3 页
A. hundreds; two hundred B. hundred; two hundredsC. hundreds; two hundreds D. hundred; two hundred答案:A思路分析:hundreds of students意为“数百名学生”;two是基数词,因此hundred用原形。句中第二个空格后的of意为“的”,并非two hundreds of,故选A项。句意为“我们学校有数百名学生,但其中只有二百名是女生。”☆3. drive

vt. 过……的生活,是及物动词,后面接宾语。【例句】Xiao Shenyang lives a happy life. 小沈阳过着幸福的生活。【拓展】live
vi. 活着,是不及物动词,后面不接宾语。【例句】She lived to be 100. 她活了100岁。【注意】live的第三人称单数形式是lives,读作;life是名词,意为“生活;生命”,它的复数形式是lives,读作。【考题链接】Now I _____in China. Please write and tell me about your _____ in America.A. live; live B. life; life C. live; life D. life; live答案:C 思路分析:第一个空格在句中作谓语,故用动词live;your是形容词性物主代词,后接名词。句意为“现在我住在中国。请写信告
诉我关于你在美5.☆☆国的生活”。 cross
v. 横过;越过【例句】They cross the river by boat. 他们
prep. 过;穿过,强调从表面穿walk/ go across = cross过。【例句】Walk across the road carefully. 小
心地穿接【考题链过道路。】第 4 页
They live there. 他们住在那儿。【用法2】live

。☆☆6. many
adj.& pron. 许多【用法1】作形容词,
修饰可数名词复数。相当ol于ts of/ a lot of。【例句】I have many books. 我有许多
连h【例句】Many of t用,在句中作主语,谓语动词用复数。e books are new. 许多
书本都是新【拓展】much许多,后接不可数名词。【例句】的。She has much work to do. 她有许多工作要做。【考题链接】______ the bananas taste good.A. Many B. MuchC. Many of D. Much of答案:C思路分析:the bananas是复数,故
冠项,故A词是错误 ;many的of t作e bahanas中,many是代词,n句子正确主语,的
。第 5 页
—Where is the park?—Walk on and _____ the bridge. You’ll see it.A. cross B. ride C. swim D. run答案:A思路分析:A项意为“

n. 村民【用法】复数形式为:villagers。【例句】The villagers in the village are very friendly. 这个村
n. 村庄;村子I live in a small village and I love it very much.我住在一个小村庄里,我非常
爱 【考题链接】Many它。______ come to help the boy in the river.A. village B. villages C. villagers D. villager答案:C思路分析:根据
来“帮中助河的小男孩a可知是许多“村民”,m”ny后接可数名词复数,故选C项。A, B两
项意为“村庄”;D项是名词“村民”的单数形式。☆☆8. afraid
adj. 害怕;畏惧【用法】(1)be afraid of sth. 害怕某物(2)be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某
事(3)be afraid to do sth. 害怕去做某
事(4)be afraid that … 担心
……;恐怕……,是一种委婉的语气 【例句】She’s。afraid of dogs. 她害怕
狗 He’s afraid。of swimming. 他害怕
游泳sI’m afraid to 。peak in class. 我害怕在
课堂上发言aI’m afraid th。t I must go now. 恐
怕我现在必须得走了。第 6 页
7. villager

所项of singing 或 to 以可用ing的形式,只有As合适。9. like
prep. 像;怎么样【用法】常构成短语be like, look like;其
反kunli义词为e,意为“不像”。【例句】She is like her father very much. 她非常像她
爸爸lIt looks 。ike rain.天
看起来要下雨hWhat did s。e look like? 她长
v. 喜欢;爱好,其反义词是dislike。其后接名词、代词、动名词、动词不
定k(2)li式作宾语。e doing 表示
习惯示的动作;l性ke to do表i一次性的动作或未正在发的动作。生【例句】I like playing the guitar. 我
喜欢弹吉 My他。father likes to talk with my teacher. 我
爸爸喜欢和我老师谈话l【考题链接】Al。an _____ sports, ______swimming.A. like; like B. likes; likes C. like; likes D. likes; like答案:D思路分析:浏览
题干中知第一空在句可作谓语,故用动词like;Allan是第三人称单数,故谓语动词用单三形式likes; swimming是sports的一
艾伦喜欢体育,像游泳”。第 7 页
【考题链接】Some of the girls are afraid ____ in class.A. to sing B. singing C. to singing D. sing答案:A思路分析:be afraid 后可接of sth./doing sth./to do sth.,也可接

v. 离开【例句】The bus leaves at 8 am. 公
共汽车上午八点出发1【拓展】(。)leave for 动
v. 遗忘;留把leave sth. som下,常构成短语 where e某物忘)(3在某地leave
n. 假期【例句】He wants to leave for Shanghai. 他想动
身去上海eI left my k。ys at home. 我
把我的钥匙忘S在家中了。he has two months’ leave every year. 她
每年有两个月的假期。11. dream
n. 梦想;睡梦 e. 做梦【例句】I dreamvd a good dream last night. 昨天晚
上我做了一个好m【拓展】drea梦。 of/about 梦想;
幻想;向往aof/,bout是介词,后接名词或动词的-ing形式。【例句】He dreams of becoming an actor. 他一
心想当演员t【考题链接】He of。en ____ becoming a scientist in the future.A. gets up B. gets to C. dreams of D. looks at答案:C思路分析:A项意为“
语提示完成句子第 8 页
☆☆10. leave

地e【用法】tak铁 +a/the +交通工
具,表示“使用某种交通工具e【例句】It’s far from h”,在句中作谓语。re. Let’s take a taxi. 它离这儿远。
咱们乘出租iL车吧。 Lei often takes a plane to Guangzhou. 李雷经
常乘飞机去广州展【拓。】by +交通工
具,表示“使用某种交通工具”,在句中作状 【例句】We go to语。school by school bus. 我们
乘g【考题链接】I usually 校车去上学。o to work ______ car. But today I want to ____ the train to work.A. by; by B. by; take C. take; by D. take; take第 9 页
1. The train ______(旅程)takes about four hours.2. He ______(开车)to work every day.3. My grandmother ______(居住)in a small village.4. He can tell us two ______(百)stories.5. I have ______(许多)friends.6. The ______(村民)live far from the city.7. How can he ______(越过)the river?8. When do you ______(离开)for Beijing?9. The boy is ___