三年级下册英语教案Unit 4 Lesson21 In the Restaurant冀教版.doc
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Unit 4 Lesson21 In the Restaurant教案一、教学目标1、知识(1)听懂会说单词 数字16—20。(2)听懂会用句子:What would you like ? Would you like some tea?I would like some ____.2、能力(1)能够听懂会说本课会话,做到学以致用。(2)通过创设情境使学生感受并学会运用语言,进一步培养学生的口语表达能力。3、情感: 养成在家帮助父母做家务,饭后洗餐具的好习惯。二、教学重点难点(1)听懂会说单词16--20(2)听懂会用句子:What would you like ?Would you like some tea?I would like some ____.有关的句型。三、教具、学具1、教具有关本课餐具的挂图或实物,录音机。2、学具:学生准备(五人一组)一个餐具。四、教学过程第 1 页

1、复习数字1—20让全班每个学生数1—20,然后让他们一个接一个站起来,按正确顺序每人说出一个数字。2、新授(1)出示实物或挂图T: Look, what are these?Ss:tables.T: Yes, They are tables.T: How many tables are there?Ss: Sixteen tables.T: Yes, sixteen tables.领读几遍T: What are those? (指chairs)S1:Chairs.T: Yes, chairs. How many chairs are there?S1:Seventeen chairs.T: Yes, there are seventeen chairs.领读几遍。T: What are these?(指hot dogs)S2: Hot dogs.T: Yes, hot dogs. How many hot dogs are there?S2: Eighteen.T: Yes, there are eighteen hot dogs.领读几遍。T: What are those?(指hamburgers)S3: Hamburgers.T: Yes, spoons. How many hamburgers are there?S3: Nineteen.第 2 页

T: Yes, there are nineteen hamburgers.(领读几遍)T: What are these?(指donuts)S4: Donuts.T: Twenty.T: Yes, twenty donuts. There are twenty donuts.(2)同学二人之间对话练习。S1: How many tables are there?S2: There are sixteen tables.S3: How many chairs are there?S4: There are seventeen chairs.S5: How many hot dogs are there?S6: There are eighteen hot dogs.S7: How many hamburgers are there?]S8: There are nineteen hamburgers.S9: How many donuts are there?S10: There are twenty donuts.(3)教师边读单词边在黑板上进行板书(4)教师扮演饭店服务员与学生对话:T: What would you like?S1: I would like some noodles.S2: I would like some chicken and rice, please.S1: What would you like?S4: I would like a bowl of rice, please.S5: Would you like some tea?第 3 页

S6: No, thanks.I’d like some water. (5)听录音学生看书跟读。第 4 页