六年级上册英语教案Unit4 Then and now(第二课时) 译林版(三起).doc
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Unit4 Then and now第二课时教案一、 教学内容六年级上册《英语》第四单元Then and now的Fun time, Grammartime和Cartoon time. 二、教学目标:1.掌握部分不规则动词的过去式;2.能在具体情境中区别使用一般过去时和一般现在时;3.能够就自己、他人及生活的变化展开简单的英文表述;4.能理解Cartoon time的意思,体会幽默之处,并进行朗读及表演。三、教学重点:1、能在具体情境中区别使用一般过去时和一般现在时。2、能理解Cartoon time的意思,体会幽默之处,并进行表达。四、教学难点:1、能熟练掌握一般过去时一般现在时的区别,并灵活运用。2、能够就自己、他人及生活的变化展开简单的英文表述;五、教学准备: 1.学生准备两张以前和现在的照片2、PPT六、教学过程:Step1 Warm-up and revision1.GreetingsGood morning, class! Nice to meet you! How are you?2.Free talk What day is it today? What’s the weather like today? What date is it today?3.Revision Yesterday we learned Unit 4 Then and now Story time, we learnedabout the changes of Mike’s family. Now let’s review them together.Six years ago, Mike ...Thirty years ago, Mike’s grandpa...Twenty yearsago, Mrs Brown...Finish the table together.Step2 Grammar time1. The simple past tense and the simple present tensePay attention to the left part and the right part.The left part is the第 1 页

simple past tense and the right part is the simple present tense.2、Look and compare Now let’s compare these two tenses and try to find the differencesbetween them. Tip1: The left is things happend many years ago. The right is thingshappen now.Tip 2: Pay attention to the words in red and blue.3.Read the sentences The teacher show the students the sentences of Grammar time andread them together.4. Quick response Do you remember these irregular past tense forms of verbs.?I’ll giveyou 2 minutes to remember them. Here’s the task and rules.Are youready?(迅速说出下列单词的过去式或原形)is, flew, take, wear, lose, see, get, went, do, eat, am, were,buyStep3 Fun time1.Look and sayA photo of teacher fifteen years ago. Describe me.2. Show time T: OK. These are my changes. What about you? Now take out yourphotos. Look and say something about you in the past and now.Prepare it for 3minnutes.( Listen and say: One introduce and others listen, then say somethingabout him or her)3.Play Game 2 Pick four cards from different groups. Make a sentence using thesimple past tense.Step4 Cartoon time1.Watch and answerT: Just now we played the game“Make a sentence”. San andBobby are also making a sentence in their English class. Let’s watchthe cartoon and answer my questions: How do you think of Cartoontime? Why?2、T: Look at the two pictures ,Miss Fox…(两张图片对比,选择 getshappy/sad/angry) T: Why does Miss Fox get angry? How do you know that? (自读全文,划出相关句子)S:(P1) Bobby is looking out of the window. (教look out of thewindow) (P2) Bobby is still looking out of the window. (T:Guess, what is Bobby looking at?) (P3) Bobby and Sam are talking.(跟读,齐读) (T:Guess, what are they talking about?)第 2 页

发我语言规律。在Grammar 现me 板块,ti没有直接给出两
种时态的规律,而是让学生自己寻找,找出答C案。在artoon time中对于新
句,如 aI:m doing my homework, after an hour ,I am still doingmy homework.在
较高,课堂气氛较活跃,但是也有值得思考的地方 :1、游戏板块时间过多,游戏内容
效、高效当课堂。在Fun time板的,块教师拿出自己照片进行阐述时,学生
只是被动的接受。教师可以让学生通过看照片的对比,自己阐述老第 3 页
T: Are they good students? S: No.情感教育:Listen carefully in class, we will know a lot and be a useful person! (课堂上认真听讲,我们将知道很多知识,成为一个有用的人!)3.Give Cartoon time an ending What would Miss Fox say? 4.Reading time5.Showing time四人一小组,表演卡通时间,注意人物的语音语调,给卡通时间加个合适的结尾。Step5: Homework1.Write something about you in the past and now.2. Make a summary of irregular past tense forms of verbs.七、教学反思 在这节公开课中,通过备课,上课,磨课,我对于六年级的课有了更深一步的认识。本课最初试上的时候我选择的教学内容是Sound time, Culture time &Cartoon time,定为第二课时。上完课以后,教研员姜老师对于我的教学内容和教学课时是否匹配提出了质疑,这节课怎样体现这一单元的单元整体性和主题?面对姜老师的提问以及上完后自己的感想,我把课做了调整,教学内容改为Funtime, Grammar time & Cartoon time,定为第二课时,教学设计更加关注单元整体教学的衔接和主题。通过评课老师的点评,这节课的优点有以下几点: 1、目标明确,环节紧凑。通过对比Mike一家过去和现在对比的学习,了解和掌握过去式和现在式的表达,引入Grammar time板块,通过多个活动让学生自己掌握时态规律。通过老师自己小时候的照片和现在照片的对比,学以致用,把一般现在时和一般过去式灵活使用,进入Fun time的学习。学生自己阐述自己的现在和过去的变化,通过游戏Make funny sentences活跃了课堂气氛,调动了学生积极性。在由make funny sentences自然过渡到Cartoon time的学习。Cartoon time 的学习更加注重趣味性,教师放手让学生自己体会卡通有趣在哪里,并尝试表演。2、有的放矢,关注学生学习的主动性。在这节课中,我更关注学生自己去学习语言,使用语言,

效果会更好。第 4 页