七年级英语 人教版下册Unit 4 Don’t eat in class.学案.docx
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v. 到达fight .&vn. 打架;战斗wear
v. 穿;戴 bringv . 带来;取来relax
. 放松;休息readvv. 读;阅读keep
. 保持;保留remembervv. 记住;记起sorry
adj. 抱歉的;难过的;惋惜的二、重点单词第 1 页
七年级英语 人教版下册下册Unit 4 Don’t eat in class.一、学习目标1. 掌握句型:Don’t arrive late for class.We can’t listen to music in the hallways, but we can listen to it outside.We have to be quiet in the library.2. 能谈论一些规则。二、重点、难点重点:单词:arrive, fight, sorry, wear, bring, relax, read, remember, keep短语:on time, listen to, go out, practice the guitar, do the dishes, toomany, be strict with sb., follow the rules, have fun句型:1. Get up now and make your bed! 现在起床并整理好床铺!2. Don’t eat in class. 不要在课堂上吃东西。3. And we always have to wear the school uniform. 并且我们必须穿校服。难点:祈使句一、单词领读arrive

v. 到达【用法】(1)是不及物动词,可直接接副词home, here, there;(2)后接地点名词时,要接介词in或at,大地点用in,小地点用at。【例句】Mike arrives in China today. 迈克今天到达中国。They often arrive at the station at 8:00. 他们经常八点到达车站。【拓展】get(to)get当“到达”讲时,作不及物动词,可直接接地点副词home, here, there,但是后接地点名词时,需要与介词to搭配。【例句】He sometimes gets home at five o’clock. 他有时候五点到家。What time can we get to Shanghai? 我们几点能到达上海?【考题链接】—When did your uncle _____ in Shanghai?—The day before yesterday.A. arrive B. get C. arrive at D. get to答案:A思路分析:arrive是不及物动词,后需接介词in/at,再加地点名词;get后接介词to,再加地点名词;根据空后的介词in可知用arrive。2. fight
v. & n. 打架;战斗【用法】(1)fight with= have a fight with 与……打架;与……争吵(2)fight for 为……而打架;为……而战【例句】第 2 页
【单词学习】☆☆1. arrive

adj. 抱歉的;难过的;惋惜的【用法】(1)be sorry to do sth. 很抱歉做某事(2)be sorry for 为……而抱歉或惋惜(3)be sorry that 抱歉……【例句】I’m sorry to be late again. 很抱歉我又迟到了。I’m sorry for being late again. 我为又迟到而感到抱歉。I’m sorry that I’m late again. 我很抱歉我又迟到了。【辨析】sorry, excuse me二者都有“抱歉”之意,但意思有差别。(1)sorry用于事后对所犯错误或不能满足对方要求等表示歉意。(2)excuse me常用于事前请人帮忙或打扰到别人的情况。【例句】I’m sorry to keep you waiting. 很抱歉让你等。Excuse me, can I go to the library? 打扰了,我能去图书馆吗?【考题链接】第 3 页
Look! They are fighting. 看!他们在打架。Did you fight with your brother again? 你又和弟弟打架了?The children are fighting for playing soccer. 孩子们为踢足球而打架。【考题链接】The boy usually _____ with his cousin.A. fight B. fought C. fights D. fighting答案:C思路分析:根据时间状语usually可知时态用一般现在时;浏览各选项可知用fight的第三人称单数形式fights。☆☆3. sorry

v. 穿;戴 【用法】强调穿的状态,后接表衣物、眼镜等的名词。【例句】He often wears a red T-shirt. 他经常穿一件红色T恤衫。【辨析】wear, dress二者都有“穿”的意思,但其具体
即穿着;戴着2(。后接表衣物、眼镜等的名词。)dress作及物动词时,其后接人或oneself。【例句】The young man likes wearing sunglasses. 这个
年轻人喜欢戴太阳fDress yoursel镜。 when you go out. 你
出_【考题链接】He __去时穿上衣服。__ a new sweater today.A. wear B. wears C. dresses D. dress答案:B思路分析:句意为“今天他穿了一件
新毛衣”,此处是调状态。he强第三人称单数,第 4 页
—______.Are you Lucy?—No, I’m not. I’m Lily.—_______.A. Sorry; Sorry B. Excuse me; Sorry C. Excuse me; Excuse me D. Sorry; Excuse me 答案:B 思路分析:请人帮忙,打扰到别人时用Excuse me;当说错话、做错事后要说Sorry。本题句意为“—打扰了。你是露西吗?—不,我不是,我是莉莉。—对不起。”故B项合适。☆☆4. wear

