二年级下册英语教案Unit 2Can I help you_牛津译林(一起).docx
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Unit 2 Can I help you?Lesson7-8一、教材内容分析本课时学生要学习的内容是小学英语(精通英语)五年级下册第二单元第一课时,主要的目标语言有Can I help you? Yes. I want a toy train.How much is it? It’s fifty-six yuan. 本部分创设的情景是,Dick想买玩具火车,他和爸爸去商店购物,并与售货员交流,表达自己喜欢的颜色,以及询问价格等等。在这个场景中从整体上让学生感知、模仿、学习和体验,再创设情景让学生能够运用目标语言,最终引导学生能够运用目标语言进行简单交际。二、学生情况分析本课的授课对象是小学五年级学生,通过三四年级的英语学习,他们已经具备了一定的英语语言知识和听说读写技能。绝大数学生对英语有一定的感知能力,教学中重点是要创设情景,帮助学生理解并运用本节课的目标语言。三、教学目标知识目标:1学生能听、说、认读、规范书写单词:toy help train plane boat ship,能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型Can I help you? Yes. I want a toy train. How much is it? It’s fifty-six yuan.2.学生能正确理解课文、并运用所学句型进行购物。技能目标:1. 能在恰当情境中运用目标语言完成简单的交际。2. 能知道购物时的一些礼仪和礼貌用语,并能够用真实自然的语言基本完成购物。3. 能够通过同位活动或小组活动培养自主和合作学习的意识和行为。情感目标:同学之间要相互帮助,具有助人为乐的精神。四、教学重难点教学重点:第 1 页

1.学生能听、说、认读、规范书写单词:toy,help, train ,plane,boat ,ship; 2. 能够听、说、读句型: Can I help you? Yes. I want a toy train. How much is it? It’s fifty-six yuan.教学难点:1. 能在适当的情境中运用目标语言How much is it? It’s fifty-six yuan. Can I help you? Yes. I want a toy train.2. 能够在语境中理解、认知本课which one do you like? I like the blue one. We’ll take it. 这些难点语言的意思。五、教法与学法教学方法:直观教学法、情境教学法。学习方法:合作练习、小组交流,表演。六、教具:PPT、单词卡、实物。七、教学步骤1. Greetings.2. 欣赏歌曲Chant: Can I help you?Can I help you? Can I help you?Yes, yes, yes! Yes, yes, yes!........3. 呈现1)T:I like go shopping,I always go shopping with my daughter. Do you like go shopping? Ss: Yes./No.T:In the shop salesman will ask you Can I help you ?I always said I want a ....toy ...key chain and so on . Today I go shopping whit the squirrel ,look at the video ,What happened ? 2)通过视频,认知单词salesman和customer.第 2 页

只要我能办到我定竭尽全s5)小组合作练习:Can I help you? Ye力。 . I want ...How much is it? It’s ... 4.初
步感知文本:带着问题看(1视频。)T:Today is Dick’s birthday. What does he want? What color does he like? How much is it?(2)
阅n ICa读文本,进一步理解, help you? Yes. I want a toy train. How much is it? It’s fifty-six yuan.然
后回答问题(3。)Work in three, choose a way you like to read or act the dialogue.(3人一组, 选择你
喜欢的方式去读或者表演对话eRead in rol。)s.① Read together.(
初e② R级)ad the dialogue in roles.(中级)③ Act the dialogue in roles.(高
级)5. 情景
剧 iWe can go shopping表演n our daily life 。在
对此主题lA:Can I he运用目标语言拓展表演。p you?B: Yes, I want …A:Do you like this one?B:Yes,I like. / No I don't I like that one. How much is it? A: It’s….yuan.第 3 页
3)通过视频学习重点句型Can I help you? Yes. I want .../I want to buy../I want this one /I want that one .T:What will take when we go shopping? Look at the video answer my question. 4)拓展学习句型May I help you? How much is it ?It’s +数字+货币单位. 认识了解其他国家的货币。引导学生正确的帮助朋友What is a help?帮助是什么?(同学自由发挥回答)帮助无非是一个人对另外一个人在需要帮忙时期的积极赠予。更严格地来讲,是一个人对另外一个人精神上的慰藉,至少是种安慰,无疑是雪中送

、板书设n IUnit 2 Ca计 help you? Lesson 7-8 Can I help you? Can I help you? May I help you ?I want a toy car./I want this/that..../I want to buy....How much is it ? It’s ...yuan 第 4 页
B:Thank you ,byeA: Goodbye.6. Homework(1)、回家与