三年级下册英语教案Module 6Unit 2 What does Lingling have at school∣外研版(三起).doc
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Module 6Unit 2 What does she have at school?教案教学目标:知识目标:1. 单词:today, music, Chinese, maths, art, science, PE, has 2. 句子:What does Lingling have at school? She has …3.学习歌曲We like school.能力目标:1.能听说读写单词:today music Art PE . 2.能灵活运用所学句型进行对话:情感目标:激发学生对英语的兴趣并且乐意开口。教学重点:1.单词:today, music, Chinese, maths, art, science, PE, has2.句子:What does Lingling have at school ? She has …3.学习字母Ll, Mm, Nn教学难点:主语第一人称及第三人称时,动词使用上发生的变化。教学用具:PPT, CD-ROM, word cards and stickers.教学过程:第 1 页

Step 1 Warm up1. Greeting2. T: Let’s sing the ABC song!3. Revision复习上一节课学过的单词。T: What do you have at school?Ss: I have Music, Art and PE.T: What does she have at the school?引导学生说:She has Music Art and PE .板书句子,以及教读句子。(全班读 , 小组读,个人读) T:OK.now, all the student read these sentences together very good. T: First group read the new sentences. The second, the third, the fourth…T: Who wants to read the new sentence? 4. 呈现新知识。1)①教师出示 Ling Ling 的图片边说:“ I gong swimming at the weekend. How about Lingling? What does she do at the weekend? ” 引导学生回答:“She _____ at the weekend.” Does she play football at the weekend? 第 2 页

帮助学生回答 : —Yes, she does. —No, she doesn’t 同时引导学生使用完整句子回答:She plays football at the weekend.然后学生两人一组进行回答,操练句型。②.教师把挂图贴在黑板上,听录音机,跟读句子,跟读课文。听一遍时老师提出一些问题: What does Lingling have at school today? What does she do at the weekend? 请学生带着问题听录音,并且跟读。第三遍时,请同学边看边读画出新单词,试着找答案,最后让学生分角色表演课文。2).歌曲练习① 先熟悉歌词的曲调,教师教读歌词。② 教师教唱,学生跟唱。③ 待学生熟悉后请学生边表演边唱。(全班唱,小组唱,个人唱)。 4. 巩固 T: Who can tell me :What do you want to do on weekends? S1: I watch TV.第 3 页

S2: I play basketball. S3: I play the computer. S4: I do my homework. T: How wonderful your weekends! What does Ling ling do at the weekend?Ss: She plays basketball/goes swimming/watches TV and sleeps.5. 小结1)全班齐读课文句子。2) sing the new song .6. 作业1) 唱本节课所学的歌曲给父母听。2)熟读课文第 4 页