四年级上册英语教案Module 3Unit 1 What are they doing∣外研版(三起).doc
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《What are they doing?》教学设计教材版本:外研版(三年级起点)四年级上册授课内容:Module 3 Unit 1 What are they doing? 第一课时课型:对话课执教:教学目标(一)语言知识目标 1、在感知文本,回答问题的过程中,通过出示单词卡以旧引新的方式,98%的学生能认读单词kid people man-men between drink interesting boat2、通过情境图的提示和帮助、师生交流,95%的学生能够听懂以下单词: can see clockhungry 3、通过课文学习,95%的学生能听懂What are they doing/drinking? They are … .这类语句;通过替换练习,巩固操练,90%的学生能口头运用这类语句进行询问和回答;90%的学生能用Look at the people in the park. 这类语句描述看到的是什么人,以及他们所处的位置。4、通过感知文本、回答问题、朗读课文的方式,98%的学生能理解课文含义。(二)语言技能目标 1、通过观察动词的变化以及Chant等方式,98%的学生能总结出doing, rowing, playing,drinking这类单词的拼读规律。2、通过师生问答、生生问答、句型操练等方式,95%的学生知道怎样询问和描述所看到的正在发生的事情。3、通过跟读、自读、分角色读的方式,85%的学生能正确、流利地朗读课文。(三)学习策略及情感态度目标学生在回答问题、感知文本、解决问题、游戏活动的过程中积极思考,乐于参与,主动运用所学英语进行表达和交流。在课堂活动中喜欢与其他同学配合和合作,在学习过程中养成良好的学习习惯。(四)文化意识目标学生通过对课文的理解和教师的引导,关注中外文化异同,加深对中国文化的理解。五、教学重点难点重点:What are they doing/drinking? They’re …难点:理解现在进行时的含义,能在具体的语境中正确、恰当地运用所学知识与他人进行第 1 页

片 T: I have some pictures for you. It’s about my students andme. Do you want to have a look? 学生看照
片1、教师,提出问题,回答问题。听音乐的动作T: Any question?生:What are you doing? (出示
完整gT: I’m listenin的图) to music.2、学生
坐看动的书作T:Can you ask?生:What’s she doing? (出示
完整’She图)生:s reading a book.3、师生交流T: Do you like reading books?第 2 页
交际。目标达成评价1、通过抽读、课文朗读、选词填空的活动,检测语言知识目标1、2。2、通过“转盘游戏、“带Tom游览威海公园”的任务,检测语言知识目标3。3、通过感知文本、回答问题的任务,检测语言知识目标4。4、通过课文朗读、巩固操练等任务,检测语言技能目标1。5、通过参与转盘游戏,、“带Tom游览威海公园”检测语言技能目标2。6、通过自读、分角色读课文的任务,检测语言技能目标3。教学策略创设真实情景,合理设计游戏,采用各种激励手段,如奖励、评价等引导学生积极参与各种学习活动,在教师营造的英语环境中大胆地学习和使用英语,师生互动,生生互动,以提高综合运用语言的能力。教学资源教师准备:单词卡、录音机、课件等教学过程Step 1 热身复习导入(Free talk)教师出示自己和学生的照

的图,学生快速起立说看出到的内容:interesting panda,interesting dog, interesting monkeys, interesting kid.出示单词卡,学习kid (
板书pSte) 2 新知
呈T一、学习Part 1现操练: Look at these kids. What are the kids doing? Please listen and look carefully.播放
课文Part 1 CD-ROM出示第一
幅WT:图hat are the kids doing? 抽生:They’re listening to music.出示第二
幅 T: Let’s图引导学生提问ask together.S: What are the kids doing? T: Also we can ask:What are they doing? 板书
:What are they doing?指
第二幅oThey’re playing fo图,生回答:tball.播放Part 1 录音,学生听音跟读。
男女re二、学习Part 2T: Here a生分角色读。 two kids. Amy and Daming. They are going to see lots of interesting things. Let’s geton the bus with them, and then choose the things you’ve seen. (出示
六幅nThe bus is comi图)g. Let’s go!播放
课文第二部NCD-RomT: 分ow, take out your paper, let’s choose and tick. You can look at your books. 学生选出一
路上看到的有eT:Now l意思的事情。t’s check. 抽生读答
打太 T :极图First,look at the people in the park. 第 3 页
S: Yes, I do. T: Good habit! Me too. I like reading books too. I think it’s very interesting. 出示单词卡,学习interesting(

