六年级下册英语教案Unit 4 General Revision 1 第三、四课时_人教(精通)().doc
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第三课时Teaching Aims:1. 能够听懂、会读Let’s read中信的内容并独立完成信后的书写练习。2. 能够完成Let’s find out部分的练习。3. 能够听懂、会唱歌曲“A trip to China”。Teaching Importance and Difficulties: 1. 本课时的教学重点是能读懂Let’s read部分的一封信。2. 本课时的教学难点是能正确认读下列句子:Every day I had fun withmy cousins. On Monday we went to a restaurant. Tomorrow I’ll beback home.Teaching Medias:Teacher:录音机和录音带;A Let’s learn部分的动词短语卡片。Teaching Procedures:Ⅰ.Warm-up教师放前一课时学过的歌谣,学生边作动作边说。Ⅱ.Preview1. 日常口语练习。T:What day is it today?S:It’s …T:What are you going to do this weekend?S:I am going to …T:Have a good time!S:Thank you.T:I will … this weekend.2. 教师让学生用句型I am going to … this weekend. 或者I will …this weekend.造句。Ⅲ.Presentation and PractiseLet’s read第 1 页

1. 教师问:What did you do last Saturday? 学生回答:I … 教师指导学生用单词last组词,如:last week, last month, last year等。2. 教师请学生说说下列词组的反义词:next week---last week, lastMonday---next Monday, last month---next month, next holiday---last holiday, next trip---last trip.3. 教师描述自己一个星期内的活动:On Monday I played football. OnTuesday I played ping-pong. On Wednesday I … 然后教师问学生:What did I do on Monday/ Tuesday/… 让学生凭记忆回答。最后教师说:I did a lot of things last week. Everyday I had fun. 板书had 和have,指导学生拼写这两个词。4. 教师放Let’s read部分的录音,学生跟读。① John had fun with his parents.② On Monday, he went to a cinema.③ He went to a park on Tuesday.④ He went swimming on Wednesday.5. 教师指导学生完成短文后面的练习。Let’s find out1. 教师说:I went to … last month. I went there by… I climbed amountain there. When was your last trip? 引导学生回答:My lasttrip was to … I went there by… I sang and danced there.2. 学生两人一组调查对方最近一次旅行的相关情况并在课本的表格里做记录。教师鼓励学生尽可能多地获取信息。3. 教师请几名学生做汇报:… went to .. in .. He.. 师生共同评选出最佳“小记者”奖。Let’s sing1. 教师放歌曲“A trip to China”的录音,第一遍学生先仔细听,教师简单讲解歌词,注意以下单词和短语得读音:came back, Urumqi, old jadering, a green silk tile, a colourful cap.2. 学生跟录音学唱歌曲。3. 教师介绍我们部分省市的标志性商品。第 2 页

Ⅳ.Consolidation and Extension1. Activity Book2. 学生听Let’s sing歌曲,唱给家长或同伴听。3. 学生搜集我国不同地区的风景名胜等相关知识。第四课时Teaching Aims:1. 能够听、说、读、写动词词组:bought presents, rowed a boat, saw elephants, went akiing, went ice-skating.2. 能听、说、认读句子:What did you do on your holiday? I bought presents.3. 能够听懂、说唱歌谣“Today I went to school”。4. 能够完成Task time中的任务。Teaching Importance and Difficulties: 1. 本课时的教学重点是四会掌握五个动词词组的一般过去式形式。2. 本课时的教学难点是掌握四会单词bought, rowed和saw的读音和拼写。Teaching Medias:Teacher:录音机和录音带;动词短语卡片,动物单词卡片和文具卡片;几张不同类型的贺卡;议长哈尔滨的雪景照片。Teaching Procedures:Ⅰ.Warm-up1. 教师放歌曲“A trip to China”的录音,师生齐唱。2. 教师放歌谣“Today I went to school”的录音,师生齐唱。Ⅱ.Preview1. 教师出示A Let’s learn部分的短语卡片,同桌以“开火车”的形式拼读动词短语。2. 教师放Let’s read部分的录音,学生跟读。3. 日常口语会话。Ⅲ.Presentation and PractiseLet’s learn第 3 页

连成了一条直线,学生!即Bing就大声喊o获胜。第 4 页
1. 教师出示哈尔滨雪景照片问:Guess. Where did I go last winter? 学生猜:You went to Harbin. 教师继续说:Yes, that’s right. I like snow.I can ski. 教师板书ski,然后出示went skiing的卡片,问:What did I do in Harbin? 引导学生回答:You went skiing.教师板书:went skiing带读单词skiing,学生拼读。2. 教师出示went ice-skating的教师卡片问:What did … do on her/his holiday? Did she /he go skiing? 引导学生回答:No, she/He went ice-skating.教师板书:went ice-skating,学生拼读。3. 教师问:When do we go ice-skating? Can we skate in the summer?引导学生作答。教师继续说:No, we can’t. We can row a boat in the summer. 教师出示rowed a boat的卡片问:What did … do on this/her holiday? 引导学生回答:He/She rowed a boat. 教师板书:rowed a boat,指导学生拼写。4. 教师出示礼物盒问:What’s this? 引导学生回答:It’s a present.教师板书present,带读。教师继续说:I bought it yesterday.在present前写bought,领读。请学生比较动词原形和它的过去式,教师指导书写。5. 教师依次出示几张文具的卡片,提问:What did you buy in the bookstore? 引导学生用I bought …回答。6. 教师出示saw elephants的短语卡片说:…went to a zoo yesterday. What did…see? 引导学生回答:He/She saw elephants. 教师板书saw elephants, 需强调单词elephants的拼写和单词saw的读音。教师依次出示动物的卡片,提问:What did you see at the zoo?引导学生根据卡片的提示问题回答。7. 教师放let’s learn部分的录音,学生跟读。Let’s play1. 教师让学生把九个动词短语分别填入任一个空格内,每个空格填写一个短语。2. 教师按任意顺序读短语,学生在教师念到的短语上划叉,如果划叉的短语

子贺卡。2. 教师带领学生一
中都做了什么事 3. 情。 教师
游的情况,该如何设计Ⅳ一张贺卡。.Consolidation and Extension1. Activity book。第 5 页
Task time1. 教师介绍贺卡的相关知识;贺卡