五年级下册英语教案Unit 4 When is Easter PA Let's spell∣人教版(PEP)(2018秋).doc
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Unit 4 When is Easter?Part A Let's spell Page40教案教学目标1.语言技能(1)能够听说读写单词:three, thin, thirteen, maths, this, that, mother, brother.(2)能够掌握字母组合th的两种发音规则,并能够根据的发音规则写出字母组合th.(3)能够读出“符合字母组合th发音规则”的单词。(4)能够举一反三,组合句子,在横线上正确抄写单词与句子,做到书写规范正确。2.语言知识(1)能够了解单词简单的拼读规律,根据单词的音、义、形来学习词汇。3.情感态度、学习策略与文化意识(1)能够积极参与课堂学习活动,表达中不怕出错误,遇到困难大胆求助。(2)能够主动对新学的知识进行总结与归纳。(3)在学习的过程中,能够初步体会中外语言表达方式上的异同之处。教学重点1.句型:Thursday is his eleventh birthday. That is her brother. His motheris a maths teacher. 2.词汇:three, thin, thirteen, maths, this, that, mother, brother.教学难点1.除了字母组合th,词汇的其他字母的发音会影响学生正确读出单词。教学用具1.教师准备与本课时相关的课件与音视频。教学过程第 1 页

Step 1:warm-up1.Greeting.师生用英语互相问候。2.Let’s review. 教师引导学生复习本学期已经学过的字母发音规则。cl says / kl/ cleanpl says /pl/ platebr says /br/ breadgr says / gr/ greatch says /t ∫ / chickensh says / ∫/ shirtStep 2:Presentation1.Look, ask and answer.教师出示课件,给学生看图片,根据图片内容进行问答活动。T:How many eggs are there?Ss:There are three.T:How many eggs are there? Ss:There are thirteen.(在这个过程中,教师可以引导学生数数。)T:Look at the boy. What’s he like? Ss:He is thin.T:What’s this? Ss:It’s a maths book.T:Great! Now please tell me! What can you find from the words?教师呈现课件内容,出现四个单词,由学生找出单词的共同之处。先找出单词中共同的字母组合th,再尝试发现字母组合的发音。th says /θ/.2.Present the words.教师出示课件,通过问答方式,呈现词汇mother, brother.T:Who is this woman? Ss:She is my mother.T:Who is that boy? Ss:He is my brother.T:Look! They are brothers.3.Read and spell the words.学生看课件,读单词,并进行拼读活动,教师引导学生通过单词的音、义、形来记住词汇。第 2 页

4.What can you find?教师呈现课件,引导学生找出四个单词之间的共同之处与字母组合th的发音规则/δ/。5.Look, listen and say the words.(学生看课件,听音频,读出单词,说两遍英语,两遍中文。)Step 3:Practice1.Listen, circle and say.听录音,给听到的单词画圆圈,完成任务之后,每个单词两遍英文,两遍中文。(1)Listen and circle. 听录音,给听到的单词画圆圈。(2)Let’s check. 师生核对答案。(3)Look and say the words. 看单词,说单词,两遍英语,两遍中文。2.Choose, write and say.学生选择单词,给单词连线,然后在横线上正确书写句子,完成书写之后,再读句子。Thursday is his eleventh birthday. That is her brother. His mother is a maths teacher.3.Make a summary. (课堂小结。)T: What did we learn this class?教师和学生一起总结本课时的教学重点,先由学生谈谈自己学了什么,教师再进行总结。Step4:Homework1.听录音,默写 P40的单词与句型,并读给组长听。2.完成本课时配套的练习题。3.预习P41。第 3 页