四年级上册英语单元测试 unit2 let's make a fruit salad_ 译林版(三起).docx
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4A Unit2听 力 部 分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的部分。(10分)( )1. A. These B. This C. that( )2.A. here B. There C. where( )3.A. many B. Any C. mango( )4.A. cold B. cool C. cat( )5A. Purple B. Please C. play( )6.A. what B. with C. white( )7.A. pineapple B. Pear C. peach( )8.A. hurry B. cherry C. have( )9.A. take B.cake C. make( )10.A. nice B. name C. nine 二、选出你所听到句子的中文。(5分)( )1. A.你有一些苹果.B.你有一些苹果吗?C.你有一个苹果吗?( )2.A你喜欢香蕉吗?B你想要香蕉吗? C. 你有香蕉吗?( )3.A. 它很漂亮。B. 多么漂亮啊!C.它是一只漂亮的小狗。( )4.A. 看,这是我们的水果色拉。B. 看我们的水果色拉。C. 看我们的色拉。( )5.A. 你有多少个玩具动物?B. 你能看见多少个玩具动物?C. 你能说出多少种玩具动物?三、根据问题,选择正确的答句。(5分)( )1. A. Yes, I have. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I like.第 1 页

( )2.A. It’s a fruit salad. B. Thanks. C. How nice!( )3.A.I have some pies. B. I like pies. C. I’d like some pies.( )4.A. Great. B. Thank you. C. Yes, please.( )5.A. It’s in the tree. B. It’s on the tree. C. It’s at the tree.四、听录音,补全对话,每空一词。(10分)A: ________ ________ a fruit salad.B: ________!A: Do you have ________ ________?B: No, I don’t.A: ________ do you have?B: I have a ________ and ________ grapes.A: Good. Look at ________ salad. B: Wow, ________ nice!笔试部分(70分)一、判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的写T,不同的写F(5分每空1分)( )1.lookbook( )2.herethere( )3.mangoapple( )4.orangegrape( )5.behindhello二、从下列4个选项中,选择一个不同于其它3项的。(6分)( )1. A.tiger B.horse C.egg D.tiger( )2.A.apple. B.bird C.orange D.pear( )3.A.door B.window C.bed D.rubber( )4. A.cat B.pen C.ruler D.rubber( )5.A.cute B.beautiful C.lovely D.like( )6.A.father B.mother C.sister D.girl第 2 页

三、英汉互译。(10分)1. 这些玩具熊猫 2.a lion under the tree 3.看那只狗 ____ 4.It’s time for class 5.两只可爱的猴子 6.two white horses 7.run on the farm 8.eat my cake 9.Nice to meet you 10.Here you are 四、按要求,写单词,并用适当的形式填空。(10分,每空2分)1.Look at those toy ____________(动物). They’re interesting.2.Look! The dog is very __________(可爱的).3.I like __________(马).4. Look ______(看) these toy dogs.5. Do you like ______(lion)? No, I ______( do)五、选择题。(10分)( )1.---______ you like a cake? ---- No, thank you.A. Do B. Would C. Are( )2.----Do you have ______ apples? ----Yes, I do.A. some B. Any C. an( )3.How many ______ do you have?A. cat B. a cat C. cats( )4.Have a hot cake ______ mangoes.第 3 页

A. have B. In C. with( )5.______, this is my picture.A. Look B. Look at C. See( )6.______ a sweet cake!A. How B. Where C. What( )7.----What’s that ______ the tree? It’s a ______. A. in, balloon B. under, bikes C. on, bird( )8.----Look at the apples. ----______.A. It’s big. B. That’s red. C.They’re big and red.( )9.你告诉妈妈你喜欢那个桔子,你会说:A.Do you like oranges?B. I like oranges.C.I like that orange.( )10.别人问你想不想吃蛋糕,你婉言谢绝:A. Yes, please.B. No, please.C. No, thanks.六、选择正确的答句。(5分)第 4 页

( )1.Do you have any oranges? A.I have some oranges.( )2.Are those oranges? B. She’s my sister.( )3.What’s your sister? C. Yes, they are.( )4.Who’s that woman? D. She’s a nurse.( )5.What do you have? E. No, I don’t.七、将合适的单词序号填在合适的横线上。(6分)A. is B. are C. do D. don’t E. a F. an1.I have _______ pie here. 2._______ you like dogs? No, I _________.3.What’s that? It’s _______ egg. 4.This present _______ for you.5.What ________ these? They are apples 八、连词成句(10分) like you do tigers (?)________________________________________would like what you (?)________________________________________like this I dog toy (.)________________________________________.at that fat look dog (. )________________________________________.cute are fat these and pandas (. )________________________________________.九、按要求,完成下列句子。(8分,每空1分)1.你想要一个汉堡吗?第 5 页

________ ________ like a hamburger?2.你想要什么? What ________ ________ ________?5. 麦克,你喜欢猫吗?是的,我喜欢。 ________ you like ________, Mike? Yes, I ______.听力内容:一、听录音,选出你所听到的部分。1. these2.there3.any4.cool5.purple6.with7.pineapple8.cherry9.make10.nice 二、选出你所听到句子的中文。1. Do you have any apples?2.Do you have bananas?3.How nice!4.Look at our fruit salad.5.How many toy animals can you name?三、根据问题,选择正确的答句。1. Do you have any grapes?2.Look at the fruit salad.3.What do you have?第 6 页

4.Would you like an egg?5.Where’s the apple? 四、听录音,补全对话,每空一词。A: _Let’s_ _make_ a fruit salad.B: _Great_!A: Do you have _any_ _pineapples_?B: No, I don’t.A: __What_ do you have?B: I have a _banana_ and _some__ grapes.A: Good. Look at __our__ salad.B: Wow, __how__ nice第 7 页