六年级下册英语教案-Module 4 Unit 12The five peas牛津上海版.doc
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识语音能准确朗读单词 pea、pod、forever、bigger、excited、bullet、lazy。 模仿录音朗读句子,了解一般疑问句和感叹句中节奏和语调。词汇能借助旧知识初步理解单词 forever、bigger、excited 含义。 [来源:ZXXK]能根据语境理解单词 lazy,短语 see the world、one by one。[来源:]话题能借助图片和上下文语境提示对图片内容进行简单描述。

能听结合图片、语境逐句播放文本内容,学生在此帮助下尝试复述并理解故事大意。说能根据语境回答简单问题,在简单描述和回答问题中准确运用单词和短语。读 能准确流利地模仿朗读文本中引文内容,能借助图片提示复述文本中的引文内容,增强用英文语言表达的语感。写 能结合语境和自己的生活积累补充完整句子,增强对文本内容的理解。情感态度价值观 利用师生、学生之间的提问、对话、互动交流的学习方法,让学生积极尝试使用英语,
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科 目: 英 语 年 级: 六年级B 版 本:沪教版(三年级起点) 课 题: Unit 12 The five peas 课 时: 第一课时学情分析 这节课教学的对象是六年级学生,教学的内容是一篇图文搭配故事。为了本节课的顺利开展,必须处理好教学对象和内容两者间合理、有效的组合关系。注重实践过程,从学生角度出发,为创设情景而设计的朗读辅助材料要简单而且朗朗上口,这样才能让学生感兴趣,自觉投入到学习活动中;问题设计考虑到农村学生基础较弱,要紧紧衔接上文内容提出,不能太突然给学生理解造成太大的障碍,而且语速表达要适中,可以重复。从简单的听、读活动中接受大量的故事信息,运用语言信息逐步建立一个情感空间,在有情感的氛围中朗读、理解、操练新语言知识,多给学生一些表现自我,赏识自我的机会。借助学生感兴趣的图片、动画资源,调动学生的想象潜能,回忆已学知识,培养学生一种运用联想让旧知识重现,结合新内容再利用的学习策略。教学目标

型 pe Five学习:as lived together in a pod. We’ll leave this pod and see the world. I’ll do something useful.教学
难点 在
讲述故事的过程中做到内容、语言与情感的同步推教学过程进。 Pre-task preparations出示
安徒生的照片,让学生回忆起他是谁,并对人物做简短的介绍h tT: Let’s begin our class wit。his photo . Who’s he?S: He is Andersen.He was a great writer.He wrote a lot of interesting stories.T: What stories did he write?S: He Wrote “The emperor’s new clothes” and “The ugly duckling”. All the children enjoy reading his stories.T: Today we’ll read a new story “The five peas”. While-task procedures 活动一:出示
豌豆、豆荚学片,根据图片提问,图习新单词pea、pod的发音。 What are they? They are peas. (pea---peas) What is it? It’s a pod. 学生朗读单词: pea、 peas、 pod然
上的情景,为下文中遇到的一般将来时的语言表达o! Hell做铺垫) Girls and boys. We are peas. This pod is our home. It is long and green in spring. We live together now , because we are small . We are not strong. 观
(bigger、stronger)[来源的初步理解。:ZXXK]It is in summer.The five peas grow and grow.They become big and strong in summer.Where did the five peas live in spring?They _______ together in a ______.(板书) 活动
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词汇学习: see the world、one by one 句

变化片准确的运用,借和图助反映的情景内容突破 i点词汇“see the world”的理解和运用。 It is重n autumn now.The five peas grow and grow. They become bigger and stronger in autumn.播放成
长板书One day, they are talking in their home. 动画,What are they talking about?Who wants to be the first pea? (Choose five students to role the fivepeas.)You are the first pea.S1: There’s no window、no light in our home. I can’t see anything withmy eyes.Who wants to be the second pea?S2: I can’t see too,but I can hear the world with my ears. Listen!...(播放
声r)S3: The world is ve音资料y big. There are so many things in the world. Wecan hear the world with our ears, but we can’ t ____ ____ ______with our eyes. T: Will the five peas live in a pod always?S: No, they won’ t.播放文本朗读材料, 学生尝试复述, 师生合
作尝试写出所eS4:Will we liv听句子 here forever? (尝试用读音来
拼 单词forever,用always帮助学生理解单词forever, 注意一般疑问句的朗读语调)T: Now, you are the five peas. What will写you do? Please tell us withthe world “leave” .S: We want to leave our home .(板书)T: Then,what will you do? Listen and write the listening part S5: No. We’ll grow bigger and stronger. Then one day, we’ll leavethis pod and see the world. We will see the colorful world. We will see the big and beautiful world.[来源:ZXXK] We will see the dirty and noisy world.(板书) T: Do you like the ______ world? What will you do for the dirty and noisy world? What will you be?T: Look at your paper, read the exercise three together. Practice it in group, Let students read it one by one.(口语提示中理 解“oneby one”的用法) 活动三:播放图片2、3录音内容,学生
跟简练习,回答读单问题.理解单词excited。Who picked the pod?How did the five peas feel?Why were the peas excited?第
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小说朗读练习,用I will 组说一...五颗豌豆的理想,感受
每个小豌豆语言的情感,在组织教学和小组表演朗读中不s渗透“one by one”的用法。 the fir断t pea fly to the sun the second pea go out into the world and do something useful the third and thego and see the world[来源:ZXXK] fourth peas the fifth pea just want to sleep 练习理解anything、anywhere、lazy We’re happy here. We’re happy there. We’re happy anywhere. We don’t like doing anything. We only want to sleep. Do you like them? Why? They are very lazy. How lazy brothers!(什么
句,注意句子语调) 重点理解
“something useful”所包f What is use含的内容。ul? Do you have any ideas? Is it useful to sleep all day? Can the second pea fly to the sun? It isn’t useful to fly to the sun. (板书) It is useful to(do)_______________. It is useful to(be)_______________.Homework: Do you want to know about these five peas future life? Read the picture 6 and 7 after class by yourself.第
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Because they could __ __ __. 活动