五年级下册英语教案Unit5 What's the Weather like Today 陕旅版.doc
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Unit5 What is the weather like today?1.教学目标1、学习描述天气的形容词sunny,windy,cloudy,rainy,snowy,以及名词weather. 2、学习问天气的句型How is the weather? It`s...并灵活应用句型。熟悉对话内容。3、能用所学单词、句型描述天气,进行对话。2.重点难点重点:1、能听懂、会读、会说描述天气的形容词。2、学习问天气的句型。难点:1、灵活应用所学句型,表演对话。3.教具准备幻灯片、单词卡片。4.教学设计4.1 Greetings (打招呼)4.2 Warming up(热身活动)让学生边唱边做动作。第 1 页

4.3 Leading in(引入)T:Look out, what's the weather like today?出示今天所学内容的标题。让学生看一张天气预报图。提问:How is the weather?从而引出描述天气的一些形容词。4.4 Teaching(教授新课)A:New words(新单词)B: Activity(活动)The teacher teaches the song.(学单词歌谣)C:Competition(比赛)1)Show some pictures,ask the students to answer how is the weather.Divide theninto two groups,and call somebody who put up hands firstly.(出示一些图片,让学生用所学的形容词来描述所给图片的天气情况)让学生分为两组,选每组举手最快的学生来回答。2)Find the pictures(找图片)3)Guess the words(根据老师的表情和动作来猜单词)D: Key sentences(新句子)1)Read the sentences(让学生会读目标句子)2)Activity(活动)活动一:Make a short conversation according to the picture with your partner.(让学生和同桌根据图片来做一个简单的对话)活动二:Sing a song.(学一首关于天气的歌谣)5.Homework(布置作业)课后每人练习用学过的单词描述当天天气。第 2 页

6.板书设置 Unit 5 What’s the weather like today? sunny rainyHow is the weather? It’s... cloudy snowy windy第 3 页