人教版高中英语必修五教案:Unit 1 Great Scientists period 4.doc
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Develop the students’ reading ability. Improve the students’
writing ability.过程与方法 Different forms of activities, including pair work, group work, competition, and quiz.情感态度价值观Arouse the students’ interest in science and devotion to
science.教材分析重难点Master the skill of gist reading. Develop the students’ reading
ability, such as skimming and scanning. Improve the students’
writing ability.
教学设想教法Encourage the students talk about their dreams in the future.Have the students match the famous scientists with theirdiscoveries, inventions or theories学法Describe one of the great scientists and let other studentsguess who he or she is talking about.教具Book
课题Unit 1 Great Scientists 授课时间课型课时The fourthperiod 授课人科目English主备教学目标知识与技能Help the students know about Copernicus and his theory.

课堂设计Step21.最著名的科学家之一2.严于律己3.严谨治学4.热衷于5.在二十来岁时6.患病7.积极面对8.迎接挑战9.专注于10.提出11.做贡献12.被认为13.作演讲14.留下深刻印象1.one of the most famous scientists2.be strict with oneself3.be cautious of Stephen Hawking 最杰出的科学家之一出生:1942年1月8日,英国品格:严于律己;严谨治学经历:1.小时候热衷于设计玩具2.二十岁时,患上怪病;但积极面对,迎接挑战,专注于宇宙研究成就:1.1988年,提出“黑洞”理论2.由于他贡献突出,被认为这一领域的权威2006年,到中国做演讲,给听众留下深刻的印象

4.be crazy/enthusiastic about5.in one’s twenties6.suffer from7.be positive about8.face the challenge板书设计Unit 1 Great Scientists 1.one of the most famous scientists2.be strict with oneself3.be cautious of 4.be crazy/enthusiastic about5.in one’s twenties6.suffer from7.be positive about8.face the challenge9.教学反思
