三年级上册英语教案Unit6 Colours(Period 1)译林版(三起).doc
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三上Unit6 Colours(Period 1)教学内容:story time教学目标:1. 能初步听懂、会拼读、会写单词:red, yellow, green, orange brown, black, white.2. 能听懂,会读,会说What colour is the/my/…,并且能用It’s来回答。3. 能在正确的语境中使用所学句型。4. 培养学生听说读写的英语综合运用能力。教学重点和难点:能听懂,会读,会说What colour is the/my/…,并且能用It’s来回答。教学过程:Step1. Warm up1. sing some songs2. free talkSay hello to each other and talk zbout the clothes.Step2. Lead in1.T:Before class,you can sing some songs. Now let’s say a short rhyme.2.T:Look!I have a magic book.It names “Brown bear,brown bear,what can you see” Let’s say a long rhyme. Boys.girls,please say with me.上课前带着学生们读一读。3.揭题,Today we will learn unit 6 Step3. Look and say1.出示一个大衣柜。T: What colour is the…?S:It’s…2.Let’s PKT: What colour is my cap? T: What colour is the shirt?第 1 页

B:It’s brown. G:It’s white.T: What colour is my coat? T: What colour is my dress?B:It’s black. G:It’s red.同法一问一答一共八个句子,前面四个,由老师直接问,让学生先初步感知What colour is my …?的句型,后面四个可以具体教授。3.A magic show.提前准备一瓶蓝色的水和一瓶红色的水T:Let’s have a magic show. Look, what colour?S:It’s blue.T:Say “what colour”together. 教师摇晃瓶子,学生喊“What culour”T:What colour is it now?S:It’s green.同法展示红加黄变绿的魔术。第二次让学生来操作。Step4. Storytime1.T: We can have a magic show. Yang Ling can have a magic show too.2.Watch and answerQ:What does Yang Ling show?3.Read and answerQ:What colour is YangLing’s skirt? At first(首先)it’s________.Then (然后) it’s________.At last(最后) it’s________.4.Q: What does Yang Ling ask?两个问句一定要反复读,多种方法读。5.Listen and repeat6.Dub教师先示范,学生分角色配音。7.Let’s read in roles and act in roles分角色朗读时,也要注意学生的坐姿,为整班朗读做准备。第 2 页

Step5. Extracurricular expanding1.Give a new magic show2.A magic dress(1). What colour is the dress in spring? A.red B.green C.red and green(2). In summer the dress is orange. A.Yes. B.No.(3). The dress is ________(colour的形容词)3. Enjoy the colourful world Step6. Homework1.Read story time after the tape.2.Recite the words about colours.3.Describe the colours of the things around you.课后反思:本课教授颜色类单词,以魔术为主线,由老师变魔术引导到本课的杨玲变魔术环节,找了一些学生感兴趣的绘本来揭题,最后又由一个绘本故事进行课后拓展,拉近了师生之间的距离,使他们饶有兴趣地与同伴合作,认真学习。在这种氛围中,孩子们争先恐后参与到本节课的活动中来,感到了用英语交流的乐趣。无论是老师的魔术还是模仿杨玲的魔术的操练,把枯燥的知识转化成为有趣的游戏活动,既活跃了气氛,又巩固了知识。如何使自己的课堂充满生机,促进学生自主学习,还可以把这些活动延伸到课外,给学生提供更大的空间来运用英语,让每个孩子的个性和运用语言的能力在交际中得到发展。第 3 页