五年级下册英语一课一练Unit 4 A Spring Outing 闽教版.doc
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⑴ese let desk( ) r
⑵ed bed get( ) h
⑶ead bread sweater ⒉把下列词汇与相应的图片连线。
⑴orange juice bread fruits water
⑵sports shoes T-shirt camera umbrella⒊正确抄写下列词汇和句子,并在括号里写出中文意思(注意大小写和标点符号)。spring outing( ) climb( ) mountain( ) water ( ) thirsty( ) camera( ) What are you going to take with you? ( ) I'm going to take some water with me.( )⒋选词填空。 a an It's
⑴ umbrella. It's
⑵ beautiful umbrella. you me What are you going to take with
⑶ ? I'm going to take a bag with
⑷ . bread banana I have a
⑸ . I have some
⑹ .二、课时达标⒌根据图意,补全对话。 A: What are you going to take with you?
⑴ B: We are going to take with us. A: What are you going to take with you?
⑵ B: I'm going to take with me. A: What is he going to take with him?
⑶ B: He is going to take with him. A: What are they going to take with them?
⑷ B: They are going to take with them.⒍阅读短文,根据短文内容判断正(T)、误(F)。 We are going for a spring outing in April. We are going to climb a mountain.
Unit 4 A Spring OutingPart A学校 班级 学生 一、基础训练⒈判断下列单词划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的打“√”,不同的打“×”。( ) Chin

⑴ ( ) We are going to visit a zoo.
⑵ ( ) We are going to take some water with us.
⑶ ( ) Wang Tao is going to wear sports shoes.
⑷ ( ) Sally is going to take some photos.
⑸三、能力提升⒎根据实际需要,在词组前的方框内打“√”,并模仿范例写一写。We are going for a spring outing. We are going to climb a mountain. What are you going to wear?
⑴例:I'm going to wear sports shoes. What are you going to take with you?
⑵ 例:I'm going to take some water with me.Part B学校 班级 学生 一、基础训练⒈正确抄写下列词汇和句子,并在括号里写出中文意思(注意大小写和标点符号)。 sky ( ) cloud( ) shout( ) top( ) get on ( ) The pupils are going to get on the bus.( )The pupils are getting on the bus. ( ) ⒉读一读,选择与图意相符的选项。
⑴ ⑵ A. Now they are climbing the mountain. A. They are going to get on thebus. B. They are going to climb the mountain. B. Now they are getting on thebus. A. cloud A. top B. mountain B. shout⒊读一读,选择正确的答案,并将其序号填在括号里。 ( ) The ______ is blue. The ______ are white.
⑴ A. sky; clouds B. cloud; sky C. mountain; sky ( ) The pupils are getting ______ the bus.
⑵ A. on B. to C. with ( ) They're going ______ a spring outing.
⑶ A. to B. for C. have ( ) Now they are ______ the top of the mountain.
⑷ A. in B. on C. at ( ) Miss Gao is ______ a photo of her pupils.
⑸ A. take B. taking C. make二、课时达标第 2 页√ some water some tea some orange juice some milk some bread some cakes some fruits a camera an umbrella√ sports shoes a T-shirt a hat a shirt a coat a jacket a sweater a dress a skirt
We are going to take some food and some water with us. We'll be hungry andthirsty. Wang Tao is going to wear T-shirt and sports shoes. Sally is going totake a camera with her. She wants to take some photos. ( ) We are going for a spring outing in May.

— climb ⑴⑵
— shout — take ⑶⑷ wear — p ⒌模仿范例写句子。 例:she ― take a photo She is going to take a ⑸hoto. She is taking a photo. we ― climb the mountain
⑴ I ― get on the bus
⑵ 三、能力提升 ⒍阅读短文,根据短文内容判断正(T)、误(F)。It was a sunny day yesterday. The pupils of Class One, Grade Five went fora spring outing. They went to Taimu Mountain. They got to the foot of themountain by bus. Then they climbed the mountain on foot. At the top of themountain they took many photos. ( ) It was sunny yesterday.
⑴ ( ) The pupils are in Class One, Grade Five.
⑵ ( ) They got to the foot of the mountain by taxi.
⑶ ( ) They climbed the mountain by bus.
⑷ ( ) At the top of the mountain they took a photo.
⑸第 3 页
⒋模仿范例写单词。例:go — going get —