五年级下册英语教案Unit 3 Asking the way (Period 3)译林版(三起).doc
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Unit 3 Asking the way (Period 3)教学内容:Cartoon time、Culture time & Sound time教学目标:1.复习问路方式:How do I get to the ...? Go along ... Turnleft/ right at ...了解更多有关问路和指路的表达2.能够听懂、会说、会读卡通故事中出现的词汇:film, wait for, stop, full,over. 能够整体理解并初步表演卡通对话。3.了解英美人对“卫生间”的不同说法,了解中国对于厕所的不同说法。感受中西方文化的差异,时代的变迁。4.学生能熟练掌握字母sh在单词中的发音。5.能了解现实生活中存在的“Traffic jam”现象,为改善这种现象,从我做起。 教学重点:1. 巩固和了解更多的问路和指路的表达方式。 2. 能正确理解、朗读卡通故事。教学难点:1.能正确并且熟练地运用本单元所学的词句问路和指路。2.能正确理解、朗读卡通故事。教具准备:PPT,卡通人物头饰和搜集Culture time资讯教学过程:Step1 Revision1. Revise the words about places and the phrases about asking andtelling the way.1) Look and say (让学生根据图片或中文短语迅速说出相关英文)2. Free talks: Talk about the ways from the home to Xingmei GuojiCinema.1) T: I often go to the cinema. I like seeing films. How about you? S1: ... (L: film)T: I often go to Xingmei Guoji Cinema at weekends. It’s on TianmuRoad, on the 7th floor of Jinying Shopping Centre.S2: How do you get to Xingmei Guoji Cinema?T: My home is also on Tianmu Road. It’s not far from the cinema. Ioften go there by bus. First, I get on the bus at No. 2 People’sHospital and I get off the bus at Jinying Shopping Centre Stop. Thecinema is on my left.2) Ask about the students’ way to the cinema.T: Where’s your home?S2: It’s on ... Street/ Road.T: How do you get to the cinema?S2: ...3) Pair work3. Ticking: I can ask and tell/ show the way.Step 2 Cartoon time1. Lead in: Talk about Pic1.(呈现该板块第一幅图和旁白部分。)第 1 页

T: We like seeing films. So do Bobby and Tina. Look. (全班齐读:Bobby and Tina want to see a new film. They want to go to CityCinema.)Look, what are they looking at?Ss: A map.T: Yes. They’re looking for the way to the cinema. Do you have anyquestions? S: How do they get to the cinema?Q: How many ways do they choose to get to City Cinema?Can they see the film? Why?What film is it? ...2. Watch the cartoon and find the answer: 1) Learn Pic2Q: How do they get to the cinema?--L: stop (将图片剪切成两部分,先呈现Bobby和Tina在站台上等的情景;再出现公交车进站的情景。引导学生感受幽默点。)--L: full; We can’t get on the bus, Tina! The bus is too full! (引导学生模仿语音语调,入情入景地、有感情地朗读,读出Bobby和Tina惊讶、着急的情感。甚至可以模仿bus上动物被挤得难受的叫声:Full,full, toofull.)2) Learn Pic 3--重点朗读:—There are too many cars in the street, Tina! —OK.Let’s take the metro.--拓展:Traffic jam3) Learn Pic 4Q: Finally, can they see the film? Why?1) -- L: over; but the film is over(学生学过over there,许多学生还知道Game over. 所以该单词可以让学生自己尝试学习。)--We’re too late, Bobby!2) Q: What will Bobby say?3. Reading4. Discussion:(PPT呈现五上P55图4,本课图2,3)Q: What can we do to stop the traffic jam? (倡导绿色出行。)1) Discuss in groups.2) Check out.5. Try to give a name to the story.6. Tasks:1) Read the story in3s. 2) Dub for it in 3s. 第 2 页

利用《课课练》rStep 5. Homewo上的练习巩固语音。)k1)Discussion: There is often traffic jam. To stop this. How will/ doyou come to school tomorrow?2)Try to draw the way from home to school. Try to tell the way toschool in English. 板书:第 3 页
3) Act it in3s. (合作给故事起个名字,适当设计新的结尾。)Step 3 Culture time( 接上呈现第四幅图) T: It takes Bobby a lot of time to get to thecinema. Bobby is not fine. He wants to go to the toilet now.--L: toilet1. Q: How can bobby ask the way?-- Excuse me, Where’s the toilet?/How can I get to the toilet? /Can you show me the way to thetoilet? ...2. Tell Bobby the way to the toilet. ( PPT呈现Bobby去厕所的线路图。)3. Learn the part.1) Look and say L: restroom; rest2) Expand: In the US we call a “toilet” a “restroom”.3) Expand: The differences among “WC”, “toilet” and “restroom”.Step 4 Sound time1.Meet the new friend(呈现Sharon图,从Culture time过渡到Soundtime)Sharon: Hello, everybody. I’m Sharon. I like shiny shoes. I would like to go to the shoe shop and buy a new pair. (提前录音,做在课件里。)--L: Sharon shiny2. Listen to the part.3. Reading4.Chant it.1)--Ss :Together T: Shiny shoes, shiny shoes. Which to choose?S1: The _______(颜色) shiny shoes.Ss: Yeah!2) In 4s. (根据以上师生合作model,让学生创新地朗诵这一儿歌。)5.Read the 5 words in the rhyme and try to find the sound of “sh”.6.Try to read the new words: sheep, ship, should, shop, sure______ ______ (让学生尝试读和回忆书上出现的符合拼读规则的单词,培养学生见词能读的能力和语音感受能力。)7.Read and group Shirley and Sally sell shirts at their shop. Shall we see the show at school on Saturday? Sure. 1. shoe __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ 2. six __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ (充分

下Unit 3 Asking the way (Period 3)Cartoon time,Culture time & Sound time教学
思反:本节课师教排安Cartoon time了,Culturetime和Sound time 三个板结的内容,教学块
主默习的过程学尝试拼读学习新词汇,通过读句体会故事的幽中之处iCulture t;me教学中,教师
知识点的印 ;Sound象time中尽量创语设境进行体验过习,通学听,读等方式感
角度思考,充分考虑学生的学习水平尾2.在Ca。oon time的结rt之处,教师只是停留
的能力,真正做到服务课堂,服务学生。路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。第 4 页
Unit3 Asking the waysh / ʃ / _________ ___________ __________ __________ _________s / ʃ / sure五