三年级下册英语教案-Unit 7 On the farm 译林版.doc
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三年级英语下册 Unit 7 On the farm(Story time)教学设计一、教学设计:1、教学内容分析:本课教学内容是三年级英语下册 Unit 7 On the farm(Story time)。本课是故事教学,也是本单元的第一课时。本课以农场为背景教授句型What are these/those? They’re…Arethese/those…? Yes./ No.以及单词farm, pigs, cows, apples和pears.本课是本单元的核心板块,以对话的形式呈现了本课词汇、句型、日常用语和语言功能,并使学生能在真实的情境中运用重点句型进行交流。2、教学目标:1)知识与技能目标:(1)通过学习Story time, 能正确地听懂、会说、会读单词farm, pigs, cows, apples和pears.(2)能在真实的情境中熟练运用以下句型及其答语: ①What are these/those? They’re…②Are these/those…? Yes./ No. (3)通过学习Story time, 能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试朗读对话、表演对话。2)情感目标:培养学生热爱动植物、关心大自然,共享美好生活的情感体验。3)学习策略:通过让学生体验自主探究、合作交流的学习方式,发挥学生的自主学习能力。 3、教学过程:Step 1. Greetings 1. T: Hello, boys and girls. Today, we are two groups. Boys are animalgroup, girls are fruit group.S: OK.2. T: Now, let’s watch a cartoon. I f you can sing the song, you can singit after the cartoon. (Old McDonald had a Farm)S: Watch and sing.T: What are they in the cartoon.S: On the farm.T: Teach the word “farm”.S: Read after the teacher.(设计意图:通过男女生分组,让学生对于本课的单词有所了解。再通过一首孩子熟悉的歌曲视频,渲染学习气氛,并一下子就把孩子自然地带入农场。)Step 2. Presentation 1.Watch a cartoon and answer the questionsT: Watch another cartoon, and tell me what animals can you see?(To第 1 页

the farm)S: Watch and answer my question. ( cow, pig, sheep, dog, duck,chicken, horse)2.Visit a farmT: Now I am a farmer.( 老师带上农民的头饰) This is my farm. Welcome tomy farm! Do you want to visit my farm?S: OK.T: Look, what’s this?(课件出示一头猪的阴影)S: It’s a pig.(老师教授单词pig的发音)T: They are pigs. (课件出示几头猪)(老师教授they, they’re 和pigs的发音)T: What are these?S: They’re apples.(老师教授单词apple和apples的发音)T: What’s that?(课件出示一头牛的阴影)S: It’s a cow.(老师教授单词cow的发音)T: They are cows. (课件出示几头牛)(老师教授cows的发音)T: What are those? S: They’re pears.(老师教授单词pear和pears的发音)3. Chant togetherT: Let’s chant!(设计意图:通过歌曲视频,让孩子在参观农场的同时不知不觉地学习本课的重点单词和句型。阴影部分的呈现也很符合实际情况。)Step 3. Play games 1. Let’s guessT: What are these? Guess.S: Are these pigs?T: Yes. They’re pigs. S: Are these dogs?T: No. They’re rabbits. (老师教授Are these …? Yes./No. They’re… )T: What are those? Guess.S: Are those birds?T: Yes. They’re birds. S: Are those pigs?T: No. They’re dogs. (老师教授Are those …? Yes./No. They’re… )2. Let’s playS: 3.第 2 页

T: What are these? Guess!S: Are these pigs? T: No. Guess again! …S: What are these? T: Look! They’re dogs.(老师说明游戏的玩法,四人一组进行操练,老师给予指导)(设计意图:通过游戏,大大提高了孩子学习的积极性。通过小组学习,放手让孩子自己去问和答,充分调动学生的自主学习能力)Step 4. Listen, watch and do 1. Task 1 Watch and answerT: Watch the cartoon and answer the question. Who is on the farm?S: The farmer, Mike and Liu Tao.2. Task 2 Listen and tickT: Listen and tick. What’s on the farm?S: Pigs, cows, apples and pears.3. Task 3 Read after the cartoonT: Listen and repeat.S: OK.4. Task 4 Read togetherT: Let’s read together.S: OK.5. Task 5 Read and actT: Let’s read and act.S: OK.(设计意图:通过五个任务,层层深入,由简到难,让学生能轻松自然的学习并掌握本课对话。)Step 5. ConsolidationT: This is my “Happy farm”. What are these/those?S: They’re…T: Are these/ those…?S: Yes./ No. They’re…T: Now, please show us your “Happy farm”, and talk about your farmwith your classmates.S: Ask and answer.(设计意图:让学生在课前就准备好自己小组的开心农场,在课堂上展示自己农场,并和其他组的同学讨论。使学生能充分利用网络来巩固自己学到的知识点,运用所学的句型和单词并能有适当的拓展。)Step 6. Homework 1. Read Story time 5 times.2. Introduce your farm to your parents or friends.3. Visit a farm if it’s possible. 第 3 页

(设计意图:让学生进一步巩固所学习,并能把课堂所学运用到日常生活中。)板书设计Unit 7 On the farmA: What are these/those? pigs B: They’re… cows A: Are these/those…? apples B: Yes./No. They’re… pears 第 4 页