人教版九年级英语全册Unit 11 Sad movies make me 测试题.doc
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Unit 11 测试(限时:60分钟 满分:100分)一、 单项选择(每小题1. 5分,共15分)1. The whole family were ________ agreement about what they should do next. A. aboutB. ofC. inD. on2. He made a lot of money and became very ________. A. poorB. weakC. rapidD. wealthy3. —Your new watch is so nice! When did you buy it?—In April. I ________ it for two months. A. have hadB. hadC. have boughtD. bought4. The joke was so fun that it made him ________ again and again. A. laughB. to laughC. laughedD. laughs5. We will have a field trip this afternoon. The news makes everyone ________. A. excitedB. frightenedC. happilyD. luckily6. —I think Chinese parents are too hard ________ young children. —I agree with you. A. toB. withC. onD. for7. It was getting too dark. Lisa didn't arrive home. Her parents were ________ hersafety. A. relaxed aboutB. excited aboutC. worried aboutD. busy with8. —Can you tell me why you learn math so well?—It's very simple. ________ you work,________ grades you will get. A. The harder;the bestB. The hard;the betterC. Harder;betterD. The harder;the better9. The old man prefers to ________ rather than ________ to have a picnic. A. reading;goingB. read;to goingC. read;goD. to read;to go10. I failed the exam. What ________ news!I worried that my parents would be________ at my grades. 第 1 页

A. disappointing;disappointingB. disappointed;disappointedC. disappointed;disappointingD. disappointing;disappointed二、完形填空(每小题1. 5分,共15分)Wu Jing was born on April 3rd,1974 in Beijing. He won the National WushuChampionship at the age of 8. When he was 14,he was not able to move his legs.________11the help of his mother and his strong will,he________12 up again andbecame famous as a movie star. In 2019,a film about modern military warfare(军事战争),Wolf Warrior1,directed by Wu Jing________13 big success. He played the role of Leng Feng,anexcellent________14,who defeated a group of foreign mercenaries(雇佣兵). Thewords “I fight for China” made my heart filled with________15. Two years later,Wolf Warrior 2________16many people's eye and made WuJing more famous________17before. As the director and main role,he tried his bestto make the new film________18. More and more people went into the movie theatresnot only because of the great scenes of the film,but also because of their love for ourcountry. What's more,it was also a good gift for our Army's________19birthday. Let's remember “When you are in danger overseas(在国外),donot________20!The strong motherland always brings you back. ”11. A. WithB. ByC. UnderD. Without12. A. wentB. stoodC. wokeD. got13. A. happenedB. keptC. wonD. met14. A. soldierB. starC. directorD. actor15. A. joyB. prideC. honestyD. sadness16. A. watchedB. paidC. drewD. caught17. A. forB. asC. withD. than18. A. perfectB. possibleC. prettyD. beautiful19. A. 70thB. 80thC. 90thD. 100th20. A. wake upB. give upC. put upD. turn up第 2 页

三、 阅读理解(每小题3分,共15分)When I was in the third grade,I was picked to be the princess (公主) in theschool play. For weeks my mother helped me practicemy lines. But once on the stage,every word woulddisappear from my head. Then my teacher told me shehad written a narrator's (解说者的) part for the play,and asked me to change roles.Though I didn't tell my mother what had happened that day,she sensed myunhappiness and asked if I wanted to take a walk in the yard. It was a lovely spring day. We could see dandelions (蒲公英) in the grass. Mymother said carelessly,“I think I am going to dig up all these weeds. From nowon,we'll have only roses in this garden. ”“But I like dandelions,” I protested. “All flowers are beautiful!”“Yes,every flower gives pleasure in its own way,doesn't it?And that is trueof people,too,” my mother said. When I realized that she had guessed my pain,I started to cry and told her thetruth. “But you will be a beautiful narrator,” she said,reminding me of how much Iloved to read stories aloud. Over the next few weeks,with her help,I learned to take pride in the role. Thebig day finally came. A few minutes before the play,my teacher came over to me.“Your mom asked me to give this to you,” she said,handing me a dandelion. Afterthe play,I took the flower home,laughing that I was perhaps the only person whowould keep such a weed. 21. The story mentioned in this passage happened in ________. A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winter第 3 页

