九年级英语上册Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are Section A 3a3c导学案(无答案).doc
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Unit 3 Could you please tell me where therestrooms are Section A【学习目标】1.掌握suggest,staf,come on,pass by等重点单词 。 2.熟练掌握宾语从句。 【自主学习】预习课本第19页的单词和课文内容,根据3a内容和图片回答 3a中的问题。【自学检测】 单词、短语翻译(请同学们关上课本独立完成,完成后对子间相互批阅。) 1.抓住_________________ 2.感到害怕的 ______________ 3.过来___________ 4.建议5.开始时 _____________ 6.路过________________ 7.走到……跟前____________________定向导学·互动展示 【自学指导】1.自学3a生词,并识记。2.快速阅读课文,完成3a任务并交流意见3.听读课文,纠正发音,模仿语音语调、句群停顿4.仔细阅读课文,完成3b任务并核对答案【合作探究】1.学习3a,看3a图画,猜测课文内容。What’s it about ?2.翻译课文,同桌交流。3.阅读课文,认真理解并填写表格WhereFun Times ParkWho and ThemeHere you can be Space WorldWater WorldFun placesWater City Restaurant RestaurantService It serves like and It servesHowScary but FeelingsYou never know what will happen until For afternoon tea 4.仔细阅读3a课文,完成3b任务,找出宾语从句并变成一般疑问句。I wonder where we should go next. I promise it’ll be fun!I know I can do it and it’s actually fun! It seems a rock band plays thereevery evening.Let’s ask what time the band starts.5.在课文中找出宾语从句的一般疑问句句式,将其变成肯定句:Do you want to go to Water World now? Could you tell us when the bandstarts playing this evening?【小组展示】3.展示3c的答案。【随堂笔记】①come on !=be quick=hurry up!快点,加油,加把劲,跟着来由come构成的短语还有:come true 实现;   come up with 提出,想出; come out 出来;出版;花开come in 进来; come back 回来第 1 页1.展示3a的答案。 2.展示3b的答案。

⑴用作动词,意为“建议,提议”,后面可接名词、代词或动名词。⑵表示“建议某人做某事”用suggest sb. doing sth.或suggest sb. that ,不能用suggest sb. to do sth.suggest
⑶后面接宾语从句时,从句要用虚拟语气,即“should+动词原形”(should可以省略)③pass by 路过,经过其同意短语为go /walk past,注意pass是动词,past是介词,都具有“过去”之意。④scary和scared Scary adj.可怕的,吓人的。所指对象是物。Scared adj.感到怕的,同义词为afraid,所指对象为人。⑤at first 开始时 ⑥walk up to 走到……跟前【当堂检测反馈】(3’) 空完成句子,每空一词 (关上书本,独立完成。做完后对子间相互批阅。)1.我想知道我们下一步应该去哪里? I wonder we should go ? 2.好像有一支摇滚乐队每晚都在那儿演奏。 a rock band plays thereevery evening.3.你能告诉我那支乐队今晚什么时候开始演奏吗?Could you tell me the band this evening.4.你可以沿
街向东uYo走。 can along the street.【拓
展提】1.时间:升 10 ’ 2.训练方 独立,自主完成式: 自
评 : 师评批阅 : 日期________:__一、根据句意
及首字母或汉 提示写出单词。1. My mother s 语having more fruit to keep healthy. But I doesn’t followher suggestions . 2.It s you are right,but I’m wrong.3. He gets up a l earlier than me every day.4. When will China h another Olympic Games? 5.C on ,we will begin soon.二
、单选择。( )1. If you go to the zoo,you must the park..A. walk passed B. go passed C. passed past D. passed by项( )2. My teacher suggests piano at first.A. playing B. playing the C. to play D. to play the( )3. When the lion walking me ,I was very scared.A. up to B. up C. from D. away from( )4. He goes to bed earlier.A. a little B. more C. many D. a bit of( )5.On their way home ,they saw Andy.A. to B. from C. / D. at( )6.—It is noisy here that I can’t hear .Could you please say it again?—No problem.A. what you say B. what do you say C. what you said D. what didyou say( )7.—Look at the girl with a pair of glasses over there. Can you tell me?A. who is she B. who she is C. what is she D. what she is( )8.Can you tell me after this exam? A. what you did B. what did you do C. what will you do D. whatyou will do三
、选择方框中的词语,并用其正确形式填空。第 2 页
Be quick, or you will be late! =________ ______,or you will be late!②suggest建议,提议suggest

、句型转换e 1.How does th。 mobile phone work?Can you tell me?(合为一句) Can you tell me mobile phone ?2. He seems not to know the truth .(
改 同义句) 为 that he doesn’tknow the truth.3.Can you tell me where I should go?(改
为单句)Can you tell mego?4. He studied until 12:00 last night.(
改 同义句)He 为 go to bed12:00 last night.5. I suggest that we stay here for two days.(
改I单句) 为 herefor two days.【学生自主反
思】(写出今日一得和今日不足) 今
日一得 : 今
日不足 : 第 3 页
pass by at first walk up to not…until come on1. ,the teacher will give us a speech.2.When he the park, he saw a monkey.3. ,we weren’t scared,but later we were very scared.4. The boy the teacher and said “sorry”.5. He come back I fell asleep.四