人教新目标九年级英语上册Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.测试题.doc
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Unit 12 测试题(满分100分)一、 单项选择。 (15分)选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )1. — What would you like for      breakfast? — I’d like some milk and      pie. A. a; the B. a; / C. /; a D. the; a( )2. — Is Mount Tai the highest mountain in Shandong? — I think so. It is 1,545 meters      sea level. A. under B. above C. past D. along( )3. — After being trapped (困住) for 36 days, Strong Pig was still      when peoplefound it. — It was great news. A. alive B. lively C. lived D. live( )4. — Columbus was a man who changed the world. — I agree. His      of America was one of the greatest events in human history. A. invention B. discovery C. appearance D. agreement( )5. — Is the airport closed because of the bad weather? — No. But my flight to Beijing was      because of it. A. locked B. booked C. lost D. cancelled第 1 页

( )6. — Did Mrs Smith call you yesterday? — Yes. I was about      for lunch when the telephone rang. A. going out B. to going out C. to go out D. go out( )7. — I want to buy a ticket to the movie. — Sorry, we have      all the tickets. A. put awayB. given upC. given awayD. sold out( )8. — James said he would come to my party, but he didn’t     . — Really? He didn’t keep his word again.A. show up B. get up C. set up D. give up ( )9. — I must go home. — If you must, at least wait      the rain stops. A. sinceB. asC. till D. when( )10. — How      it was when I fell down in front of so many people. — Well, everyone can fall, right? A. embarrass B. embarrassing C. embarrasses D. embarrassed( )11. — Do you know who the award will go to? — I have no idea. We have to wait until the result     . A. announces B. will announce C. will be announced D. is announced( )12. — Was it your first visit to the museum?第 2 页

— No. I had visited it     . But I thought it worth a second visit. A. a day ago B. next week C. the following dayD. the day before( )13. — You did go to see “The Hunger Games 3” yesterday evening? —No. I      it already. A. see B. had seen C. have seen D. would see( )14. — Do you know      when you arrived? — Five minutes. I missed something exciting. A. how long the show had been on B. how long had the show been on C. how long has the show been on D. how long the show has been on( )15. — Barcelona lost the match last night. —      It is unbelievable. They always win.A. How come? B. Never mind. C. I can’t agree more. D. That’s common.二、 完形填空。 (15分) 阅读下列短文,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I enjoy telling stories. To those parents and teachers who 1 6 telling children’s stories, I have animportant 1 7 — tell your story seriously. No matter how silly you think it is, 1 8 it is goodenough to tell, you should tell it seriously. You should tell the story 1 9 the attitude of thechildren towards it. Perhaps I can make it 2 0 by telling a story.A few students of a class had prepared the story of “The Fisherman and His Wife”. The first girl第 3 页

felt that it was a silly story. She tried to tell it 2 1 , but some parts of it 2 2 her feel ashamed(难为情的). When she came to the words, “Oh, man of the sea, come, listen to me. For Alice, mywife …” she said them very 2 3 . The next time she came to the same words, she said them so fast and so low that they 2 4be heard. And when she tried to repeat the words the last time, she could 2 5 go on. Of courseeverybody laughed, but the flavor (意味) of the story was broken.Now, it was Kate’s turn to tell the 2 6 story. Each of her rising and falling tones (声调) showed her 2 7 attitude to the story.When she repeated the words, “Oh, man of the sea, come …”, the whole class could 2 8 thefisherman’s feeling.Those words may 2 9 silly, but they are important for expressing the fisherman’s feeling. If theperson who tells the story thinks they are silly, 3 0 can see no flavor at all! So please tell yourstory seriously.( )16. A. forgetB. finishC. preferD. hate( )17. A. mistakeB. troubleC. decision D. suggestion( )18.A. so B. until C. if D. although ( )19. A. in B. withC. about D. without( )20. A. clearer B. louderC. more important D. more successful( )21. A. simplyB. wellC. badlyD. quietly( )22. A. left B. got C. watchedD. made ( )23. A. slowlyB. easilyC. quicklyD. impolitely( )24. A. needB. needn’tC. couldD. couldn’t ( )25. A. hardlyB. still C. always D. mostly( )26. A. latestB. oldestC. sameD. different第 4 页

