六年级上册英语一课一练Module 3 Food and drink Unit 8 The food we eat Exercise 5∣牛津上海版.docx
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(填介词)12.I'd like have some bread ________ butter, please.
(填介词)13.I can buy some meat ________ the meat stall ________ the supermarket.
(填介词)14.Shall we buy some toys ________ them?
(填介词)15.Peter is going to make some salad ________ us.
(填介词)四、选择最恰当的答案16.We are unhealthy. We can't run ________ jump. A. and B. or C. so D. /17.They ________ any fruit juice. A. needn't B. don't need C. needs D. needn't to18.You can't buy ________ at the vegetable section. A. lettuces B. onions C. cabbage D. lemonade19.Susan went shopping with her mother yesterday. She ________ 128 yuan in all. A. cost B. took C. spent D. gave20.She ________ many presents for her daughter already.
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牛津上海版(试用本)2019-2019学年小学英语六年级上册Module 3 Foodand drink Unit 8 The food we eat Exercise 5一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.We'd like some ________ (steam) bread. 2.Susan lives on the ________ (five) floor. 3.Of the three ________ (child), he swims ________ (well). 4.Yaoming can play basketball very ________ (good). 5.Let's go ________ (shop) with them now, shall we? 6.Helen looks ________ (health) than Jerry. 二、连词成句7.is, from, how far, it, to, Shanghai, Beijing (?) (连词成句) 8.a lot, practise, I, have, to, English (.) (连词成句) 9.shower, take, a, bath, a, instead of (.) (连词成句) 10.it, ten, to, Beijing, takes, hours, get to (.) (连词成句) 三、用适当的介词填空[来源:]11.We are going to have some milk and bread ________ breakfast.

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A. bought B. has bought C. buys D. buy21.May I have some ________ food? A. freezing B. frozen C. freeze D. freezes22.We want some ________ eggs. A. boil B. boiling C. boiled D. boils五、完成下列对话23.—A: ________ would you like ________ dinner?—B: ________ noodles, ________. 24.—A: ________ ________ fruit juice do you need?—B: ________a little. 25.—A: Which classroom ________ we use?—B: The ________ on the fifth ________. 26.—A: ________ job does your father do?—B: A ________ in the kitchen. 27.—A: ________ can we get some fruit?—B: At the ________ ________. 六、阅读理解28.阅读短文并回答下列问题。 Helen is a girl of nineteen years old. She likes to eat a lot of sweets, chocolate and French fries. She can't stop eating and she's getting fatter and fatter. Last month, when she went to a party, none of the boys wanted to dance with her because she was too fat. Helen was sad and decided to go on a diet. She thinks she must not eat sweet, or, meat. She must do more exercise. And she must not sleep too much. After a month, she becomes a little thinner. (1)How old is Helen? (2)What does she like to eat? (3)Why didn't boys dance with her? (4)Does she go on a diet now? (5)What must she do if she wants to be a little thin? 答案解析部分

【考点】固定搭配【解析】【分析】句意:我们想要些馒头。steamed bread“”
馒头固定组合,故答案为steamed。【点评】考查steamed bread“”
【考点】固定搭配【解析】【分析】句意:Susan住在五楼。on the+序数词+floor,在第几楼,five-fifth,故答案为fifth。【点评】考查序数词的固定搭配,注意熟记。3.【答案】children;best
【考点】固定搭配【解析】【分析】句意:现在让我们跟他们去购物好吗?go shopping(去购物)是固定短语,故答案为shopping。【点评】考查go shopping固定短语,注意shop的ing变化规则。6.【答案】healthier
二、连词成句7.【答案】How far is it from Shanghai to Beijing?
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【考点】连词成句【解析】【分析】is是, from从, how far多远, it它, to到, Shanghai上海, Beijing北京。根据所给标点符号及所给单词判断,该句子是特殊疑问句。句意是:从上海到北京多远?故答案为How far is it from Shanghai to Beijing?【点评】考查连词成句,注意特殊疑问词how far,句中首单词首字母大写,句末加问号。8.【答案】I have to practise English a lot.
【考点】连词成句【解析】【分析】a lot很多, practise练习, I我, have to不得不/必须, English英语。根据所给句号判断,可知句子是陈述句。根据词义连成句子:我必须多练习英语。故答案为I have to practise English a lot.【点评】先快速浏览所给单词,再根据标点符号做出判断,然后写出正确的句子。9.【答案】Take a shower instead of a bath.
【考点】连词成句【解析】【分析】take a shower淋浴, bath沐浴, instead of
代替。根据所给单词及标点符号判断,该句子是祈使句。句意是:淋浴不要沐浴。故答案为Take a shower instead of a bath.【点评】考查连词成句,先快速浏览所给单词,再根据标点符号做出判断,注意祈使句是动词原形开头。10.【答案】It takes ten hours to get to Beijing.
【考点】连词成句【解析】【分析】it它, ten十, to, Beijing北京, takes花费, hours小时, get to
到达。根据所给句号判断,可知句子是陈述句。根据词义连成句子:到达北京需要花费10个小时。故答案为It takes ten hours to get to Beijing.【点评】考查连词成句,首先翻译单词词义,确定句子类型,然后调整顺序连成句子。
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【考点】简单介词【解析】【分析】句意:在超市我可以在猪肉柜台买些肉。the meat stall,猪肉柜台,小地点用介词at,the supermarket,超市,大地点用介词in,故答案为at,in。【点评】考查方位介词,注意in和at的区别。14.【答案】for
【考点】固定搭配【解析】【分析】句意:我们给他们买些玩具好吗?buy sth for sb“”
构buy sth for sb,注意平时记忆。15.【答案】for
沙拉。make sth for sb“”为某人制作某物根据句意可知填写介for“”
构make sth for sb。
四、选择最恰当的答案16.【答案】B 【
能跑和跳。A. 和(肯定句中,连接两个相同的成分,表并列));B.和(在
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蔬菜区你不能_____买。A. 莴苣洋葱,;B.;C.蔬菜;D.柠檬汽水
昨天Susan和她妈妈去购物。她总共花了128元花费(A. 。主语是物);B.花费{主