仁爱版初二英语上册Unit 4 Our World词句精讲精练.docx
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Unit 4 Our World词句精讲精练【词汇精讲】1. share(1)share用作及物动词,意为“共用;合用;分享”。例如:It’s hard to share power. 权力很难分享。(2)share sth. with sb.意为“与某人分享某物”。例如:Tony shared his chocolate with other kids.托尼把他的巧克力与其他孩子分着吃了。She shares a house with two other students.她与另外两个同学合住一所房子。2. feed feed作动词,意为“喂养,饲养”。常用如下搭配:(1)feed…to…中的feed是及物动词,其后接饲料或食物名词作宾语,to为介词,其后一般接动物或小孩等名词表示对象,意为“把……喂给……吃”。例如:Please feed some grass to the cow. 请给牛喂点草。She has fed milk to the baby. 她已给婴儿喂过奶。(2)feed…on…中的feed也是及物动词,其后接人或动物名词作宾语, on后接食物或饲料名词,意为“用……喂……”。on与with 可替换。例如:The child was feeding the monkey on/with a banana.那孩子正用香蕉喂猴子。3. thousandthousand是数词,意为“千”,当表示具体的“几千”时,用“基数词 + thousand”,注意不加-s。例如: There are nine thousand students in our school. 我们学校有9000名学生。【拓展】第 1 页

(1)thousands of 表示“数千,成千上万的”,这时thousand后要加-s,且后面有介词of,但是不能与数词连用。例如:There are thousands of people in the street. 在街上有成千上万的人。(2)表示数词的还有hundred“百”,million“百万”,billion“十亿”。它们的用法和thousand一样,可以用来表示约数和确数。例如:More than nine hundred people have died in the fighting.900多人在这场战斗中丧生。The programme was viewed on television in millions of homes. 无数家庭通过电视收看了这个节目。4. find out find out意为“找到,发现,查明”,多指通过调查、询问、打听、研究之后“弄明白”。通常含有“经过困难、曲折”之后才找出难以找到的东西。例如: Please find out when the train leaves. 请查一下火车什么时候离站。【拓展】 (1)find是动词,意为“找到”,通常指找到或发现具体的东西,强调的是找的结果。例如: He didn’t find his book. 他没有找到他的书。 (2)look for意为“寻找”,是有目的地找,强调找的动作。例如: Jim is looking for his little dog. 吉姆正在找他的狗。5. protectprotect为及物动词,意为“保护”。常用搭配protect sb./sth. from…,意为“保护某人/某物免受……伤害”。例如:We should protect rare animals.我们应该保护珍稀动物。Parents protect their young children from danger. 父母保护他们的孩子不受伤害。第 2 页

开的,过去的,不复存在的”,不做定d例如:I never foun语。 the missing letter.我一
直没有找到丢失的那封信D。on’t go too far away, or you’ll get lost.不要
走得太远,否则你会迷路的。Now it was gone, as though it had never been.现在它已
逝去,仿佛它从未存o8. talk ab在过。ut sth. talk是不及物动词,意为“
谈话,讲话”。第 3 页
6. look uplook up 意为“(在词典或参考书中)查阅,检查”,其后跟名词作宾语,名词可放在look和up之间,也可放在look up 之后;如果代词作宾语,则只能放在look和up之间。例如:Look up the word in the book, and you will know its meaning.在书中查查这个词,你就知道它的意思了。Please look them up in the dictionary carefully. 请仔细在词典中查一下它们。 7. missing missing是形容词,意为“找不到的,失踪的”。例如: They still hoped to find their missing son. 他们依然希望找到他们失踪的儿子。【拓展】辨析 missing ; lost ; gone missing意为“失踪的,找不到的”,强调某人或某物不在原处。lost意为“丢失的,迷路的,输

短谈论ta语:k about sb. / sth. l某人/某事lta;k to sb. 和某人
谈论italk w;th sb. 和某人
交谈 They are talking。例如:about a movie. 他们在
谈论一部电影。 Don’t talk to me while I’m studying. 在我学
习时不要和我说话 I’ll。need to talk with you, but there’s no hurry. 我
得和你谈谈,但不着急e9. in dang。rin danger 意为“处
反义e词是saf,意为“安全tWe must help 的”。例如:he animals in danger. 我们
必须帮助处于危险 中的动物。It’s dangerous here,please take the boy to the safety. 这
危险,请把男孩带到安全的地方去o10. run out 。f run out of 意为“用
完”,主oHe has run 语只能是人。例如:ut of red ink. 他的
红墨水用完W了。 e run out of coal, and had to burn wood. 我们的
煤用完了,所以不得不烧柴。 【拓展】run out of和run out的辨析:run out和run out of 这两个
短语都有“用完。的意思,但用法不同”run out作不及物动词短
语,表示“被用完;被耗尽其,”主语通常是时间、金钱、食物等无生命的名词。而run out of则是及物动词
短语,表示主tHis streng动。例如:h ran out. 他的力
气用完11了。. pay attention to pay attention to表示“注意;
从o D句。例如:n’t pay any attention to Nina— she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. 第 4 页

