六年级下册英语教案Unit 7 I’m not afraid 第一课时_湘少版.doc
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If You Are Happy(教师和学生一起边唱边做动作,既可起到示范的作用,又可使课堂气氛更热烈些。)Step 2 新课呈现(Presentation)1. New words第 1 页
教师授课时间 月 日 星期 课时第 21 课时课题Unit 7 I’m not afraid.课型新授教学目的(一) 语言目标1. 词汇:(1) 能听懂、会说、认读、会写新单词afraid, close, tired, difficult, clever,worry, kid。(2) 能听懂、会说、认读词汇和短语monster, still, later on。2.句型:能用“I’m (not)...”在实际情境中表达自己的感受。(二) 应用目标1. 能用“I’m(not)...”在实际情境中表达自己的情感与情绪;2. 能用简单的语句表达产生情感与情绪的原因;3. 能在正确的情境下用英语“Don’t worry. You’re still a kid. You’ll bebetter later on.”来安慰他人。4. 能听懂、会说A部分对话。重点能听懂、会说、认读、会写新单词afraid, close, tired, difficult, clever,worry, kid;能用“I’m (not)…”来表达自己的感受。难点能在正确的情境下用英语“Don’t worry. You’re still a kid. You’ll be betterlater on.”来安慰他人。教学准备用于新授单词的图片、单词卡片、教学图片、教学音频教学过Step 1 热身 / 复习(Warm-up/Revision)1. GreetingsT: Good morning. /Good afternoon. How are you?Ss: Good morning./Good afternoon. I’m fine, thank you.2. Sing a song

程教师与学生自由对话,引入新词的学习。(1) tiredT: Hello, Daming. How are you?S1: I’m fine, thanks. And you?T: I’m not very well. I am tired.(出示单词卡片tired,板书并带读新词)I went to bed too late last night.T: Are you tired today?S1: Yes, I am tired.S2: No, I am not tired.(2) monster, afraid, afraid ofT: I’m tired. I should do something. Sleep? I shouldn’tsleep in the class. I’ll see a picture. Let’s have a look.出示一张monster的图片。T: Look at this monster.(板书并分音节带读monster: mon-ster, monster)T: I’m afraid. I’m afraid of the monster.(教师做出害怕的样子。边板书边教读单词afraid)区分afraid与afraid of的用法。T: Look at the monster here! Are you afraid of it?S1: I’m afraid. I’m afraid of the monster.S2: I’m not afraid.T: What are you afraid of?S1: I’m afraid oftigers.S2: I’m afraid oflions.S3: I’m afraid ofsnakes.(预测:学生可能会说成“ I’m afraid of tiger.”教师要注意提醒学生tiger用复数形式表示这一类动物。)(3) cleverT: Can you guess the meaning of “afraid”?第 2 页

Ss: 害怕的。T: Wonderful! You are so clever.将单词clever板书到黑板上,教给学生正确的发音。(4) difficult课件展示一幅孩子正在思考一道难题的图片。T: What is the boy doing?Ss: He is doing homework.T: How does he feel? Is he happy?S1: No. He is sad.S2: He is angry.S3: He is tired.T: Why? Because his homework is difficult.(出示单词卡片difficult,板书并带读。注意分音节带读:di-ffi-cult, difficult。)T: I think math is difficult. But I’m not afraid of it. Howabout you?S1: English is difficult. I’m afraid of it.T: Don’t worry. You’ll be better later on.S2: Chinese is difficult. I’m not afraid of it.T: You are a good boy/girl. You’ll be better later on.通过师生交谈,让学生在真实的语境中体会理解“Don’t worry.You’ll be better later on.”的含义,提前感知课文,学会安慰与关爱他人。(5) 词汇操练① 利用音频的地道发音带读。② 头脑风暴。教师给学生一分钟的时间抢记上述四个单词,然后给出一个单词的首字母,让学生快速说出是哪个单词。2. The dialogue建议采用问题导学、整体理解的教学方法进行语篇教学,即教师第 3 页

予特别奖励。作业1. 听录音,朗读课文2. 和同
伴一起演演、说说关于内心感受的句子。3. 抄
惯。第 4 页
针对语篇设计一系列问题,并根据问题设计相应的教学活动,学生在问题引导下,完成文本的学习。(1) Listen and answer不打开书,听课文录音,回答问题。Q: Where were the children?(2) Read and answer 细读课文,回答问题。Q1: In Picture 1, the girls ______ the monster.Q2: In Picture 2, the boy is ______.Q3: In Picture 3 and 4, is Dongdong afraid of difficulties?此处教授difficulty,注意与difficult进行了区分。(3) Read together and thinkQ1: Is Dongdong not clever?Q2: What can you say to Dongdong? (4) Follow the tape跟音频或动画朗读课文,模仿正确的语音、语调。Step 3 趣味练习(Practice)我们都爱演:学生分小组表演课文场景,可选择课文中的一个或几个不同的场景进行表演;可以自己添加台词。对于能自己添加台词的小组,给