( )27. A. negativeB. seriousC. general D. strange( )28. A. hideB. changeC. invent D. imagine( )29. A. soundB. tasteC. smellD. feel( )30. A. tellers B. listeners C. singersD. members三、 阅读理解。 (30分)ATable manners are how to behave when you eat a meal. Different countries have different tablemanners. Now let’s see how to eat in public in the following countries.JapanIt is okay to make some noises when you eat noodles in Japan. Unlike making big noises, makingsome noises is not rude but is a compliment to the chef. The Japanese also say it tastes better ifyou make some noises.What else to watch: It’s important to say “thanks” before and after a meal.FranceIn France, a meal is like a ceremony (典礼). People enjoy it and make it a special event. Youshould never discuss money or religion (宗教信仰) over dinner, and going Dutch (各自付账) isnot very polite. What else to watch: You need to finish everything on your plate.MexicoIn Mexico, whenever you catch the eye of someone who’s eating, even a stranger, it’s goodmanners to say “provecho”, which means “enjoy”.What else to watch: Where you sit matters in this country. Before you get seated, look for placecards, or wait until the host seats you. And you must say “enjoy your meal” before you leave thetable.第 5 页

根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。(10分)( )31. In Japan,      while eating noodles means you give a compliment to the chef. A. eating quietly B. making some noises C. eating quicklyD. making big noises( )32. In France, people don’t talk about      during a meal. A. religionB. jobs C. familyD. prices( )33. You’re supposed to eat all the food on your plate in     . A. Japan B. Mexico C. Brazil D. France( )34. In Mexico, you’re supposed to      before you leave the table. A. say “thanks”B. clean your plateC. say “enjoy your meal” D. go Dutch with the others at table( )35. From the passage, we know     .A. Japanese people are serious in restaurants B. people in France like going out for dinner very much C. in Mexico, strangers don’t talk to each other in a restaurant D. you’re supposed to be friendly to a stranger in a Mexican restaurantBAlthough I was never a thin girl, I was always fit because I played basketball from the 5th graderight through college. But after graduation, I got married and gave up playing basketball. Then Istarted eating too much. In 10 years, my weight increased from 175 to 245 pounds. What was evenworse, my son picked up a bad eating habit. As a four-year-old boy, he liked having French fries第 6 页

because he often saw me put those things into my mouth.I read an article in my husband’s health magazine. It said that being too fat can shorten a person’slife by five to ten years. That was scary. I didn’t want to leave my son because of my poor eatinghabits. After that, every time I wanted to have French fries. I would think that I could be here alittle bit longer if I just ate better.One of my friends told me that an organization was offering a free course to help people loseweight, so I decided to join it. The teacher gave each type of food a certain number of calories,and how many calories we needed to eat a day. After I came home from the first class, I calculated(计算) the calories of food in my meal. If I wanted, I could have pizza every night. But when Ilearned that one piece had a lot of calories, I decided not to eat as many pieces as I wanted.Finally, I succeeded in losing 50 pounds. In February, 2019, I was on the cover of a healthmagazine. And my husband always told other people that I looked better than ever.根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。(10分)( )36. How many pounds in weight did the writer increase in 10 years?A. 50 pounds.B. 70 pounds.C. 120 pounds.D. 175 pounds.( )37. The underlined phrase “picked up” is similar to “    ” in meaning.A. formed B. wonC. choseD. collected( )38. According to her husband’s health magazine, being too fat can      .A. help women give birth to babiesB. shorten a person’s life by yearsC. help people live a little bit longerD. be fit for playing some sports( )39. The teacher of the free course told the students     .A. to do sports every day第 7 页

B. to give up eating pizzaC. how many calories of food they needed a dayD. the types of food they could eat to lose weight( )40. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. The writer’s son used to eat French fries every night.B. The writer’s husband was not happy before she lost weight.C. The writer was on the cover of a magazine in January, 2019.D. The writer gave up playing basketball after she got married.CA 2-year-old boy is being talked about as a hero after using FaceTime to save his mother after shewas badly hurt.According to a report from KGUN, Laura Toone was trying to break up a fight between a foster(收养的) dog and one of her own dogs when the foster dog bit part of her middle finger a