v. 带来;取来【用法】常表示
从 【例句】Bring your别的地方带人或物到说话者所在的地方。son to school. 把
你的儿b【辨析】take, 子带到学校来。ring二者都是动词,都有“
拿)到……”,但表示的具体动作不同 【考题链接】___。this yellow jacket there and ____ me that blue one.A. Take; take B. Take; bring C. Bring; take D. Bring; bring答案:B思路分析:根据前
半,中的th句re可知e指别处故用,take,两排C, D除项;再根据this和that可知方
拿给r☆☆6. 我。”elax
v. 放松;休息【用法】其第三人称单数形式是:relaxes。【例句】The woman always relaxes. 这女
adj. 令人放松的,常修饰表示物的名词。relaxed
adj. 放松的,主语通a【例句】I want to h常是表示人的词。ve a relaxing holiday. 我
想过一个令人放松的假期。第 5 页
故用动词的第三人称单数形式。☆☆5. bring

育r【考题链接】Lar课上,我们很放松。y usually ______on weekends.A. relax B. relaxes C. relaxed D. relaxing答案:B思路分析:浏览题
干可,空知谓白处缺动词,语C,D两项都是形容;Larry词是第三人称单数,故动词用第三人称单数形式。relax的第三人称单数形式为relaxes。☆☆7. read
v. 读;阅读【用法】常
指阅读书籍)、books(报纸(newspapers)、杂志】magazines)等。【例句(They often read English in the morning. 他们经常在
n. 读者;读书的人【例句】There are some readers in the library. 在图书馆
里t【辨析】read, wa有一些读书的人。ch, see, look四
宾at语时,要加介词。【例句】He is reading newspapers. 他在看
报纸aHe likes w。tching TV. 他
喜欢看电视cI 。an’t see the words on the blackboard. 我看不
见黑板上的单词。第 6 页
We’re very relaxed at our P.E. lesson. 在体

树上有一些鸟aPlease look 。t the picture. 请看
这幅画i【考题链接】Don’t l。sten to me. Please _____the blackboard.A. see B. watch C. read D. look at答案:D思路分析:根据空后的blackboard可知
应看look at搭配与意为“,黑板”。句意为“不要
听我说。请看黑板e☆☆8. r”。member
v. 记住;记起【用法】是及物动词,后
面可直接接名词或代词作宾语。【例句】I can’t remember your name. 我记不起你的名
字r【拓展】remembe了。 to do sth. 记
得去做某事,说明事情还没rremembe有做。 doing sth. 记
得做过某事,说明事情已经做过。【例句】Remember to post the letter for me. 记住
给我寄这封信rI remember w。iting to her. 我记
得给她写过信e【考题链接】I rememb了。r _____him to close the door, but now the door is still open.A. telling B. tell C. to tell D. tells答案:A思路分析:remember 后可
得☆-ing形式。做过某事”,用动词的☆9. keep
v. 保持;保留第 7 页
Look! There are some birds in the tree. 看!

v. 保持,常nkeep sb. doi构成g sth. 让某人一直做某事(2)keep
v. 保留;保存( 3)keep
保持某v. 使…… 种状态,是连系动词,后常接形容词、副词或介词短语,构成系
表结构nkeep i。 good health=keep healthy 保持【健康例句】I’m sorry to keep you waiting. 对不起,让你
久oI can keep the b等了。ok for two weeks. 我可
以保存这本书两周。We should keep quiet in the library. 在图书馆
里我们应当保持安静s【考题链接】It’。 very cold today. Please keep the door ____.A. close B. closed C. open D. little答案:B思路分析:根据前句“今天天
括号内所给词的正确形式填(1. Don’t ______(fight)with others.2. He _____空arrive)home at night.3. Please ______(bring)your photos here.4. Now I’m very ______(relax)at home.5. He finishes ______(read)the book.6. I remembered ______(call)her, but she called me again.7. They keep us ______(stand)for long.8. You must learn _______(dress)yourself.答案:1. fight 2. arrives 3. bring 4. relaxed 5. reading 6. calling 7. standing 8. to dress第 8 页

好在约定例【的时间做某事。句】Please be here tomorrow on time. 明
天请准时来这儿【拓展】。in time 及时,
指比约定的时间早【。例句】Can you come back in time? 你能及时
回s【考题链接】We 来吗?hould get to school ____time.A. in B. on C. of D