五年级上册英语教案Lesson20 The Spring Festival Is Coming 冀教版.doc
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课题: Lesson20 The Spring Festival Is Coming! 第 38 课时内容: 课型: 教法:教学目标知识与技能能听懂会说一些关于节日的名称。能简单描述关于春节做的事情。过程与方法通过让学生比赛、小组讨论等方式培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。情感态度与价值观通过对中国传统节日——春节的学习,学生感受到传统文化的底蕴,促使学生热爱我国文化。教学重点词汇、句式及语法结构教学难点在老师的帮助下能够运用自己的语言描述春节。教学准备录音机共 案 部 分二次备案Step1. Warming up.T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today? What’s the date today? Step 2. New Concepts.1.Review. T: In China , there are many interesting festival. Can you say some interesting festival youknow. What’s your favorite festival in China? What’s the date of this festival?2.New concepts: T: Good job, Do you know what’s the date of the Spring Festival? Ss……T:Yes , Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year. It’s on the first day of a yearon the lunar canlendar.(给学生区分阴历和阳历) I like Spring Festival, Because I can buynew clothes and clean my rooms……What do you do for the Spring Festival? Ss…….Eg: clean windows/doors/ make dumplings /fly kites……T: There are many interesting things in Spring Festival. It is great. Today let’s go to LiMing’s home.Let’s listen what do they do in Spring Festival, Okay? Step: 5. Homework.板书设计Lesson 20 The Spring Festival Is Coming! clean our rooms make dumplingsSpring Festival is coming visit my family and friends kids get lucky monkey课题: Lesson20 The Spring Festival Is Coming! 第 39 课时内容: 课型: 教法:教学知识与技能能听懂会说一些关于节日的名称。能简单描述关于春节做的事情。过程与方法通过让学生比赛、小组讨论等方式培养学生英语思维及互助学习模式。第 1 页

目标情感态度与价值观通过对中国传统节日——春节的学习,学生感受到传统文化的底蕴,促使学生热爱我国文化。教学重点词汇、句式及语法结构教学难点在老师的帮助下能够运用自己的语言描述春节。教学准备录音机共 案 部 分二次备案Step1. Warming up.T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today? What’s the date today? Step:2. Presentations.1.Pair work:Introduce the Spring Festival to your friend. eg :Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year. When Spring Festival is coming, I buy newclothes……clean our rooms/ clean the doors, the windows and the floor./ make dumplings/ visit myfamily and friends/ Kids get lucky money. 2.Group work: (ask and write)Ask and answer the questions one by one in groups. Then fill in the blanks.Step: 3. Summary.Sing a song then ask students summary: How do you feel about thesong? Step: 4. Homework.板书设计Lesson 20 The Spring Festival Is Coming! clean our rooms make dumplingsSpring Festival is coming visit my family and friends kids get lucky monkey课后反思:第 2 页