人教版九年级英语全册Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. 单元练习题.docx
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Unit 8 It must belong to Carla. Ⅰ.单项选择(共7小题;每小题3分,满分21分)(  )1.—What can we do to ________ bird flu from spreading?—Try not to buy or eat chickens that have not been checked.A.prevent   B.cause    C.discover(  )2.—Hi! A purse is on the ground. Whose is it?—There's a girl over there. Maybe it's ________.A.her   B.hers    C.she(  )3.Lucy was ________excited ________say anything when she heard the good news.A.so; that B.such; that C.too; to(  )4.—Who broke the window?—________. A strong wind broke it last night. A.Somebody B.Anybody C.Nobody(  )5.Last weekend, the Greens had great fun ________ at Water World.A.swimming B.swimC.swam(  )6.________ Tom ________ Mary speaks good Chinese, so they can communicate withthese Chinese students very well.A.Neither; norB.Not only; but also C.Both; and(  )7.—Peter has changed a lot, hasn't he?—Yes. He used to ________ the guitar, but now he is more interested in playing soccer.第 1 页

A.playing   B.play    C.playedⅡ.完形填空(共8小题;每小题3分,满分24分)One Sunday morning, Millie and Amy went to Sunshine Park. They love to chat there. Asusual, they sat __8__ a big tree. Suddenly, they heard a whistle from the bushes behind the tree.They turned around but could not see anything unusual. They were __9__.“Is __10__ there?” Millie asked. Nobody answered. They __11__ very carefully and heardthe strange noise again. The two girls were very afraid. They ran away quickly. On their way, theymet Andy. “What happened?” Andy asked. “There's a ghost in the __12__. Please help us.” Milliesaid. “Really? Tell me more.” Andy said. Millie told Andy everything. Andy went to the park,__13__ beside the tree and listened carefully. Then he heard the noise! He looked behind the treeand heard another whisper. He was now sure the sound __14__ from the bushes. He searchedcarefully. “Oh! Here it is.” Andy said to himself. He __15__ a little cat in the bushes. It was very weak.When it miaowed(猫叫声), it made a sound like a whisper.(  )8.A.under   B.on    C.behind(  )9.A.excited B.frightenedC.frightening(  )10.A.nobody B.everybodyC.anybody(  )11.A.saw   B.looked    C.listened(  )12.A.church   B.park    C.garden(  )13.A.rose   B.slept    C.stood(  )14.A.came   B.learned    C.heard(  )15.A.smelled   B.looked    C.foundⅢ.阅读理解(共5小题;每小题4分,满分20分)Once upon a time, a boy was walking through a wood and he thought he could hear a sad cry.Following the sound he came to a big, round, mysterious, grey fountain. The sad sound seemed tobe coming from the fountain pool. The boy swept aside the pool's dirty surface water and saw a第 2 页

group of grey fish swimming in a slow circle through the pond.Amused by this, the boy tried to catch one of these incredible talking fish. But when he stuckhis arm into the water it turned grey right up to the elbow. As this happened, a huge sadnessentered into him, and he suddenly understood how sad the fish were feeling.He quickly pulled his arm out of the water, and ran from that place. But the arm stayed grey,and the boy continued feeling sad. He tried so many times to cheer himself up, but nothingworked. That was, until he realized that if he were to make the earth happy then that happinesswould be, in turn, transmitted back to him, through the earth on his arm. From then on, he set about looking after the countryside. He cared for the plants, and he didwhat he could to keep the water from being polluted. He encouraged others to do the same. Hewas so successful that his arm started to recover its normal color. When the grey had disappearedcompletely, he started feeling happy again, and he decided to go and visit the fountain. When hewas still some way from the fountain he could hear the fish singing happily.(  )16.What happened to the boy when he stuck his arm into the water?A.He caught some fish.B.His arm was bitten by the fish. C.He felt great sadness.(  )17.The underlined word “recover” means “________” in Chinese.A.转变   B.恢复    C.变异(  )18.Which of the following didn't happen after the boy left the fountain?A.He started to look after the countryside.B.His arm kept grey and he never felthappy.C.He encouraged people to protect theearth.(  )19.What can we learn from the passage?A.We should protect the earth.B.We shouldn't catch fish.C.Even the fountain may cry.(  )20.What is the best title of the passage?第 3 页

A.The Beautiful CountrysideB.The Talking FishC.The Grey FountainⅣ.任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)阅读短文,捕捉信息,根据短文内容完成文后的句子。The clock struck(敲) eight, but I was still on the bed. I could hear it was blowing strongly. “Itmust be windy outside,” I thought.I came to the small town a week ago. I sold some clothes to a shop. Christmas was comingand I hoped to buy some presents for my family and friends. So I tried to meet the manager andask him to pay for the clothes. I was out of luck. He went to London and I had to wait for himhere. There was no theater here but a cinema. The films were all too old. I preferred staying in thesmall hotel to sitting in the cold cinema.Half an hour later, I felt hungry. I had to get up. It was white everywhere and some childrenwere skiing down the hill. On my way to the small restaurant, I saw a boy fall on to a rock. I ran tohim quickly and carried him to a hospital. Soon his parents came here. Now I knew the boy wasjust the manager's son. He thanked me very much and gave me the money after we had dinner.21.The weather was ________________. 22.The writer came to the town for selling ________________ to a shop. 23.The writer would rather ________________ than sit in the cinema. 24.The writer got up when he felt ______________________.25.The manager thanked the writer because he________________________. Ⅴ.根据语境或句意,用所给词的适当形式填空(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)26.This novel must ________ to Li Hua. Mo Yan is his favorite writer.(belong)27.Mrs. Wang used ________ up late, but now she goes to bed early.(stay)28.There are many people in the supermarket. It is always very ________.(crowd)29.I will call my friends ________ if anybody finds my EnglishChinese dictionary.(check)30.I will try my best to prevent my son from ________ the same mistake.(make)Ⅵ.根据语境或句意,从方框中选择恰当的短语完成下列各句(共5小题;每小题2分,第 4 页

满分10分)prevent us going received a present caught a busrunning after at the same time in a certain way31.That dog was ________________ a rabbit.32.A wide road allows several cars to drive ________________. 33.The big stones were put together ____________________.34.Nothing can ________________ shopping this Sunday.35.He ________________ yesterday, but he didn't accept it.Ⅰ.1—5 ABCCA 6—7 BBⅡ.8—12 ABCCB 13—15 CACⅢ.16—20 CBBACⅣ.21.windy and cold22.some clothes23.stay in the small hotel24.hungry25.saved the manager's son.Ⅴ.26.belong 27.to stay 28.crowded29.to check 30.makingⅥ.31.running after32.at the same time33.in a certain way34.prevent us going35.received a present第 5 页