人教版英语七年级 下册 Unit 4 Don’t eat in class Section A 2d3c教案.doc
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Unit 4 Don’t eat in class.Period 2 Section A 2d-3c教学目标:1.掌握本课重点词汇:important,bring,player,quiet...2.能熟练地口笔头运用祈使句、情态动词can、must及have to陈述规章要求。3.能学会正确使用目标语言谈论并描述各种规则,遵守校园规则,意识到Norules,no beautiful school。教学重点:能熟练地口笔头运用祈使句、情态动词can、must及have to陈述规章要求。教学难点:能学会正确使用目标语言谈论并描述各种规则.遵守校园规则,意识到No rules,no beautiful school。自主学习:1.请在课前会拼读下面的单词,并熟记:important,bring,player,quiet...2.Revise some school rules by chanting a song.Step 1:Lead-in1.看老师展示的关于规则的图片,回答老师的问题,看谁的反应快。T:What is this school rule? S:Don’t run in the classroom.S:Don’t sleep in class...2.根据图片提示,进行Pair work。A:What are the rules?B:Well,don’t...We can’t...,but we can...We must...We have to...语言提示:eat in class,listen to music outside,wear hats in school,fight inclass,speak loudly,in the library。Step 2:Presentation 1.Alice 班里来了一位新同学John,他们正在谈论他们的班规。阅读2d,回答下面问题:How many rules do they talk about?_________________________________________________________________2.再次阅读,小组解决疑难问题,并画出描述校规的句子及重要短语。Step 3:Role-play the conversationPair work:2d 两人分角色朗读对话,看看哪组最出色。Presentation the text of 2d观察与思考:观察句子中have to 的使用,可知have to是由于客观需要而必须、不得不做某事。结构:主语+have to+动词原形+其他。1)一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数时,用has to。第 1 页

2)否定形式:主语+don’t have to+   +其他; 一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数时,用doesn’t have to。Nick     wear a uniform.尼克不必穿制服。 Step 4:Grammar Focus大声朗读Grammar Focus 中的句子,小组探究,完成下面内容。情态动词can表示能力“会,能”。Can you play the guitar?你会弹吉他吗?I can dance and sing.我能跳舞又能唱歌。结构:主语+can+   。 have to意思是“必须、不得不”,它侧重于客观上的必要和外界的权威。结构:主语+have to+   。 拓展提高 1任务一:你是否喜欢现在的校规呢?畅所欲言说出自己理想中的校规。任务二:小组之间互相交流彼此的理想校规,选出小组代表整理写下自己小组成员的校规愿望并上台发言。由全班同学评出最佳发言人。语言提示:At my dream school,we don’t have to come to school every day.We... 拓展提高 2任务:假如你是学校的校长,你如何制定你们学校的校规才能使校园环境更加美好,比一比哪个小组制定的规则又多又好。语言提示:Dear students,In order to have a good environment(环境),we should have some rules in ourschool.Here are some suggestions;we hope that all of us can have a look at them.1.Don’t sleep in class.2.Clean the classroom every day.3. _____________________________________________________________4. ____________________________________________________________5. ____________________________________________________________6. ____________________________________________________________Yours, ____Step5 summary and homework一、用have to或has to填空。1.We     clean our classroom after school. 2.She     make her bed after getting up. 3.Emily and Peter join a music club.They     practice the guitar every day. 二、选择正确的词填空。1.(Can/Does)    we eat in class? 2.(Don’t/Has to)    wear a hat in class! 3.Does Bill(have to/can)    go to bed now? 4.(Do/Have to)    they wear sports shoes? 第 2 页