根本不知道自己在说oY什么。u must pay attention to the problems of spelling in your writing.你
必须注意你写作中的拼写问题reYou should pay mo。 attention to observing.你应该多注意
观察u12. die o。tdie out 意为“
灭绝”,是固定短i Th语。例如: s species has nearly died out because their habitat is being destroyed.因栖息
地正遭受破坏,这一物种已几乎灭绝d【拓展】 。ie是不及物动词,意为“
死过。其现在分词是d”ing;y去式和过去;形容词为词为died;其名词为death分dead。例如: His grandpa died three years ago. 他的
祖父三年前死H了。is grandpa’s death made him very sad.他
祖父的死使他很伤心。The old man has been dead for many years.这
非延续动词,不能与表示一段时间的短来代替。be dead 语连用,应用(2)dying 是形容词,意为“
临终的;垂死的”,用来做定语,修饰idy名词。例如:ng wishes临终遗愿
。13. land land作名词,意为“
陆iMost mammals l地”。例如:ve on land. 大
多数哺乳动物生活在陆地上。第 5 页

陆e—When are w”。例如: landing? 我们什么时候着
陆?—In a few minutes. 等几分
钟就着陆1了。4. whole & all whole和all都
可作形容词,都有“整个的,完全 的”之意,但用法不同。(1)whole表示“
全部的,全 体的”,用法如下: 1) 用在表示
整体的单数名词前:限定 +词 whole + 单ht数名词。例如:e whole year 全年 2) 可接
复数名词:限定+词 whole + of + 复数名词。例如:the whole of students 全
体学生 3) whole不能
修饰不可数名词或物质名词,不能rthe whole wate说。 (2)all表示“
全,都”,主要用法如下:1) 用在表示
整体的单数名词前限定all,+ 词 + 单数名词。例如:all the year 一
整年2) 可接
复限定数名词,all + 词 + 复数名词。例如:all the students 全
体学生3) all 能用
于各种情况eall th。例如: water所有的
水【注意】 当whole和all与
复“名词连用时,w数ole强调h完整的;整体的”,all强调“所有的”。例如:而It snowed for fifteen whole days this January. 今年
一月整整下了十五天雪gI’m 。lad that all my friends can come to my birthday party. 第 6 页

高兴,所有的朋友都能来参加我的生日聚会汇【词。精练】I. 根据
句意及首字母提示补全单i。1. People can enjoy n_______ in the countryside. The a词r is fresher and the sky is bluer there.2. She c_______ the table with a cloth yesterday.3. In the o_______, there are all kinds of fishes.4. Thousands of old trees were in the f_______ ten years ago, but now there are few.5. She began to draw on the paper, after a while, a beautiful cat a_______.6. We s here and there, but could not find her.7. She probably knew that I wasn’t telling her the w story.8. The security forces have started searching for the m men.II.根据
句意及汉语提示填空t1. These plants float on 。he _______ (表面) of the water.2. My grandparents keep a lot of _______ (绵羊) in the countryside.3. The fox usually _______ (以……为食) meat.4. The teacher had no _______ (控制) over the children.5. The rivers in the countryside are much _______(清澈
的) than those in the cities. 6. He sets an _______ (榜
样) to the other students.7. They could learn English well in such a bad _______ (情况).8. Robots can _______ (修理) machines easily.9. I am quite sleepy. Don’t _______ (叫醒) me up until 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.10. Mr. Wang advised us to use an English-English _______ (字
典).11.The school promised rapid (结果) in the learning of languages. 12. We take care of animals and plants. In fact we ___________ (保护) ourselves.III. 根据
句意,用方框中所给词的适形当式填空。第 7 页

合填空。用所给词的适当形式填空,其中有两项多余tfeed, fresh, rubber, small, on, control, mea。There are a lot of trees around us. The trees can help to make the air 1 and cleane