22. The girl did not play the role of the princess mainly because ________. A. she felt nervous on the stageB. she lost her interest in that roleC. she preferred the role of the narratorD. she had difficulty memorizing her words23. Why did Mom suggest taking a walk in the garden?A. To remove the dandelions. B. To enjoy the garden scene. C. To have a talk with her daughter. D. To help her daughter with the play. 24. What does the underlined word “protested” mean in Chinese?A. 建议B. 疑惑C. 抗议D. 解释25. The main idea of the story is that everyone ________. A. can find his or her own way to successB. has his or her own value in the worldC. should learn to play different rolesD. has some unforgettable memories四、任务型阅读(每小题3分,共15分) It is very common for students' marks to fall.Sometimes it is because of situations (情况) outsideschools such as problems at home. Sometimes it isonly because the exams get harder. When your marks start to fall, you should trytalking to a friendly teacher. He or she will be able to help you with the subjects youfeel difficult. Stop (1)把自己同其他的学生比较. It doesn't matter if other studentsget higher marks than you. What is important is that you do your best. Before eachexam, you should go through your notes from class. You should remember the mostimportant things you have written in a shorter form. Look through your notes again before the exam. You will be surprised when youfind you remember so much. It may take hard work and you may not improve your第 4 页

marks straight. But let your confidence rise by every mark. Soon they should begin toclimb again. Remember: (2) Nothing is possible if he or she doesn't have confidence.Besides(3)this, right ways are also needed by you. Keep on working hard, and sooneror later, you will be successful. 阅读短文,按要求完成下面的任务。26. The reasons for students' marks to fall include situations ________. 27. 把(1)处汉语译为英语。_________________________________________________________________28. 将(2)处复合句改为简单句。_________________________________________________________________29. 写出(3)处“this”所指代的内容。_________________________________________________________________30. The best title of the passage may be “__________________________________”. 五、词汇运用(每小题2分,共10分)根据句意及汉语提示写单词31. Tom went to basketball practice with ________ (勇气)rather than fear in his heart.32. The dirty bed made me ____________ (不舒服的). I couldn't sleep at all. 33. Helen ________ (点头)with a smile when she met me. 34. We call a king's wife a ________ (皇后). 35. His head rested on my ________ (肩膀). 六、书面表达 (30分) 3月5日是学雷锋纪念日,你校师生去幸福敬老院(Nursing Home)开展志愿者活动。假如你是李华,请通过邮件将此活动情况介绍给Mary。活动形式:1. 送鲜花、水果和美好的祝福。2. 帮老人打扫卫生……3. 陪老人聊天;为老人表演(唱歌、跳舞),读报……活动感想:此活动很有意义,从中学会了关爱老人、尊重老人……要求:1. 要点齐全,条理清晰,语句通顺,不要逐字翻译,可适当发挥。2. 词数100左右。(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)Dear Mary,第 5 页

能与时间段连A。4. A用。故选5. A 点拨:用语
境法W由。e will have a fieldtrip this afternoon. 这一语境大可知
家都很兴奋。6. C 点拨:用固定短语
法be hard on sb. 。是一固定短语,意为“对某人苛刻”。7. C 点拨:用语
境法 由It。was getting too dark. L sa didn't arriv这 home.ie一语境
可知其父母很担心二8. D 9. C 10. D。、11. A 点拨:句意:在他
成为著名的电影明星的帮with the help of为固定短语,意为“在……。助 ”。故选A。12.下B 点拨:句意:……他
再一次站起来并成为著名的电影明星。根据上w中“he 文as not able to move his legs”可知他的
腿动不了,所以这里是又“站”来起了,故选B。13. C 点拨:句意:在2019年
战狼I》获得了巨大的成功。根据常识以及选项可知是获得了成功C。。故选第 6 页
Thank you for your last email. Let me tell you what we did on 5th March. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________If you have the chance in China, I hope you can join us.Li HuaUnit 11测试一、1. C 点拨:in agreement是固定搭配,意为“一致”。 句意:所有家庭成员就他们下一步应该做什么达成了一致协议。故选C。2. D 点拨:由made a lot of money可推知,他已经拥有了许多钱。wealthy意为“富有的”,故选D。 3. A 点拨:句意:——你的新手表很好看,你什么时候

兵。根据上文可知这是一部军事电影,所以他扮演的冷锋是一名优秀的士15.soldier。故选A。兵 B 点拨:句意:“我