三年级下册英语单元测试 Unit 3 My food Unit 5 Clothes 人教.doc
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Unit 3 My food 单元测试题一、连线1. vegetables A. 面条2. noodles B. 蔬菜3. fish C. 米饭4. chicken D. 鱼肉5. rice E. 鸡肉二、连词成句1. do you want what for dinner ?_____________________________________________________2. want I some and eggs noodles ._____________________________________________________3. are not good they you for . _____________________________________________________4. writes he a list shopping ._____________________________________________________5. I you can help ?_____________________________________________________Unit 4 Pets 三、将匹配的两项连在一起1. 鸟 A. monkey2. 猴子 B. tiger3. 老虎 C. snake4. 蛇 D. bird5. 鱼 E. fish四、连词成句1. tail a short she and ears big has ._______________________________________________2. 86001234 call at me please ._______________________________________________3. pet a needs love your .______________________________________________4. pet a what need does ?______________________________________________第 1 页

5. no has it ears beautiful .______________________________________________Unit 5 Clothes 五、根据中文提示写出下列单词1. 大衣 ______________2. 毛衣 ______________3. 手套 ______________4. 裤子 ______________5. 应该 ______________6. 帽子 ______________六、翻译下列句子1. 我今天应该穿什么呢?________________________________________________2. Tom应该穿上他的大衣和毛衣。________________________________________________3. 我们今天有体育课。________________________________________________4. 今天外面很冷,而且下着雪。________________________________________________5. 北京现在是冬天。________________________________________________七、将匹配的两项连在一起1. 短裤 A. soon2. 短袜 B. dress3. 连衣裙 C. socks4. 不久,很快 D. wear5. 穿 E. shorts八、连词成句1. hot sunny there and is it ?______________________________________________________2. Harbin in is he ?______________________________________________________3. dress the made is of silk ?_____________________________________________________4. black my trousers and shoes are black_____________________________________________________第 2 页

5. fun sun run in the it is to ._____________________________________________________第 3 页