五年级上册英语教案Unit 6 In a nature park 人教.doc
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新课标PEP小学英语五年级上册《Unit 6 In a NaturePark》教学设计 Part B Read and write【教学目标】1能听说读写本课句型Are there any … in the …? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. 以及单词mountain.2能用there be句型介绍山庄并描述其特征。【教学重、难点分析】。本课时需要重点掌握句型Are there any … in the …?的书写。单词fish的复数与其单数形式相同,需正确使用。【教具准备】1、录音机和磁带。2、单词卡片。3、若干表示风景的图片。【教学过程 】Step1、Warm-up.(1) Let’s chant on Page 68: T: Hello, boys and girls, I’m happy today. Let’s chant. (2) Free talk.T: What a beautiful pictures. 指教室墙Are there any pictures in the classroom? Ss: Yes, there are.T: 指一生 Are there any desks in the classroom?S: Yes, there are.T: 找若干个学生 Are there any chairs in the classroom? Are there any books on the desk? Are there any pens in the pencil-case? Are there any students in the classroom?(3) 出示词卡,复习四会单词。Step2. Presentation.(1) I have many pictures here. 教师展示若干图片,然后自己选择一张。让学生用Arethere any … in the …? 猜教师刚才选了哪张图片。Can you guess which picture is theone that I choose? 板书Are there any … in the …?可进行二到三次。(2) 学生用句型Are there any … in the …?时教师回答Yes, there are. /No, there aren’t. 并将这两句话板书。(3) 在猜测中结合图片教学fish的单复数形式以及单词mountain的拼写.(4) T: Sarah and Chen Jie are talking about their villages. Let’s go and have a look.Please open your book, Page 75. Read this passage and tick or cross. a. Chen Jie likes her village. ( ) b. There are many rivers and bridges in Sarah’s village. ( )第 1 页

(5) T: Read it again and make a choice. a. There are many_____________ near Chen Jie’s village. A. mountains B. mountain C.rivers b. There are no tall ____________ in Chen Jie’s village. A. trees B. buildings(6) T: Read it carefully and finish the exercises on your book.(7) 听录音,跟读。 (8) 学生自读课文。(9) 分角色朗读课文。(10) 让学生表演对话。Step 3 Consolidation and Extension.1学生分小组完成 Task time 的任务,比一比哪个小组设计的广告最有创意。如果课上时间不够,该部分活动也可以放在课下完成,让学生事先准备,节约课堂时间。教师可选择几幅好的作品张贴在教室的墙上或校园的橱窗里进行展示,学生talk about the ad。2游戏: 辩论赛将学生分成两大组。一组代表城市,一组代表农村。让学生用There be句型描述自己所代表的地方。每用句型正确的描述一次自己所代表的地方,教师就给哪一个组加一个小星星。哪个组最后得到的星星最多哪个组获胜。Homework. 用There be句型向同学或家人描述你的家乡。板书设计 Part B Read and writeAre there any … in the …? Yes, there are.No, there aren’t.第 2 页