六年级上册英语教案Unit 5 signs ∣译林版(三起).doc
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牛津深圳版 英语 六年级上册教学设计课题 Signs单元5学科英语年级六年级上册学习目标1.了解Culture time2.重点句型:What does it mean?It means........3.ir在单词中的发音。重点1重点句型:What does it mean? It means........2.ir在单词中的发音。难点ir在单词中的发音。教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图导入新课Warming-up and revision 1.Greet the Ss as usual. Check the homework.2.Have a game . 播放有关骰子的游戏仔细观看视频,了解骰子的新玩法。 视频具有很强的视觉冲击力,能吸引学生的注意力,使学生很快的融入课堂之中。讲授新课Ⅰ.Free talk1.你会玩掷骰子游戏吗? 2.你认为它有趣吗?为什么? Ⅱ. 上节回顾Step 1Ⅰ.学生小组讨论骰子游戏的玩法。学生跟随老师复习重点句型Ⅰ.活跃课堂气氛,使学生轻松的学习英语。Ⅱ.使学生快速的了解本节课的主要内容,同时练习第 1 页

教学过程No parkingA:What does it mean?B:It means you can´t park here.No eating or drinkingA:What does it mean?B:It means you can´t eat or drink here.No drinkingA:What does it mean?B:It means you can´t drink.No smokingA:What does it mean?B:It means you can´t smoke.Ⅲ.课文赏析Step 1 Fun timePlay a game.[来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K]根据例句,学习重点句型[来源:][来源:学*科*网Z*X*X*K]达到温故而知新的目的。两个学生玩骰子游戏,反复训练,使学生掌握重点句型。第 2 页

教学过程Go straightA:What does it mean?B:It means you can go straight.Quite pleaseA:What does it mean?B:It means you should keep quite.No trampling[来源:ZXXK]第 3 页

教学过程A:What does it mean?B:It means you should keep off the grass.No pickingA:What does it mean?B:It means you can´t pick the flowers.No litteringA:What does it mean?B:It means you can´t litter.No parkingA:What does it mean?B:It means you can´t park here.Step 2 你还认识这个游戏中的其他标志吗?Ⅳ.Sound timeStep 1 老师播放Sound time的视频Step 2 (1)老师展示本节课要学习的语音。(2)老师逐个展示每个单词的语音及发音规则。(3)青蛙跳的游戏与look and sayⅤ.Culture time学生观看视频,直观了解本节的语音。学生根据每个单词的录音学习这些单词的发音。学生观看视频,直观了解metro.使学生更加深刻的认识英语音标。一边学一边练习,掌握这些单词的正确的读音。增长学生的见识,开阔学生的视野。第 4 页

教学过程Step 1(1)老师播放culture time的视频(2)老师讲解metro在不同国家的叫法Step 2城市里还有哪些交通工具课堂小结1.了解Culture time2.重点句型:What does it mean?It means........3.ir在单词中的发音。[来源:ZXXK]完成练习之后,学生可以自主总结本节的学习内容当堂回顾,使学生加深新学知识点的印象,达到复习的目的。板书Unit 5 SignsSection B1.了解Culture time2.重点句型:What does it mean?It means........3.ir在单词中的发音。第 5 页