读:Look at the people in the park. 引导提问:What are they doing? (听录音)生回答:They are doing taijiquan. 跟
老师一起做d动作:oing taijiquan ---- I’m doing taijiquan.操练:师生问答。2、
划龙舟kT: Loo图 at the people on the lake. 引导学生提问:What are they doing? T:Let’s look.(看
此段视频生:)They are rowing a dragon boat. coat—boat 学生
屏幕出示划船wrow a boat图indow—dow—row 学生
老师做, row, row动作 row a boat. 出示
划龙舟grow a dra图,on boat 练习
完整的句子 They’re rowing:a dragon boat.操练:分
象棋tT: Look a图 the men.拿
出男一图m人n, an—man , A man , 在图上加上a个w,引导学生:t人o men集
体说ea man, two m:n. (板书)T: Look at the men, what are they doing? 生:They’re playing chess. T: You know this word! How do you know it? 学生
说说自己是怎么读出这个eS: dr单词的。ss --- chessT: It’s a good way! Look! This is a dress. And this is a chair. Ch-chess. 练习
完整的句nThey’re playi子g chess.(板书)。操练:
齐读一遍后连锁aT: Look 问答。t the men,(出现
两棵大re )Where a树 they?第 4 页
Do you know this word? Apple—people. 学生

尝试e练习:Betw拼读。en the big trees.练习:Look at the men between the big trees. 齐
读两遍,分三排 替换练习:Look读at the kids between the big trees./ Look at the kids between the desks. /Look atthe girls between Amy and Daming.4、
喝豆浆tT: Wha图 are they doing? 生:They’re drinking. 学习drink,pink—ink----drink 学生
老师做ndri动作:k, drink, I’m drinking.T: Look! What are they drinking? 齐
读(板书yso)学习a milkS:They are drinking soya milk. 板书
喝牛奶:T图,What are they drinking? 生:They’re drinking milk. 5、出示时
钟 T: Look图。at the clock. It’s twelve now. I’m hungry. What about Amy and Daming? Let’s look! 播放最后
一幅。CD-ROM图T: Are they hungry?S: Hungry! T: So let’s get off the bus.6、
集中出示四幅 T:图Along the way, why does Amy have so many questions?生
说自己的想法。S: 不
懂就问。S: Amy是
小结进行文化意识渗透 Step 3 重点词句操练。Chantdo doing They’re doing taijiquan. row rowing They’re rowing a boat.play playing They’re playing chess.第 5 页
(听录音)Look at the men between the big trees.(听单词发音)学习between , green—tween—between学生

着节奏齐4Step 读。 课文朗读理解1、跟读,
要求学生模仿语音、语调,T: Listen。point and imitate. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. Let’s see whocan read well. 2、自读3、
男女t4、抽生读S读ep 5 巩固
拓展 1、转盘游戏 操练句型T: An interesting game for you.练习There’re lots of interesting things. First let’s choose one, and thendescribe the picture. A. Look at the people in the park. What are they doing? They’re taking pictures.B. Look at the men on the lake. _________________? They’re …..(钓鱼)C. Look at… (the girls between the big trees) _________? _________. (放风筝)D. 无
提示 孩子们喝奶2图、带Tom 游览威海公园,运用所学知识交流。学生
根据图片n--- Tom,let’s get o选词填空。 the bus. We can see lots of interesting things.--- OK!--- Look atthe _____ under the tree. What are they doing? --- They’re _______ .第 6 页man men boysdoing taijiquanplaying chessplaying basketball
drink drinking They’re drinking milk. 1、学生

屏幕订正答案。齐读,自己练习后S抽生分角色读。tep 6 作
业 1、Choose and write. 选
择喜欢的图,模仿 2、Read课文进行描述。the text by yourself . Try to retell the text.第 7 页people kids girlsplaying drinking doing
--- Look at the________ on thechair. What are they________?--- They’re talking to friends.--- Look at the clock. It’s twelve. I’m hungy.--- Let’s go!看大